Chapter 84 Demontration in person

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Three months later, a five-storey study in Liuzhen was finally completed. It was located in a relatively secluded street, and the four characters of Zhou Yu study were written on the door plaque.

Overnight, there were many more people distributing leaflets in Liuzhen. These people were invited by Zhou Jing, and each of them had a hundred handwritten leaflets with the address and introduction of Zhou Yu's study on it. There are young and old among these people who distribute the leaflets, but most of the leaflets in their hands are distributed to those who read, whether they are poor or not.

"Sir, please take a look at our Zhou Yu study. This is the palace of scholars. There are all kinds of rare and rare books in it. Many are even single copies." He also had a book basket on his back.

The young man named Cheng Ping was not interested in what he said about the study. There were not hundreds of schools in Liuzhen, but dozens of them. There were countless large and small ones, so he didn't think there would be anything special about this study. What he was curious about was only this kind of leaflet mode. In Liuzhen, he had only seen notices in the yamen written on paper and pasted on the wall. Other than that, nothing was written on paper and distributed.

Cheng Ping took a novel and took a look, but was attracted by the title of the book on the flyer. That's not some obscenity lyric, erotic song, talented and beautiful woman's painting book, but the words of Confucius and Mencius, who are 'seeking talents and thirsty' for scholars in the world. According to legend, these books are only available in Guozijian, and only the real disciples of the emperor can see them.

Cheng Ping's blood boiled with enthusiasm, his face flushed with excitement, he forgot about insulting Sven, grabbed the chest of the person who distributed the leaflets, and asked aggressively, "Where can I see the treasures on this?" , Others thought it was going to be a war when they saw it, but a few people stopped to watch the excitement.

The one who handed out the leaflets was startled, thinking to himself that all scholars are polite. How could this be so violent, it looked like he was going to fight, but with thin arms and thin legs, he was afraid that he would break a bone.

"This is the flyer of Zhou Yu's study, and naturally you can see it in Zhou Yu's study!"

"Really?" Cheng Ping asked with red ears, it seemed that if the person on the opposite side said a word to lie to him, he would be able to punch him on the spot.


"Where is Zhou Yu's study room and how to get there?"

"Look at the flyer, it's all written." Even though he said that, he still showed him the way. "Turn on Hua'an Street from here, pass Fucheng Road, and then turn right in... Then you can see a very tall building in the distance, the one with five floors is Zhou Yu's Study Room. By the way, Let me tell you, Zhou Yu's study is different from other study. If you read it in the study, you will not get a cent. If you like the book, you can transcribe it as you like. If you don't need money, you only need to transcribe it. Back up the study and you can arrive... Hey, don't run, I haven't finished yet!"

Cheng Ping had already run away with Shu Lou on his back, and he didn't know if he heard what he was muttering. Seeing that he was about to turn the corner, the scholar remembered to thank him.

"Thank you!" Cheng Ping waved his hand from a distance, shouted excitedly, and saluted him.

How could a man be treated with such great courtesy by a scholar, he was so frightened that he imitated Cheng Ping's movements and returned back. When he looked up again, Cheng Ping ran away without a shadow. He scratched his head, there was a rare look of embarrassment on his dark face.

"I didn't do anything, just handed out flyers. The one who should be thanked is Mr. Zhou. He is a truly benevolent and kind man. He built roads for the village, and now he has built a study for the world. Even I can see it. , Master Zhou built the study not to make money at all, but to read books for free to those students who can't afford to read. You said, other businessmen can't make money, how can they do such a great deed for the benefit of the people!

" He doesn't speak rhetoric, but only knows that Mr. Zhou is a good person and does his best to do good deeds. The only way for him to pay back is through more vigorous publicity.

"Take a look, take a look, don't miss it when you pass by, Zhou Yu's study is open today..."

Cheng Ping ran to the door of Zhou Yu's study in one breath, looked up and was stunned when he saw the four characters on the plaque, shook his head, and nodded again.

He sighed: "The character is still juvenile, but it's a pity that this is a good hand."

He didn't know that these four characters came from the hand of a nine-year-old child.

