Chapter 56 What to do

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"The stuff in this shop is okay, but it's cheaper." Li's heavy make-up, wearing a pale pink dress, swayed with her slender arms as she spoke. The expression on his face was arrogant and arrogant.

Shen Mo was stunned to hear that, a dress cost more than 300 taels, and it was called cheap. The consumption of rich people didn't understand.

Behind Li's family were four or five maidservants. There was a little girl of 18 or 19 years old in front of her. The little girl was called Sun Jiao. She was slightly less dressed than Li's, but it could be seen that she was definitely not a servant. She vainly supported the woman, and her tone and actions were so flattering when she spoke.

"Cousin-sister-in-law, the things here are just novel and peculiar. How can you compare the good things that your mother's family has shipped to you from thousands of miles away, and buy them back for fun."

Clothes of a few hundred taels are just for fun. How rich.

After Sun Jiao finished her flattery, her attitude changed completely when she turned her head to talk to Shen Mo. She stood tall on the ground, as if talking to Shen Mo would sully her, she said arrogantly, "Where's your shopkeeper, call him out, distinguished guests. Linmen doesn't know how to receive it."

Although this shop only became popular overnight, the ladies in town who paid attention to the shop also knew that this shop was a husband's shop. After all, Zhou Jing is considered a golden tortoise-in-law anyway. People who have a girl who has not left the cabinet are also thinking about marrying the girl to such a capable man. After a little inquiries, they know that Zhou Jing is already married and has a husband who will open a shop with him. do business.

Just as Shen Mo opened his mouth to say that he was the owner, there was something he could do as he said, when Zhou Jing, who was collecting the materials for retail customers, came out.

"Two girls, I'm the shopkeeper here. If you need anything, just give me your orders." Zhou Jing heard the conversation between the two women from behind. From the words and the tone of voice, he could tell that it was the wealthy family who felt superior to others. Mrs., he didn't want Shen Mo to be angry with them, so he came out to entertain. Zhou Jing turned his head and whispered to Shen Mo: "There are a few retail investors waiting behind, you go and have a look, I'll come here."

Shen Mo nodded, turned around and walked back, and looked back subconsciously before reaching the door.

Seeing that Sun Jiao, who was so arrogant when he was talking to him just now, even glanced at him like a charity, was now shy, she wanted to lower her head towards Zhou Jing, her cheeks were pink and tender, and she wanted to look at him openly. She seemed embarrassed, but she couldn't help not to look at it.

Shen Mo only felt a burst of anger burning Tianling Gai.

When Sun Jiao's cousin-in-law Li saw her like this, she covered her mouth with a handkerchief and giggled. Not only did he not feel ashamed, but he seemed to have deliberately told it to Zhou Jing.

"Well, I told you that the shopkeeper of 'Meet' is a very handsome young man. Although he is a lot worse than your cousin, he is not bad and more than enough for you. 'Go, I immediately thought of you when I saw him."

Sun Jiao lowered her head, infinitely shy. His voice was no longer rough, but instead, mosquitoes seemed to be in his throat, and he said softly, "Thank you, cousin." When the

two women said this, they seemed to ignore Shen Mo at all. Official husband in the eyes. Shen Mo was so angry that he clutched the door curtain and twisted it into a twist. He desperately told himself that these were not two women, but walking silver, and one was a few hundred taels. But the feet seemed to have their own thoughts, and kicked the door with a 'bang', making a loud noise, scaring the woman and Zhou Jing in the shop to the point where they couldn't help but look over. Only seeing an angry back, the door was closed again with a 'bang'.

Zhou Jing raised the corners of his mouth in a good mood at the clanging back door, "Hey, his little husband seems to be jealous!"

Li smeared Kodan's fingers, patted her chest, and pretended to "scare me to death."

Sun Jiao also pouted and said, "I'm really uneducated."

Zhou Jing turned his head, only a professional smirk remained, "Excuse me. What do you two see?"

It's fine if you don't ask. When Mrs. Li was asked, she giggled like an old hen, and Sun Jiao's face became even redder.

Shen Mo, who listened to the ambiguous laughter behind him, was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Scared a few retail investors, you look at me and I look at you.

One of them trembled and said: "Zhou Fulang, we are all peasant families, and the things we weave are not as good as the silk, satin and brocade that your family uses to make ready-to-wear clothes, but the head of your family said that coarse cotton cloth is also collected, but the price is lower. So, you don't have to see this stuff... you're a little scary like this."

Shen Mo's mind was not on this at all, he pricked up his ears and seemed to be listening to the movement outside, the laughter was louder than his. It's getting more and more presumptuous.

"I'm so mad at me!" Shen Mo suddenly shouted, and finally couldn't take it anymore. He slapped the table with a slap, and the tea cups on the table shook, fell to the ground, and shattered with a bang. "It's not just a few hundred taels, I won't make any money! How dare you seduce my husband, hum..."

