Chapter Two-Swirly

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Thank you for all those who have followed this story so far. I'm really excited about his one, so I hope you are too. I'd love to know how you guys found this story, so please comment!

FYI: They are NOT demigods in this story. Sorry:)

Percy's POV

I sighed, Yet another day at school. My mom had decided I needed to experience normal American teenage life for a few weeks, so she'd pulled me out of Camp's all-year program so I could attend Goode Highschool.

Shouldering my backpack, I kissed my mom on the cheek and left the apartment.

My mom claimed to be doing this for my benefit, but I'm pretty sure that she just hated me being away from her all the time. It's not like I don't miss her and Tyson and Paul while I'm at Camp, but well...Camp Hero is more of my home than the apartment ever was.

I drove to school in my step-dad's Prius, the roads were crowded and wet, and I probably could've actually been on time if I had walked. When I got to school, I grabbed a parking spot and ran inside. The late bell rang right as I walked through the doors.

"Oh Styx," I said to myself, "Not again."

Once again, I was late to History. I cracked open the door and found the whole class staring at me. I tried to move casually to my seat, but...I ran into the counter on the way over.

There were a few sniggers from the class, and I hurried into my chair. Mr. Jordan folded his arms and stared at me for a moment. I tried for an innocent smile, but it didn't seem to work. Thankfully, Jordan turned away from me and began his lecture.

I don't know what he was talking about, something about the American Revolution. I didn't feel the need to pay attention; they taught us all of that at Camp. Especially history, history was Chiron's favorite subject.

I was preparing myself for another boring day of learning nothing, waiting until lunch so I could call Nico and Thalia.

Little did I know just how eventful today would be.

After first period, I had math. Which is quite possibly the worst thing ever created. I was heading across the school, so I was afraid I was going to be late again.

As I was passing the bathrooms at top speed, a hand shot out of the girls' and grabbed the back of my shirt. Choking, I was dragged into the ladies' room, still not entirely sure of what was happening.

"Time for initiation!" The girl holding me said. She was taller than me by an inch, and was wearing a camouflage bandanna, and that was all I could see before she shoved me into one of the stalls.

My instincts finally kicked in. Just before she shoved my head into the toilet, I rammed my elbow behind me, it made contact. I pushed her against the stall and ran out. I was surrounded by three girls from first period, one was holding a camera. I found that my hands had started shaking in anger, so I figured it would be best to evacuate the situation immediately. I fled from the bathroom, only to collide with none other than the vice principal.


I cringed, my mother was not going to be happy. There was a reason I liked going to camp so much. It's so much more hands on, and being ADHD and Dyslexic, it's easier for me to focus. And I can relatively stay out of trouble when I want to. But at school, I was like a trouble magnet.

Luckily, the girl (who's name was apparently Clarisse) who had been trying to give me a swirly had gotten detention too. Or maybe not so luckily, because I would be sitting in a small room with her for an hour after school. She probably wasn't too happy with me shoving her against a bathroom stall, after all.

I walked away from the front office, and was in no hurry to get to class. I hadn't finished my homework, and Mrs. Dodds wouldn't be very happy with me anyway because I was nearly half an hour late. Maybe I'd better just skip class.

Since the bathroom felt a bit treacherous now, I thought I'd better just go outside, and hope that no administrators came snooping.

The moment I was outside, I called Nico, pretty much desperate to hear someone from Camp.


"Hey Nico," I said.

"Percy! You're calling a little earlier than expected," Nico grumbled.

I snorted, "Are you disappointed?"

Nico didn't answer for a long minute.


Laughter came from the other end, "Just kidding, so what's up?"

I groaned, "I just got landed in detention for defending myself."

Nico laughed again, "Thanks Perce, now Thalia owes me ten dollars."

"You guys were betting on how soon I would get detention?" I asked, incredulous.

"Did I say that?"

"Alright," I said, "You are absolutely no help at all."

"I try," Nico said, "Oh, that's Bianca telling me I have to go clean our cabin, I'll talk to you at lunch."

"Okay, don't forget about Friday!"

"Don't worry, me and Thals got it all worked out. See you."

"Bye," I hung up, sighing. Suddenly the bell rang. I jumped, then groaned. More humiliation, yipee!

At lunch, I had to pass Clarisse's table to get outside again. Everyone who was sitting with her stared at me as I walked past. When my back was turned, I heard laughter. Looking back at them, I could obviously see that they were snickering into their hands.

I ignored them and continued outside. I wasn't exactly a self-conscious person, but it got me wondering how long the next couple weeks were going to be if I had to deal with them laughing at me every time I passed them in the hall.

Detention was in an unused classroom right by the office. I walked in, expecting to be the last one there, but Clarisse hadn't shown up yet. I sat in a desk on the far side of the room, the administrator in charge nodded to me as I sat, he checked my name of the list, and handed me a sheet of paper.

It wanted me to copy down the same sentence over and over again. It took me forever to even read what the heck it wanted me to write, and by that time, Clarisse finally walked in, dumping her bag in an empty chair and sitting in the one next to it. She caught me watching her and glared.

I turned around and continued with my writing. I was only halfway done by four o' clock, and the administrator decided I could leave. More like he wanted to go home just as much as I did. The man walked me and Clarisse to the parking lot, and made sure we got into our cars without us seriously injuring each other.

I drove home, worrying about my mom's reaction when I walked through the door. If I had just stayed at Camp, I would never have met Clarisse with her sick idea of initiation, and I would never have gotten into this mess.

As you could probably guess, things got a lot worse.

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