The exterior of the study is quaint and elegant, which is in line with the elegance of scholars. Even if you are illiterate, you will know this is a study when you see this style.

A wooden board stands outside the study, and a particularly large piece of paper is attached to the board. The reader leans in to see it, and on it is written an introduction to the study. The beginning is where the study was built, and a brief introduction to why it was built. Because the son of the shopkeeper of the study is a famous scholar, he knows the hardships of reading, and understands the poverty of reading. He is grateful that his classmates can't read books, so he persuades his father to build a study to spread knowledge to scholars all over the world and contribute talents to the dynasty. His father was deeply moved after hearing it, so he responded, and named Zhou Yu's study in the name of his son. Let the scholars all over the world understand Zhou Yu's kindness and care about all the classmates of the dynasty.

Cheng Ping couldn't help crying after reading it, "Zhou Yu is the role model of scholars and students in the world. On the other hand, if you get this treasure, you must hide it and understand it by yourself, so that you can overwhelm your peers in the imperial examination. Fame is concerned with the world, and it doesn't matter if one's fame, fortune, and wealth are important. It's the fundamental thing that people in the world can grow their knowledge. Such talents are great talents, and their birth must be the blessing of the dynasty and the people. If there is a chance, I really want to make friends, Only by making friends with such people can you have a broad mind and broaden your horizons."

Cheng Ping sighed and stepped into Zhou Yu's study. Once he entered the study, he found that the whole study was quiet as if needles were falling, but when he looked around, he saw nothing. It was found that the study was not empty. On the contrary, there were many scholars gathered, but no one was talking loudly or in a low voice.

Looking at it again, I found that Zhou Yu's study was different from other study rooms. It was divided into two parts. A part of the Shangshu Mo Pavilion is filled with rows of bookshelves. The books are neatly arranged in rows and there are about six bookshelves in total. The road leading to the bookstore was blocked by a low fence door that could be seen inside, and only the study staff could enter.

On the left side of the ink pavilion is the study hall. There are dozens of wooden tables and chairs neatly placed in the study hall. There are single tables and double tables, and there are large tables for several people. Guests can pick up books to study or transcribe here.

This kind of environment is more elegant and clean than many scholars' homes. It is indeed a palace for scholars.

At this time, a guy came up to meet him. He was wearing a special work uniform made by Zhou Yu's study, and the name of the study was embroidered on it for easy identification.

He smiled and led Cheng Ping to the small table in front of Mo Pavilion, and there was a guy sitting at the table.

When he came over, another guy gave him a few pieces of paper. He took it and saw that it was a catalog of all the books in the study. However, there is a string of strange symbols behind each book. He can't understand what it means. He can roughly guess that it is the number made by the study room, which is used to manage the books and facilitate the search.

Cheng Ping took a serious look and found that they were all books that could be used by scholars. There were very few books like painting books. Almost half of it was what he desperately wanted to read right away. After a lot of struggle, he chose one and pointed it out to his buddy.

The guy took a look, smiled and said softly: "You go to the third floor, this book is on the third floor, you can directly find the ink servant on the third floor."

It turned out that the string of symbols that Cheng Ping could not understand were Arabic numerals. The characters are hard to learn, but the Arabic numerals are easy to recognize, even if the illiterate tells them a few times, they will recognize them. Zhou Jing marked the floor of each book with Arabic numerals, and someone could know the floor at a glance. Then, all the books are sorted in Arabic. It doesn't matter if you don't know the characters. You can know which books are in the row by comparing the Arabic numerals behind the book titles. After checking, you can match the Arabic serial numbers at the back of the books. In this way, even if the clerk in the study is illiterate, he can accurately find the books that the guests want.

Cheng Ping went up to the third floor, still thinking over and over in his heart, Mo Shi, I had never heard of it, and I think it should be the elegant name that the scholar named Zhou Yu gave to the guys working in the study, but it was unique and serious. He smiled and wanted to make friends with that second person even more in his heart. But he didn't know that all the things he was thinking about were the thoughts of a vulgar businessman Zhou Jing who was full of copper stench and whose mind was his husband's body except for the stench of copper. Zhou Jing later found out about this and didn't explain it. He blamed all the mistakes on his son, and taught his son the theory of black belly: "Son, if you see it, if you pretend to be able to pretend, if you pretend to be good, everyone in the world will flatter you! "On

the third floor, Shi Mo glanced at the book list and quickly entered the bookstore to take out the book Cheng Ping wanted.

