Chapter 90

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"Thank you very much for your help today, sir, and I promise that I will rest for a few days in the humble mansion. Please don't dislike thin wine and rough vegetables." Shen Mo was humble and courteous, but he couldn't see the brazenness and hardness when he incited the students that day. The whole person returned to a soft state.

Feng Wanzhan did not refuse, he originally came to the Zhou family, and now his identity is afraid that someone will take care of him. Besides, the Zhou family should have known about his identity for a long time, but they have not been clear about it. Now the Zhou family is the best choice.

"Then there will be Mr. Zhou. Although the people brought here are rough people, Mr. Zhou will not disturb the female family members of the house even if he is assured."

Shen Mo said with a smile: "I am relieved of the character of Mr. If you bring people who want to practice martial arts, you don't have to hold back. The nursing homes in my house will have morning exercises every morning. Your subordinates can go and learn if you are interested. If you are willing to give some advice, the nursing homes in my house I will definitely be honored."

Although he came to Zhoufu today to see his nursing homes, he knew that they were all practicing family members and had some skills, but he didn't expect to practice every day. In fact, many nursing homes in Fushen's family were just doing It's just a pretense, that is, some strong men who can deal with one or two rogues in the town.

"Oh, then this group of people under my command is willing, they are happy if they have a fight."

"Then let's practice together tomorrow. Today is a day of tossing, sir, please rest for a while, and it will be ready later. I will ask my mother-in-law to bring it to you, and I will treat you well when my master is healed, and I will have a good time with you. Even if my two children were not well entertained before, please don't take offense."

Feng Wanzhanlian Saying no, Shen Mo left. After Shen Mo left, one of the guards said, "Sir, why didn't we directly take that county magistrate today, as soon as he saw it, he was involved, and he would never be able to escape him."

"Feng Tao, don't forget that this official is not here as an imperial envoy. He has no military power and cannot mobilize the local army. And I don't know what the background of this county magistrate is. If it is linked with the local prefecture, If you are in a hurry, and the fish will die and the net will be broken, even if the dozens of your subordinates are elites, a good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves."

"Is that the adult?"

"Of course not, but it's just calling him more It's just a few days. This official has already written a letter and sent people to the imperial capital. The emperor will send troops over in a few days. However, I think that the county magistrate is afraid that he will not be able to eat or sleep in the past few days. I'm afraid he's even more anxious than us."

"It's still your master."

At this moment, Mrs. Ji came over to deliver dinner, and the two master and servant stopped talking when they heard footsteps from a distance. In front of the high officials from the imperial capital, Mrs. Ji could only be regarded as a country woman, but she behaved very well. She didn't say a word and glanced at her. Feng Wanzhan nodded secretly, and gave Zhou Fulang a higher look. Inner can be in charge of the back and the house can be in charge, but it is also worthy of Zhou Jing's pampering without heirs.

Shen Mo went back to the room and saw Zhou Jing's ass being beaten to a pulp.

Zhou Jing saw that his eyes were red with anger, and his hands were shaking because he felt sorry for him, so he wanted to reach out and squeeze his cheeks to comfort him.

Shen Mo was so angry that he forgot to think about other things, "You are still like this, but you still don't stay honest, what are you thinking about!"

Zhou Jing smiled and said: "What do I think, others don't know, husband can't know. !" The more he talked, the more rascal he became, winking his eyes. "It's not just thinking about you, husband. Last night was the first time I came here for my husband without my husband to warm the bed at night. I'm not used to it, and my mind is full of husband you all night..."

Shen Mo's face was flushed with anger, and he forgot all the sadness. He just wished he could slap his butt again. After thinking about it, the hand that applied the medicine didn't give up any more effort.

Because of the injury to his butt, Zhou Jing could only sleep on his stomach at night, and there was no entertainment after blowing the oil lamp, but even though Shen Mo was exhausted by the exhaustion of the day, he still couldn't sleep.

