Chapter 5: Into the otherworld

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After four days of preparation at Caerleon, nearly twenty warriors of the Pendragon legion departed across the British countryside. They marched in a line on horseback, snaking their way across the rocky landscape like a long serpent. Kai, the leader of this expedition, rode at the front of the entourage. While Culhwch rode back with Drudwas and Edyrful, talking with the red-haired Irish twins about his amazement at the mighty Arthur and his warriors.

"I must say, your Duke Ambrosius reigns over an impressive war band." The blond youth said in awe. "But your city... Caerleon... It is a veritable paradise on earth. Running water, indoor heat... I have seen Roman cities throughout Britannia, though the cities of Luguvalium and Viroconium come close. But I have never seen such a well-preserved Roman city anywhere on the island. Who is this 'Arthur', Ambrosius's war leader, that he can lead and inspire men to work together and accomplish such wonders?"

There was silence to the question for a few moments, before Kai responded with a quick fable; "Arthur is Ambrosius's young adopted nephew, and serves as the battle leader of his forces. He is the Son of a warrior named Uther, was like a brother to Ambrosius's father. Arthur was raised at my father's villa, as my foster brother, and I have watched him grow from a callous youth, to a warrior without peer. If there is any one who can help you to accomplish all of the tasks that foul giant has set out for you, it is Arthur and his band."

Culhwch seemed to accept that with a nod, before turning back to face Kai. "I must apologize for my impatience and arrogance, good Kai. I simply wish to be with my beloved, and humiliate the terrible giant who stands between us." The prince scowled. "And then, I will return to the hall of my father, and humiliate that foolish stepmother of mine who laid the curse upon me in the first place!"

Kai only shook his head, and passed the rest of the journey in silence. As the host of warriors lead prince Culwhich towards the nearest Megalithic stone circle, which served as the portals to the realm of the fey. As the magic portal in the stones began to glow at thier approach, they proceeded to follow the youth on his journey back to the otherworld.


Things were not going as planned.

Over the next several weeks, many of Ambrosius's warriors came and went from Caerleon, accompanying Prince Culhwch on his various missions to the otherworld. What had started as a few simple tasks to win the youth's bride, had turned into a series of of amazing and wondrous quests into that supernatural realm. Ysbaddaden chief-giant, Olwen's stubborn father, had changed his demands after Culhwch had returned with Kai and his mounted warriors. The crafty old giant had expanded the three simple tasks to forty, and the Pendragon warriors were busy in their comings and going from Ambrosius's court, aiding in the great adventures that were needed to win Olen's hand. Ambrosius and Gwen had decided to abandon thier plans to go to the otherworld right away, and decided to remain in Caerleon, and coordinate the adventuring groups heading though the portals.

"I-it was incredible!" Bedwyr exclaimed, as he stood in front of Ambrosius and Gwen's thrones in the Amphitheater/feasting-hall. "Words cannot describe how beautiful the forests and fields of the Otherworld are!" The warrior's eyes glowed with a light that Ambrosius could only assume came from his visit to the otherwold. "And the Gwerin Tylwyth Teg- the fair folk- words cannot describe their beauty and nobility!"

As each group came and went on their missions to the otherworld, they came Back to report their adventures or Ambrosius and Gwen in the great amphitheater-hall. And the Tales Ambrosius heard- The capture of the fairy-horse Gwyn Dun-mane, the finding of the enchanted horn of Gwlgawd Gododdin, the theft of the the basket of Gwyddno Garanhir, which could produce and endless supply of food- all of these treasures and more were retrieved by Ambrosius's warriors.

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