Chapter 15

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After eating for a while, Zhou Jing didn't let Shen Mo sleep, but lit the newly bought oil lamp. The twilight oil lamp shone on Shen Mo's face, on and off, giving Shen Mo a hazy beauty, and without knowing it, Zhou Jing was fascinated by it.

As Shen Mo was talking, he suddenly couldn't hear Zhou Jing's answer, and when he looked up, he saw the man staring straight at him. His eyes were so straightforward that he was very embarrassed to stare at him.

He couldn't help reaching out his hand, wanting to touch his face, but he saw the cracks on his hand as soon as he lit the oil lamp. The back of the hand was covered with large and small openings, and some places were peeled, as if it was not clean. Think of Zhou Jing's hands, so delicate.

Shen Mo quietly retracted his hand and lowered his head.

"It's not good-looking, don't look at it, my face is cracked."

Suddenly, Zhou Jing seemed to think of something and did not answer, but instead bent down and rummaged. With this silent attitude, Shen Mo's heart was lost, and he secretly hid his hands behind him. A brother, with rough hands like his, must be ugly, but what about his face? Will it take a long time to make Zhou Jing lose his appetite?

After Shen Mo's wild thoughts for a long time, Zhou Jing walked back with something. Suddenly, my hands became cold. Looking down, Zhou Jing was squeezing liquid from a tube-like thing and rubbing it on his hand.

That thing was the 'baby' that was found on the mountain that day and could sell for a lot of money.

"Ah, your things are precious, why did you use them for me! Hurry up and put them away, you will still have money to sell in the future!" Shen Mo wanted to break free from Zhou Jing's hand.

However, Zhou Jing's hands were like iron and cobalt, holding him firmly in the palm of his hand.

"Jin Gui is Jin Gui, but it's not for others. How can you not? Let alone this thing is mine!" Zhou Jing took a cursory look at this hand cream in his hand. piece. He knows some prices because he has done business with some skin care companies.

Zhou Jing's attitude is very tough and there is no doubt about it. But it is still precious to Shen Mo. After all, he is just an ordinary peasant family. If it is not Zhou Jing who can use such precious things, or touches them, the owner of the shop will probably refuse.

In the deep-rooted thinking of Shen Mo's farmer's family, good things are sold for money, how can they squander it on themselves.

Shen Mo said uneasy: "No, this thing is so expensive, you should keep it for money. You can also repair the house and buy more household items. I'd like to put some lard on it."

No matter what Shen Mo said, Zhou Jing He still carefully applied a layer of hand cream to Shen Mo's hands.

After applying it, Zhou Jing asked, "What does it feel like?"

It was moist, not greasy at all, and very comfortable. And there is a faint aroma, kind of like a medicinal scent.

Shen Mo didn't dare to say that, he was afraid that if he told the truth, Zhou Jing would still paint him. But no matter what, this is another piece of Zhou Jing's heart for him. If he doesn't say it directly, he is afraid that it will hurt Zhou Jing's heart.

In the end, he said, "It's okay."

Zhou Jingzao saw him through and decided directly: "These few days, when you're not working, you can apply this. In ten days and a half, your hands will be fine."

"Ah? No, last time a lipstick was sold for fifty taels. This is not lower than the price of lipsticks. I can't use the hand grease for fifty taels. When it sells, buy me a few hundred dollars. Fish oil and hand grease will be fine!" Shen Mo said anxiously.

Zhou Jing's face sank without warning.

"Xiao Mo, you are my husband, but now you say that you can't use fifty taels of things, are you slapping me in the face, or you still think that I have no ability, and that fifty taels of things can't be used by your husband !"

"This... No, that's not what I meant." Shen Mo was at a loss, not knowing how to explain it.

Judging from the clothes Zhou Jing was wearing on the day he was rescued by him, the material was so good, it seemed that Zhou Jing was also a very rich noble in another world. It's really like that, let alone fifty taels, even five hundred taels are just one meal and one cup of tea. He said this now, not to make his face. Even the men in their village are very concerned about their face, lest outsiders say that they are poor and cannot support their child husband. Don't say, it's Zhou Jing, a capable noble boy. Immediately, Shen Mo knew that he had said something wrong. He had just obtained Zhou Jing by deception, and he was already uneasy. Now he was afraid that Zhou Jing would hate him, and he was in a panic and didn't know how to explain it.

When Shen Mo looked like this, Zhou Jing's heart softened at the first time, and he was forcing him to pretend.

With a deep sigh, Zhou Jing clasped Shen Mo's hand tightly, and Shen Mo shook it back with the same strength almost immediately.

"Xiao Mo, don't be afraid, no matter what you do or what happens, you have to remember that you are my husband and I am your man, even if I die, I will crawl back to your side and watch you swallow your last words. I'm only willing to die. So don't be afraid, don't think that I will leave you just because of your words or anything. In this life and this life, I will protect you until we die together, and I will never leave first."

Shen Mo is definitely not one A cowardly person has been living under his stepmother since he was a child, and when he met such a man after getting married, his heart was hard to the point that he could not imagine it. But a pair of Zhou Jing, this man always poked his softest part in just a few words.