Zhou Jing stretched out a hand to stop the person into his arms, Shen Mo struggled slightly and did not break free, so he obediently nestled in Zhou Jing's arms and remained motionless. Zhou Jing's shoulders are very broad, especially if he has eaten well in the past two years and is stronger, only this shoulder can cover the wind and rain outside and give him a warm home. Zhou Jing never fell asleep last night, so how could he ever sleep peacefully? Without his consistent support, he could only force himself to be calm, for fear that if something went wrong, the arm would disappear and everything would be disillusioned like a dream. This short period of more than a year has become his imagination.

The heat in his chest made Zhou Jing's heart twitch violently. He lowered his head to look at the man in his arms. The man only gave him a sharp head and didn't want him to see his weakness.

Zhou Jing's rough hand rubbed Shen Mo's waist, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't be afraid, Momo, everything is over, I'm back, and I'll never leave again!"

Shen Mo couldn't help but let out a low sob, Zhou Jing knew what he meant to Shen Mo, not only his husband but also his salvation and belief.

"Don't cry, we are blessed by misfortune, and the good days have begun. The identity of the person living in our guest room will never be simple. He doesn't need to take action on this matter. Since he has taken action, there is no reason to ignore it. The second is that disaster is imminent, but it is a great joy for us. No matter who the next magistrate is, how arrogant and arrogant, there is a lesson from the previous magistrate. Even if we don't win over, we will never offend. Steering the rudder, seeing that the county magistrate has given us three points, how can life be difficult?"

"Well." Shen Mo nodded sullenly in Zhou Jing's arms.

Zhou Jing held someone in his arms and kept talking softly and softly. It wasn't anything important, but it was just commonplace. But he knew that Shen Mo probably wouldn't care what he said at this time, he just wanted to hear his voice.

"The one who lives in the guest room likes our son very much. He gave him a jade pendant when we first met, and now he lives in our house again. If I can't help but give some advice, our son will be more likely to take the imperial examination. And you don't know that shopkeeper Zhao. How embarrassing, what I saw with my own eyes, he was scared to pee..." Zhou Jing babbled, until the breathing of the person in his arms slowly eased, he knew that he was asleep. Gently kissing his tear-soaked eyelashes, my heart was so soft. His little Mo is always unexpectedly strong, and unconsciously, he has become his support.

Shen Mo said that the people brought by Feng Wanzhan could discuss with the nursing home of the Zhou family, and those people were really rude.

The two sides met in the morning. First, they practiced their own skills, but the backyard was not allowed to be a family member, and the front yard was so big, and soon the two sides confronted each other.

Naturally, you can't fight in groups in other people's yards, and each has a representative to fight alone.

Wei Yuanshan, who came out of the Zhou family naturally, and Feng Tao, who came out of the other party, got into a fight between the bosses of the two sides, making the little ones in the yard see their blood boil, and kept cheering.

The two had been fighting for more than twenty rounds, and they were all evenly matched. Even though the crowd was lively, Feng Tao was not reconciled. He is the personal bodyguard beside the adult, and he actually fought with a rural nursing home. It is better to pick this title as soon as possible. Therefore, a flaw was deliberately sold, and sure enough, Wei Yuanshan didn't think much about it, and immediately took the bait. Feng Tao took the opportunity to catch him, one blow would kill him, and he threw the man out, without waiting for anyone to react, Feng Tao slammed his body into the air and hit Wei Yuanshan's upper body with his elbow on his throat.

Feng Tao finally succeeded, and laughed loudly, "Are you convinced?"

Wei Yuanshan naturally refused, "You cheated!"

Feng Tao said proudly: "So what? Since ancient times, soldiers have never been afraid of cheating, and the battlefield is changing rapidly. It is enough for those who are cheating or cheating to win."

"Tricky!" He Xi was also in the training crowd. You're still using shady tactics, you're that vicious villain!"

