Chapter Five-The Cafe

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"Annabeth!" My mom said as I walked through the door, "Good, I have something I need to talk to you about."

I shut the door hesitantly, "What is it?"

Athena studied me, looking me up and down, "I just got an email from Chiron Brunner telling me that several spots have opened up at Camp Hero. Since your brother has been petitioning a position for you, Chiron thought he'd offer you one first."

I blinked a few times, the information rolling over me. Go to Camp Hero. Finally be with Malcolm. Maybe find a solution to my dyslexia? 

But there was one problem:

"Would I be staying full time?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

My mom nodded, "Yes, I already signed you up for the same schedule that Malcolm is on."

My stomach dropped, she'd already made a decision. I'd have to say goodbye to all my friends, most of whom I had known since elementary school. I would only be home for holidays and short vacations, definitely not often enough to spend time with the group. 

"There are several open spots," Athena must have noticed my discouragement, "Perhaps I could persuade Chiron, an old friend, to hold them for a few more kids. That is, of course, if you think you would be capable of persuading them and their parents...."

It wasn't much, I knew for a fact that most of my friends' parents would automatically veto the idea, but at least there was a chance Piper and maybe some others would be able to go. "Alright," I said, "I'll talk to them."

I walked past her to the staircase, and as I was heading up, I heard her call my name.

"What?" I poked my head back down.

She smiled slightly, "I've already spoken with Mr. Dare. Your friend Rachel will be going with you."

I hadn't had a moment to speak to any of my friends at all the next day. But there was one good thing:

"It's Friday!" Piper proclaimed, running up to me after school, "Are you ready?"

I grinned, "Sure, Pipes. Let's go." I followed her outside where Luke's truck was waiting for us by the curb. Every Friday we went to the Java Jones, the cafe down the street to hang out after school. Today was no different. Hopefully, I would be able to talk to my friends then.

When Luke parked in front of the cafe we all jumped out of the bed. We sat down at our usual table in the corner booth. A waitress came over and took our beverage orders, then walked away. Luke opened a salt package and poured it on the table, drawing smiley-faces and other emojis in it. Selena began chatting aimlessly about her latest boyfriend, Piper quite obviously not listening. Rachel glanced at me, rolled her eyes and pulled out a marker from her pocket.

I cleared my throat, "So, I have to tell you guys something."

Everybody turned their attention to me. "Yesterday, my mom told me that I'm going to Camp Hero starting this summer." I met Rachel's gaze, and she shot me a nervous grin.

The others didn't seem to know how to digest the news. "You're leaving?" Luke said.

I shrugged a shoulder, trying to keep my emotions in check, "Well, yeah. My mom didn't really give me a choice."

"But," Piper said, "You want to go, don't you?"

"Of course I do, I just don't want to leave you guys. We've been together for too long. I don't want all that to just be over. That's why my mom asked Chiron to hold a few more spots open. I was hoping...maybe you guys could come with me. At least, for part of the year."

"Well, I'm going," Rachel declared, "My parents have been looking for an excuse to get rid of me for years. And they jumped at the chance to send me off to a camp with such a good reputation."

I looked at Piper, knowing she out of all my friends, would be most likely to be allowed to go. She shrugged, grinning,  "Sounds cool. I'll talk to my dad; I get to call him tonight. He'll say yes though. Anything to keep me out of trouble."

Luke met my gaze nervously, "Annabeth, you know I want to. But, my mom...well my dad isn't always around, you know? I just don't know what would happen if I left her alone."

"Come on, Luke," Clarisse said, "You've been complaining about your deranged mother for years."

Luke winced, "I didn't mean it. What kind of person do you think I am?"

"Guys," I intervened before Clarisse could reply, "I understand. I'm sorry I have to spring it on you like this, I wish I was only going for the summer course but....Well, it would be great if you guys were there too."

Clarisse huffed, "What kind of camp is this anyway? All I know is that your nerd-brother likes it," she looked at me, "and your maniac-brothers like it," she said to Luke. "Other than that, I don't know what goes on there."

I smirked at her, "There's fencing, swimming, rock-climbing, archery, I'm pretty sure they even have their own forge to make weapons. Malcolm talks about how they train them with all sorts of weapons: swords, axes, knives, spears, bows-"

"Spears?" Clarisse quirked an eyebrow.

I nodded, anticipating her reaction.

"Fine, I guess I'll come."

Selena glanced at Piper before saying, "Well, I don't understand why you don't just ask mom if you can go. She's sure to say yes even more than your dad," she looked at me, "As long as I can bring my makeup and curling-iron, I'm coming."

I rolled my eyes, but flashed her a thankful grin. A bell rang as the door swung open behind me.

Our food arrived, distracting the conversation for a moment as we all shoved the first bite into our mouths. As I ate I pondered what my friends had said. I counted four affirmatives and one possibly, which left....

"Frank, you haven't said anything."

"Oh," he said with his mouth full, "I finkit wou' b' fun," he swallowed, "But my grandmother is kind of strict about, well...everything. I'll ask." He didn't sound very optimistic.

I was in the middle of giving Frank a sympathetic nod when Luke nudged me, "Look who it is."

We all turned to look at the four kids who had just entered the cafe. The girl had short, spiky black hair, and wore a leather jacket and combat boots over skinny jeans and a Greenday band T-shirt. The shortest boy wore black. And only black. His clothes seemed to hang off him as if they were a few sizes too big. The third boy was tall, blonde, and wore glasses. He was wearing a purple shirt and was talking jovially to the fourth boy who I recognized.

It was none other than Percy Jackson.

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