Shen Mo slammed the curtain and went out, leaving a few retail investors looking at each other, dumbfounded: "Zhou Fulang is usually quite gentle. Alone, what's wrong with this one?"

Mrs. Li laughed enough, and then she didn't have a deep meaning: "If you like the clothes, so do people."

"Oh, yes, that's a pity, the clothes look If you win, you can buy it back, if you don't have the owner, you can only be sorry if you see it, this has the owner." Shen Mo walked out from behind with a smile on his face, but in reality he gritted his teeth. He walked to Zhou Jing in two steps, and it was unprecedented. It was very inconsistent with his style, and he took the initiative to put his hands on Zhou Jing's arms, and then shyly said, "Do you think so, husband?"

Three obedience and four virtues, yes All women and twins have to learn, Shen Mo's words have already made him jealous. As a husband, it means that the husband has a crush on some girl, not only can't stop it, but also helps to match, this is the so-called virtuous. Otherwise, the husband's family can leave the husband out of jealousy.

Both Sun Jiao and Mrs. Li came from wealthy families. Knowing that there is no man who doesn't like being pretty, no matter how pampered they are at home, no matter how tricks they use behind their backs, no one dares to openly prevent the family man from taking a concubine. Therefore, after hearing Shen Mo's outright jealous words, he was waiting for him to be reprimanded by Zhou Jing, and he felt a little disdain in his heart that what came out of the village was from the village, and he didn't even know how to use the backyard.

As a result, Zhou Jing stretched out an arm around Shen Mo's waist, and said very fondly: "The husband is right."

Shen Mo's face turned red, and the chins of the two women fell to the ground. .

Sun Jiao came out of the shop and twisted the handkerchief in her hand unwillingly, twisting the good one to a pulp.

"Cousin-in-law, what are you doing to buy his clothes? His attitude really pissed me off."

Mrs. Li said bluntly, "It's because you are incompetent, and you always think how good-looking you are. As a result, you Look at you, you can't even compare to a pair of children, so come to blame me."

Li slapped the bag made of oil paper in his hand and slung it in his hand very proudly, accepting the baptism of the eyes of all the women on the street.

This oil-paper bag has two hemp ropes twisted into a handle that can be slung on the arm. The style is unique. It is only available in a shop in 'Meeting'. Carrying it is equivalent to telling everyone that she has just met in 'Meeting' 'Bought clothes. And the clothes of 'Meet' have never been cheap, and the normal price of a few hundred taels is invisibly showing off their wealth in disguise. The women who passed by didn't take a few glances at the bag, so don't be too satisfied with the woman's mind.

She kept feeling the bag of clothes in her hand, as if she had caught some hope.

"You know it's really selfish to take care of yourself. I don't think it's been a long time since your cousin came to my room. If I don't think of any more ideas, I'm afraid my family will learn from the county magistrate's mansion and bring in goblins. Mrs. Su What kind of scheming woman is not forced to retreat by the girl who came out of the spring breeze. Later, after watching the 'Meeting' show, the county magistrate suddenly changed his temper and went to Mrs. Su's house to spend the night for the first time, saying I didn't buy the 'Meeting' nightdress, who would believe it. I can't wait for the embarrassment like Madam Su to make a move, so I have to make plans early."

Sun Jiao kicked the stones off her feet in anger.

"Ah!" The stone hit the head of a girl with grass on her head, and the girl knelt on the ground, wearing a linen filial robe. Her forehead was broken by a stone, and blood dripped down. She covered her forehead and couldn't see the injury. When she looked up, she saw that one of the women who kicked her was carrying the paper bag from the 'Meeting' family, and jumped over and hugged the woman's thigh.

"Madam, madam, please have pity on me and buy me. I only need five taels of silver, enough to buy a coffin for my father and buy a shroud. I will be a cow and a horse for you all my life. The slave is the maid."

Being entangled, crying and screaming for no reason, caused everyone on the street to point and point, and Li's face was ashen with anger.

"It's so bad!" The

maids behind her immediately stepped forward and dragged the person away. The woman was no longer in the mood to show off her bag, and said annoyed, "Go and call me Ding Jiaozi."

Sun Jiao walked a few steps and still looked back at the girl who sold her body to bury her father. She bit her lip, and a shadow flashed in her eyes. The ruthless ray of light finally turned around and ran out.

She came to the girl who sold her body to bury her father and looked at her coldly.

"You want to have money to bury your father, it's useless to kneel here, you can go to 'meet', the husband of the owner of that shop is a twin, with the kindest heart, you cry, beg, and rip off your face , he will definitely help you."

As Sun Jiao walked away, the little girl muttered, "'Meet'." These two words seemed to be all her hope.