Feng Tao is Feng Wanzhan's personal bodyguard, whoever does not give three-point face when he encounters it, he was once pointed at the tip of the nose and scolded the villain. Immediately embarrassed.

"Heh, villain, I can't tell who is the villain, this guy still wears a mask in his own house, he doesn't even dare to show his true face, don't do anything wrong!" He even went to take off Wei Yuanshan's mask, Wei Yuanshan I just felt a gust of wind blowing across my face, and the mask had been taken off.

Suddenly seeing the tattoo on his face, Feng Tao opened his eyes wide and stared at him in surprise. Wei Yuanshan's face turned cold, and when he was surprised to relax his strength, he dodged the mask, pushed the person away, and turned over. The mask was covered by Wei Yuanshan's face before he could put it on, so he hurried away.

He Xi and others were so popular that they could not wait to beat Feng Tao.

"Guanshi Wei had half of his face scalded when he was a child, and he was ridiculed a lot. It was because he met the master and gave him half a mask to live a normal life. Now I finally forget it, but you came to expose the scars, and said It 's not a villain's style!"

Feng Tao's subordinates immediately said: "Our captain doesn't know, but it's unintentional, who makes that guy gloomy all day long, who knows what's going on under his mask!"

"You !"

Seeing that the two sides were about to stage a gang fight, Feng Tao immediately raised his hand to stop it, "Forget it, this time it was my fault. Since people are wearing masks, there is something inconvenient, so I shouldn't..."

He The subordinates refused to accept it, and what more to say, Feng Tao scolded in a low voice: "Have you forgotten your master's order?"

This shocked these men.

But what he didn't know was that when he turned around, these men went to fight in the woods outside the mansion in twos and threes. One by one, no one got any favors, and when they came back, their faces were full of color. However, the warriors are not more delicate than the literati, they are just stubborn, but as long as they are subdued, they are brothers. So in the afternoon, the two sides actually called each other fraternal and sympathetic. They also joked about the wounds on each other's faces.

When Feng Tao knew, he just opened one eye and closed one eye, he didn't really care.

On the other side, Zhou Yu was also held by Feng Wanzhan for lectures, and he was not allowed to go to a private school these days, so he could only study with him.

When Zhou Yu went to ask for leave, the ancient master thought it was because of family affairs, so he comforted him.

Feng Wanzhan is a very strict master, but his views and insights on many things are very unique and unheard of, completely beyond the reach of the ancient masters, which deeply attracted Zhou Yu and benefited him a lot.

The Zhou family was thriving, but the county magistrate was in a panic.

The county magistrate had not thought about eating and drinking for many days, guessing Feng Wanzhan's identity day and night, but everything he guessed made him panic and want to take money and abscond.

His concubine just made a bowl of ginseng soup and brought it, "Sir, why should you take that to heart, if the lawyer's identity is really remarkable, just show it directly, and you won't lose face to him. Besides, what kind of family is the Zhou family? It's just a villager, and I haven't been out of Wangjia Village for generations, so how can I know a big man!" The

county magistrate was distracted and panicked, and when he saw her, he thought of her younger brother Zhu Jianye I just felt a surge of anger hit my heart and knocked over the ginseng soup with a slap. The hot soup immediately scalded the woman's arm red, and the woman didn't dare to scream, so she could only kneel on the ground.

"Stupid woman, what do you know, it's not all your good brother, how did this official tell him repeatedly, but he just didn't listen. Is his own pig brain not clear, and he still learns to play tricks and tricks from others, now It's good, the fox didn't get hit with a show!" The county magistrate said angrily: "If this officer really has something this time, it's because of you, a slut. If the woman is not a virtuous woman, there will be no trouble at home!"

Probably In order to verify what he said, the yamen rushed in in a panic, probably too frightened, he even forgot to knock on the door and barged in directly, ignoring the woman kneeling on the ground, and shouted directly, "Sir, Your lord is not good, and the army from the prefecture is surrounded outside!"