Shen Mo refused to let the sourness in his eyes turn into tears, so he endured and nodded.

Zhou Jing continued: "Xiao Mo, I haven't done anything right now, you may think that I have no way to make money. I feel uneasy, thinking that these are all our property, but I believe you are definitely not such an incompetent person. ."

"Actually, the last time I went to the town, it seemed like a casual stroll, but in fact, I was just to see what I could do to make a living. Even though our family's things are treasures here, they are too eye-catching, and we don't have the strength to take out so much together. Sooner or later It will cause trouble. So I have the idea of ​​doing business."

"Looking around, I found that we only have one or two sausage shops in this town, and the business is very hot. I happen to be doing this too, and I want to plan to do some. Sell ​​it and try it. No matter what, I will never sit and eat empty mountains."

Shen Mo asked, "Brother Jing, you actually know how to make sausages. That thing is very expensive. Only big families can afford it. It costs thirty-five per pound. Wen Daqian!"

Zhou Jing smiled and said, "Husband, what I said for my husband is still very capable." In later generations, he started his own business, and even the top dignitaries in the business circle would not dare to underestimate him as a rising star. . In order to win over him, there are many bosses who are very willing to bring him together with their daughter.

"Well, I believe it." Shen Mo sincerely trusted.

"Then, as your sincerity, you have to use this every day."

Speaking of this, Shen Mo was still reluctant.

Zhou Jingxia said fiercely: "Xiao Mo, you see that I have craftsmanship, and our family still has capital. You said that life will definitely get better. When the time comes, those Yingying and Yanyan will come together and they will come together. It's not as if you can't bear this, but you can't bear the other, when the time comes, everyone will be dressed up, and the skin will be full of hibiscus..."

Without Zhou Jing finishing the next words, Shen Mo made it up on his own. He looked down at his rough hands. He had no doubt that life at home would be difficult. At that time, he was so rough and ugly, how could he compare with the goblins outside.

Zhou Jing can't be robbed by others, that's why he is not easy to deceive!

Shen Mo gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll use it."

Zhou Jing struck while the iron was hot, took out a box of the mask and gave it to Shen Mo. Shen Mo was reluctant, and Zhou Jing used the goblin outside as an excuse again, and at the same time lied to Shen Mo that this thing was about to reach its shelf life, and it would have to be thrown away after a few days. They definitely won't be able to take action in the short term, and all they throw are silver. Shen Mo didn't know whether what he said was true or not, but seeing Zhou Jing's sincere attitude, he believed it.

Shen Mo put on the mask and narrowed his eyes comfortably. Zhou Jing told him about his future plans.

"Our house is too dilapidated, so it must be repaired. Tomorrow morning before the villagers get up, I will go to the village chief and talk to him about buying the homestead we live in. I plan to buy a bigger one. The place is too small to even have a yard. But even if I buy it, I won't talk about it, because I plan to build a house. Otherwise, if I build a house and buy a homestead, someone must be jealous again."

Shen Mo nodded, The thought of his own house made him so excited that he could not wait to jump up and sing and dance happily.

He asked, "How much land should we buy? What kind of house should we build?" In his heart, he really wanted a big brick house. There were only two families living in the village, one was the village chief and the other was a big family.

Zhou Jingdao: "I have inquired about it. A homestead of more than 300 square meters costs 25 taels, and a three-bedroom blue-brick and large-tiled roof is good enough for seven or eight taels. I plan to build five rooms. Three bedrooms , a main room specially used for receiving guests, a kitchen. It is better built, fifteen taels is enough. So it is only forty taels. We still have less than ten taels of working capital left to do a small business. Setting up a stall is enough."

No matter how expensive it is to buy land and build a house, Shen Mo thinks it's worth it.

When he thought that he was about to own his own house, or the largest brick and tiled house in the village, Shen Mo beamed with joy. Those beautiful Danfeng eyes were full of happiness, and that kind of joy made Zhou Jing's mind move.

"When it's time, take off the mask and let me touch it to see if it's delicate." Zhou Jing didn't give Shen Mo time to react. He took off the mask and squeezed it twice. On the contrary, when he pressed it, the hungry wolf seemed to bite on Shen Mo's neck, and he rolled into a ball in a short while.

The next day, before dawn, Zhou Jing got up. First, I made a pot of shredded pork porridge for the little husband, steamed a large bowl of chicken cake, and went to Lizheng's house with a piece of meat.

Before Li Zheng got up, he heard a knock on the door and responded first, and then slowly came out. When he saw Zhou Jing, he was stunned.

Zhou Jing is notorious in the village, he made it himself, and Li Zheng doesn't like seeing this person very much. When I saw him coming this time, he was still carrying such a large piece of meat in his hand, so he was afraid of getting into trouble and asked him to come, so he didn't let him into the house, but just blocked the door and asked him what was going on.

Zhou Jing was not annoyed by this attitude.

He said directly: "This time, the kid got some money and wanted to buy the homestead where the family lives now. I wonder if it will be convenient for a while in Lizheng. Can I accompany the kid to go to the yamen to change the house?"

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