🌺Timeline and prizes🌺

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The timeline can change, but for now this is it :

September 18th - October 1st  → open for judges and participants , and early optional judging for filled up categories

October1st  - October 15th  → official judging period

October 16th  → results announced, winners get their their prices

Date for extra prices (cover or drawing) → TBA (depending)

🌸Now the prizes 🌸

First place :

First place sticker for your book and bragging rights.

Follow from my personal account, if already following, right to make me sketch your characters in full color( you can choose either in my artstyle or semi-realistic). The other right is for me to help you make/ or make you a book cover.

Book added to the Winners reading list.

Shout out from both of my accounts.

Second Place :

Second place sticker for your book and bragging rights.

Follow from my personal account.

Book added to the Second place reading list.

Shout out from this account.

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