"What, what?" The county magistrate suddenly stood up, only to feel his knees go weak, and fell back on the chair.

"My lord, my lord..." The

county magistrate's eyes were absent-minded, with a strange look in his eyes, as if he was a little crazy.

"This official said, that person is not simple, not simple." Suddenly he glared at the woman and said, "Bitch, how did you not let this official end up like this!" He kicked the woman with all his strength On the chest, the woman immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and when he was about to use a poisonous hand, the officers and soldiers outside broke in.

"Liuzhen County magistrate Zhang Qisheng, you know the crime. You colluded with merchants, accepted bribes, corrupted the law, and wrecked people's lives. Today, you will be cut off from your crown, deprived of your fame, and demoted to a commoner. The rest still needs to be pressed by the emperor to return to Beijing. Decide for yourself."

Zhang Qisheng just laughed madly all the way to the imperial capital, but the whole person went crazy. To say that Zhang Qisheng was an official fan all his life, and he wanted to be promoted to a higher official. In order to achieve his goal, he came to Liuzhen and had never done anything resentful, except for Zhou Jing. Taking several villages in Liuzhen as an example, whenever natural or man-made disasters occur, Zhang Qisheng never hides it out of selfish desires and will report it. Although the food money for disaster relief given by the imperial court will be corrupted, it will also allocate a part to save people in the end. For those corrupt officials who don't care about the life and death of the people and only care about their own pockets, Zhang Qisheng is a good one. After all, he is only greedy for the merchants' silver. In his mind, the merchants' money was obtained by chance. They already have money, so it's nothing to be greedy. After all, he doesn't loot the fat of the people. If it wasn't for Zhu Jianye being bewitched by his concubine and only provoking this right and wrong, then maybe he really got promoted.

After all, whether it's building roads or building a study, no matter how much these merchants struggle, they can't surpass him, the county magistrate of Liuzhen. But now that Zhu Jianye was so tossed, all his bribes were found out, and the amount was huge. In addition, Zhou Jing's case was killed, and the emperor was furious. Nian Jai never fished the common people, nor plundered the people's fat, and was sentenced to 20 years before being exiled back to his ancestral home.

It is fortunate to save his life, but for the grandfather of Guanmi County, it is more difficult to accept than death. The second half of his life was spent in madness, but he took pity on his wife and son. One had to reach out to his parents' family, and the other was so tired that he lost his qualifications for the imperial examination. The original master, but he lived by the looks of the face.

And Zhu Jianye is just a businessman and his ilk, and naturally he doesn't deserve to be escorted back to Beijing and put in jail directly, waiting for the new county magistrate to take office.

As soon as the newly arrived county magistrate took office, and the tea was not served, Zhu Jianye was sentenced first. Zhu Jianye was a jerk, and sold out Sun Jiao in order to get rid of the crime.

"My lord, please look into it clearly. A sinner like a pig brain can't think of such a poisonous scheme. It's all that bitch Sun Jiao, the villain he instigated. Please see it clearly!"

Sun Jiao knelt on the ground with a pale face. She knew what Zhu Jianye was from the day she married him. She only hated Zhou Jing. If she hadn't met him, how could she have been so tired of lovesickness that love turned into hate. If she hadn't met him, she would still be Miss Sun's family, and even if she got married, she would carry a large sedan chair into the high gate to be the main room, instead of serving others, she became a cheap member.

At this point, Sun Jiao was still obsessed, and sneered, "So what if it was my plan, that Zhou Jing deserved it, if he hadn't rejected me so ruthlessly and unrighteously, how could things have turned into this. Anyway, sooner or later. If he wants to take a concubine, even if he takes me into a pair of tableware, how can I become what I am today! I should blame Zhou Jing for this, everything is his fault!"

"Poison Woman , you still don't know how to repent at this point. This official asks you, did you ever think that it was a human life when you committed this poisonous time!"

