The Shadow Children Part 1

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My little brother is a wimp he needs some sort of light in his bedroom at all times, what a baby. Well mom and dad are leaving to go to a fancy meal tonight and I have to look after him.

"Don't forget to give him his nightlight." Mom made sure to tell me,"I love you honey goodbye." And with that she pecked me on the cheek and left.

I go into my little brothers room and see him crouched in the corner, pointing and crying, "They are here... Where is my nightlight? Go get a flashlight!!!" I turn around and just to be mean closes the door, and instantaneously he hears screaming, "GET A FLASHLIGHT OPEN THE DOOR THEY HAVE ME GET IT OFF ME HELP ME MAX THEY ARE TAKING ME AWAY!!!!!!!!!" I turn around and open the door to see Calvin in hysterics and a creature sitting in the corner, it looks like a little kid but familiar, "Calvin, who is this?"
"I am Calvin, Shadow Clavin, come with me to save your brother..." He flies over to my brother and pulls him through a portal in the back of the closet an. I follow not knowing what I was to encounter.

As soon as I jump through all I can see is black, and I am in a series of tunnels, and all I can hear is Calvin's blood curdling screams. I run through the tunnels until I see the shadow that stole my brother.

I see Calvin on the floor, alive but lifeless at the same time, " WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM??"

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