When only Zhou Jing and Shen Mo were left in the shop, Zhou Jing returned to his sly face, and he was like a dog-skin plaster on Shen Mo's body.

"The clothes don't have the owner, I have the owner! The husband's words are domineering, I like it. Hehe..."

Originally, Shen Mo was still a little angry, but Zhou Jing looked like this, and he knew that the two women were not paid attention to by Zhou Jing at all. In, not angry, but a little helpless. He knew that Zhou Jing was like this, pretending to be a gentleman in front of people, and behind people...hehe...Have you ever seen a hooligan who molested women from a good family?

Shen Mo pushed him, turned around and wanted to leave, but Zhou Jing spun him around and pulled him into his arms.

"Xiao Mo came over and stamped a seal on me, otherwise people wouldn't know that I had the owner, and they would all chase after my house." Zhou Jing roguely came over and came to kiss Shen Mo, who was in his arms Li Dong hides and does not give him a kiss.

It is estimated that Zhou Jing has been unfavorable recently, and he is about to kiss Ruanxiang Wenyu, but someone actually bumped into him without knowing what to do.

"Oh, the two owners are busy!" A mean female voice suddenly sounded.

Shen Mo rushed out and ran, and Zhou Jing turned around with a dark face as if to eat people.

The man next to the woman coughed a few times, and then called out embarrassingly: "Master."

He is a retail customer who supplies the dyeing workshop. Usually, the fabric is sent directly to the dyeing workshop. I don't know how I found it today. .

Zhou Jing restrained the thought of jumping up and beating him, trying his best to speak as normal, but in fact his teeth were grinding.

"What's the matter with you coming over to the shop?"

The man's name is Zheng Liu, he was a little embarrassed but couldn't hide his joy and said: "No, I got a few good ones, saying that they are brocade from Hangzhou and Song brocade from Suzhou. I brought it here for you to see."

Zhou Jingjing nodded, "Move to the back, it's really the brocade and Song brocade of Suzhou and Hangzhou, I can't lose you."

Zheng Liu rubbed his hands happily, turned and scolded behind him: " What are you doing in a daze, and you haven't moved things to the backyard, you don't have the ability to see anything, it's like a club."

Only then did Zhou Jing see that behind Zheng Liu, there was a six- or seven-year-old child who was wearing clothes that were obviously indistinguishable. What color linen was on, with a pair of ragged straw sandals on his feet, eight of his ten toes exposed. When I started walking, I didn't follow my feet, and I fell one by one.

He lowered his head and did not return his mouth when he was scolded. He should be used to it and turned around and went out.

The six pieces of cloth stacked together are too high and too heavy for a child, blocking his line of sight and unable to see the road ahead, stumbling and almost falling several times.

Zheng Liu scolded: "Idiot, you know that eating and eating, pigs are better than you, and you can slaughter and eat meat during the new year, what's the use of raising you! I tell you, if you hit my mother-in-law's stomach, I will beat you up. Damn you."

Zheng Liu's mother-in-law, the woman who interrupted Zhou Jing's good deeds, hurriedly dodged to the side, holding her shoulders and looking at the little boy with disgust.

The little boy walked into the back room, and no one lifted the curtain when he met the door. He could only use the top of his head. He was not paying attention, and the shoes that were much larger under his feet tripped him, and fell directly to the ground, holding him in his arms. The clad brocade rolled to the ground.

"Oh, you rubbish!" Zheng Shi scolded and rushed up, ignoring the child, and went to see the brocade first, a few were dirty, and one had a cut.

"You... you mourning star, I killed him." Zheng Shi raised his hand and came to beat someone, but was stopped by Zheng Liu who was behind.

"Don't, I'll beat him. You have to be careful with your stomach. There's still my good son in there. I've been waiting for it for so many years. This is my lifeblood.

" He stood aside and said, "Hit me hard, I won't be able to relieve my anger if I don't beat him to death today."

Zheng Liu stepped up and took a shot at the little boy's butt. The little boy just got up and was kicked down again. Now, his forehead hit the ground with a loud bang. Saturday didn't care at all, rounded his fists and squeezed the little chicken as if he was pinching the little boy to the ground, it was beating everywhere.

Shen Mo was stunned at first, but after reacting, he pulled Zhou Jing, Zhou Jing jumped up a few steps, and with one move he easily shoved Zheng Liu off the little boy.

Zheng Liu looked back anxiously, and saw that Zhou Jing had stopped. Shen Mo ran forward to check the little boy's injuries. The little boy's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. There were bruises and bruises under his torn clothes. Shen Mo was stunned for a moment. The little boy wrapped his clothes indifferently, stood up limping, and stood quietly on the side, without making any sound from beginning to end.

It was only at this moment that Shen Mo realized that this little boy didn't beg for mercy or screamed pain even when Zheng Liu wanted to kill him just now.