"It was his own will, if he had no evil thoughts in his heart, he would not agree. It's because he has no ability, he can't support the seniors and the juniors, and sooner or later he will go the wrong way, what has he to do with me?"

"What a poisonous woman, this officer has never seen such a poisonous woman, keep you No matter where you put it, it will be a scourge. Today, this official will label you as an immortal and immortal, selling the flower house, and no one can redeem your life for you until you die."

Sun Jiao was dumbfounded and sat on the ground, then reacted. , crawled over to ask the county magistrate, crying and shouting to admit his mistake, but it was too late, and finally he was dragged down.

A little later, Li Dong in the Li family was furious, "You actually know that bitch Sun Jiao, when did you two hook up!"

Zhang Ju knelt on the ground, sobbing, "The concubine thought she was the master's cousin. , it is possible to come and go. So when she came to visit the lady, the lady didn't see her because she was not feeling well, so the concubine entertained her for the lady, and they got to know her and kept in touch."

It turned out that Li Dong was embarrassed at Zhou's house that day, so he threatened to take a concubine, not just to talk about it. After a few months, he was introduced to Zhang Ju. Zhang Ju is good-looking, and in her dreams she hopes to marry such a high-level compound, so as soon as she comes in, she is charming and charming to Li Dong. Li Dong is very satisfied, and she has been doting on her until now.

"Frequent contact? With that poisonous woman? That poisonous woman dares to instigate her family's master even with her own life. She is a bad woman at all." Li Dong said angrily: "Now you should pack up, except for intimate clothes, other jewelry is not allowed to bring. Go, get me back to your mother's house immediately, and never come back."

"Master, are you going to break me up?"

"If you don't stop, I'm afraid there will be no peace in this mansion, Master, I don't dare to be the second Zhu Jianye!"

Sun Jiao got married in a fashionable and beautiful manner. She received 22 taels of betrothal gifts. Apart from the 3 taels of silver from her private house, she had only a few old clothes left.

All of this has nothing to do with the Zhou family. Zhou Jing has recovered, no injuries, and he is very energetic. He has had a few drinks with Feng Wanzhan, discussed Zhou Yu's education, and talked about his money.

Zhou Jing waved his hands again and again, "I can't do it now, to tell you the truth, I have only two hobbies in my life, and one of them is not afraid of your jokes. It is my husband. My husband is a poppy to me. If he doesn't quit, he can't quit in this life. The other is the common hobby in the past and present life, which is the smell of copper. Everyone in the world scolds him for the smell of copper

. The matter of the county magistrate is not worthy of Feng Wanzhan's actions at all. And since it was not Feng Wanzhan's hand, although the Zhou family already knew Feng Wanzhan's identity, the window paper was never pierced, and they called him master.

Feng Wanzhan looked at Zhou Jing's unpromising picture, and he really didn't see it. If he hadn't lived in Zhou Mansion for these days, got to know Zhou Jing's conduct, knew that he was capable, and pursued these two things, Feng Wanzhan wouldn't want to talk to him any more.

After holding it for a long time, his face turned red, he had probably never seen such a 'shameless' person who didn't pursue it.

Feng Wanzhan finally choked out a sentence and said, "It's fortunate that your son is not good enough for you. He is smart and he knows how to make progress!" Yiwu is naturally better than my father!"

Since then, Feng Wanzhan traveled northwards, and finally understood what it means to be nonchalant.

As he was leaving, he was more and more reluctant to bear Zhou Yu, and wished to take this good boy away and teach him personally, don't ask Zhou Jing, who was covered in copper odor, to be polluted and become a stinker who didn't know how to make progress, who only knew how to drill into the man's quilt.

Feng Wanzhan rubbed Zhou Yu's head, and said lovingly, "Aren't you going to come with me? You must know that students who want to worship me will have to line up!"

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Xiaoyu is still young, Ame said that he can't leave for the time being. Home, in the future, when your mind is stable, you will leave me alone, and fly with me. If uncle still doesn't give up at that time, Xiaoyu is willing to go to the door." It's

not that Shen Mo wants to block Zhou Yu's path, but He simply felt that the child was small and that he was not raising it by his side. When he was a child, he just had a stepmother and was not really dependent on others, so he grew up in the bitter water. When he came to Zhou Yu, he only felt that he had suffered so much before, and it was time to be sweet.

And Zhou Jing came from later generations, and those who grew up without their parents in later generations are called left-behind children. Left-behind children have more or less psychological problems. He once watched a child cry and tell his parents that he would only eat one meal a day and would not leave them. At that time, Zhou Jing wanted to have a child one day. No matter how busy the business was, the child would still be with him. Even if he flew around with the child, he could not be absent from the child's life.

Zhou Yu is even more special. The abuse he suffered in the past is hard to guarantee that he will no longer leave a shadow in his heart. Now Zhou Jing just wants to get rid of his shadow first, so as not to affect his whole life. Then I hope he can make it.

"Then remember to write me a letter. If you have any problems in your studies, feel free to ask me. You don't have to worry about trouble. I have a few carrier pigeons in my house. If I know the way, I will let them go when I go back. You leave them all and write them to me. Just let them deliver the letter, fast. Don't look for the postal envoy, the letter from the spring will be received soon in the autumn."

"Yes, Xiaoyu wrote it down, and will send the letter to Uncle on time."

I don't know why it is short . After getting along for a while, Feng Wanzhan was very reluctant to bear Zhou Yu, and this feeling became stronger after spending one more day with him.

He touched the warm jade pendant around his waist, and finally was dragged down and stuffed into Zhou Yu's hands.

"This uncle gave it to you, you can take it."

Zhou Yu refused, shaking his head desperately, "I see that uncle takes it very seriously, and wears it every day. It should be very important, I can't have it."

Feng Wanzhan smiled . He smiled, but the smile was a little sad.

"This jade pendant is very important to me, because it was engraved by me to find someone before my son was born, and the word on it is his name."

"I can't ask for it anymore."

Feng Wanzhan said, "That's it. You should have it. Because my unfilial son doesn't like my gift and refuses to take it, and he doesn't like me getting a name. I don't know what it's called now. I've gone on a study tour, and the return date is uncertain, and I don't know if I'll be able to see you before I die. So you can wear this jade pendant on your body. Remember to wear it every day, and it's not a concern for Uncle But. Anyway, your father didn't prepare a jade pendant with special meaning for you."

Zhou Jing took the last sentence as if he didn't . hear.

Zhou Yu just accepted it and replaced the one on his body. He listened to Feng Wanzhan instructing him, "Remember not to pick it up and wear it every day."

"I will."

Feng Wanzhan was satisfied after this, and then looked at the carriage of rouge gouache that Zhou Jing sent, as well as a lot of cloth and nightdresses, and pulled out two horses from the carriage.

"Seeing that your family is still an ox cart, and I will send you two horses, you won't be underestimated when you talk about business in the future."

Zhou Jing did not refuse and accepted.

"I'm leaving, remember to write a letter, and write it down and send it to me in schoolwork and life."

"Yes, Uncle."

Seeing the stickiness of the two of them, Zhou Jing secretly said to Shen Mo, "Those who don't know think that The old man is a gay guy, so he has a crush on us Xiaoyu!"

Shen Mo couldn't understand and asked, "What is a gay guy?"

Zhou Jing blurted out, "Perverted!"

Then Shen Mo pinched him, because it was too painful Zhou Jing only cared about the pain, but in the end he didn't understand what was wrong with the words that sounded out of his mouth!

Feng Tao walked to the back, and when he turned the corner, he glanced back at the man wearing the silver mask.

Since taking off the man's mask, the face behind the mask has appeared in his mind from time to time, and he thought that maybe he owed him an apology. If there is fate, he will definitely apologize to him.

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