The few retail traders who were waiting to sell cloth before came out of the same village with Zheng Liu. Seeing the poor child, they couldn't help but accuse: "Zheng Liu, how can you say that he is also your adopted son, you are right. This child."

Zheng Liu was righteous and scolded: "The adopted son is not a parent-child, how much money does he eat and drink a year, I have raised him for so many years, and I have done my best and righteousness, and whoever you are, is not my own, I will beat him out of the house early. Come on, don't stand here and talk without your back hurting!"

A man next to him said unconvincingly, "It's not because you didn't beat this kid out because he was so young that he drove you out to make money. This kid in the dyeing workshop is doing this. Who doesn't know how to live and not be worse than a mother-in-law."

Zheng Liu sneered, "How do you eat my clothes and wear my clothes, and you don't make any money for me? It's hard to think that I would raise him for nothing. Why, I spent a tael or two to buy him back. If you don't like it, , you take the money and I'll sell him to you!"

The man was unconvinced and still had to argue, but the man next to him pulled his sleeves and persuaded him softly.

"Forget it, don't talk about it. If you're in a hurry, how can Zheng Liu take care of that child when he goes back? Or can you really buy him to take care of it? This is not a matter of talking more.

" Don't say it, turn your head away, and can't bear to look again.

Zheng Liu snorted disdainfully: "Fake kindness, what a good person I am, it's not that I can't bear the money, it's not as good as me, after all, I spent a tael to buy people back then, and I saved him after all. I didn't let him starve to death." The

man also understood how wrong it was to say too much, and he annoyed Zheng Liuzhen, and it was the child who suffered in the end, but he couldn't stay here for a moment, so he said to Zhou Jing: "Zhou Dong's house, I I still have something to do at home, can I ask you to see my cloth first, so I can go after the money."

These retail traders are all from the countryside, and they used to weave cloth and deliver goods to the town. However, I used to supply other stores before. Later, I heard from my colleagues who have sold it that the newly opened 'Meeting' Buzhuangdong has a good family and never lowers the price. I sold it a few times, and as expected, they all came here to deliver the goods slowly.

Their cloths are all woven in their own homes, and they are all coarse and cotton cloth, and they cost only twenty or two points of silver for dozens of pieces. This price is fairly fair. After all, when you go to a shop, you have to make money, so it is impossible for the farmers to be busy.

When it was Zheng Liu's turn, he kicked the child and told him to pick up the silk on the ground and put it on the counter. The counter was taller than the child's, and the child couldn't reach it several times with his toes on his toes. Zheng Liu didn't help, but instead kicked the little boy cursingly.

Shen Mo couldn't stand it any longer, he walked around from behind, took the brocade and placed it on the counter.

Zheng Liu immediately nodded and said: "This waste, how can I ask Fulang Zhou to do it himself, please, please."

Shen Mo didn't speak, his face turned away.

Zheng Liu licked his cheeks and rubbed his face up to Zhou Jing and said, "Zhou Dong's family, look, these brocades..."

Zhou Jing glanced at the child, it was really pitiful, but it was a pity that it fell into the hands of such a family.

"I can give you the normal price for these brocades, but I have one condition."

Zheng Liu hurriedly said: "Zhou Dongjia, you can mention whatever conditions you have

. This is the end of the matter, after you go back, don't make trouble for this child, I am willing to give you this price because of his face."

Zheng Liu turned his head and glared at the child fiercely, and said, "I will never go back because of this. If the matter hits him again, you can give me the normal price."

However, the little boy stood indifferently at the counter from beginning to end, without a word of thanks, without a grateful look, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Although it is Jinbo from Suzhou and Hangzhou, at the same time there are good and bad Jinbo, which can't be compared with the things brought by the merchants from the south of the runners, but it is Jinbo in the end. Of course, this thing can be sold for twenty taels in the hands of Zhou Jing and the shopkeepers who have shops. It can even be made into ready-to-wear or nightdress by Zhou Jing, even seven or eighty taels, but in the hands of these retail investors can not.

This price is not low, the price is so. There are also labor and store fees in the shop.

Zheng Liu knew, nodded his thanks, and happily hugged his mother-in-law and left with dozens of taels of silver.

"Aren't you greedy for meat? Let's go back and buy it now. As long as you can give me a big fat boy, I'll buy you anything to eat."

Zheng Shi said angrily: "It sounds nice, if I eat meat every day , can you afford it?"

Zheng Liu laughed hehely: "Don't we have to give our son a few more grips?"

"You, you know your son." The

two walked in front of them talking and laughing. The little child stumbled and followed behind with all his injuries. The big shoes took a few steps and he tripped and fell, and the little boy got up without a word and continued to follow. Occasionally, the two smiling adults in front of him remembered it, and would only turn around and scolded him for walking slowly.

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