Ink Servant said: "Guest, as long as our book is in the study room, you can read it at will, without money. If you like, you can transcribe it, but if you have to transcribe a copy to the study room, it will count as ink silver. If you don't want to transcribe it for the study room, Then transcribe the ink and silver according to the value of the book. If you borrow it, you need to leave a deposit."

Just now, Cheng Ping was so anxious that he didn't hear the introduction of the man who distributed the leaflets. You don't want money?"

His shouting attracted dissatisfied stares from several scholars, and the ink servant also hurriedly stopped: "Guest, it is forbidden to make loud noises in the study." Then he pointed to the wall of the study. In a few big characters, Yajing is written. "Guest, I have to tell you that loud noises are prohibited in the study, the first three warnings, the fourth expulsion from the study, and a one-day ban on reading. If the circumstances are serious, it is very likely that you will be banned from reading for a lifetime and will not be allowed to enter Zhou Yu's study."

Cheng Ping hurriedly apologized in a low voice.

Servant Mo asked: "Which reading mode do you choose?"

Cheng Ping's family is really poor, but he loves books, so he hurriedly said, "Read here, write a copy for the study, and I will transcribe another copy myself." Servant

Mo nodded. , actually brought him paper and ink, "You don't need paper and ink to transcribe for the study, but you must use your own paper and ink to transcribe it yourself, and the study does not provide it. Also, you can't write words when you write. It is too dense or too thin, and it should not be written too wildly so that people can't read it. After the transcription, we will check it, and you will be allowed to transcribe it yourself if you pass it. You will be disqualified from reading for free, and you will be charged for all books in the future. You cannot have more than three typos on another page, otherwise you will be punished. No objection, please sign here. No intention, register, When you return the book, you will know that the book you borrowed originally, so there will be no misunderstanding between us."

Cheng Ping nodded and signed. Although the requirements are very strict, he is very grateful. How can there be such a good thing in this world, reading books does not cost money, transcribing can be used to cover the rent of books, and even providing pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Oh my god, this is a big festival for Zhou Yu!

Zhou Jing just wanted to make Zhou Yu famous among the readers, but he didn't expect that he would be praised by scholars all over the world. Not to mention that in a few years, scholars from all over the dynasty will know that there is a Zhou Yu study in Liuzhen, which is full of rare and rare books. . So many scholars came here because of it, and it was even rumored that it was necessary to study in Zhou Yu's study before the exam, and it was sure to be able to get a title on the gold list. This shows the status of Zhou Yu's study in the minds of readers.

Zhou Yu's study was opened at every hour and closed at every hour, so early because the guests had to count the books to see if they were lost. If it closes late and there is no light, it will be impossible to count. Hearing Mo Shi's reminder, Cheng Ping stretched his waist and read for a day without even knowing it. He didn't even eat lunch, his face was slightly red, and there was always a feeling of taking advantage of the store. He got up to return the book and the transcribed paper, and the Ink Servant took it and nodded with satisfaction. He just let go and felt a little relieved.

When he came out, he was followed by a nine-year-old child who was also dressed as a scholar. He not only talked, "You are also reading books."

"Yes." The child said.

"Speaking of which, I would like to get to know this scholar named Zhou Yu. What kind of style and style can he come up with to come up with this kind of study that is beneficial to scholars all over the world. This kind of noble person is the role model for my generation, and I am short-sighted. A person with such a vision must be the pillar of the dynasty. This person must be extremely valuable. In the future, if he can be named on a gold list, I will ask someone to ask this adult to see him, and I can get one or two pointers. , it will definitely be useful."

Cheng Ping was still talking, but he didn't notice that the tip of the boy's ears was blushing in front of him, he was none other than Zhou Yu.

On the first day of the study's opening, it was just in time for Zhou Yuxiu, and he came here uneasy. He didn't expect to hear such a compliment. In fact, he has heard similar words from many people, and most of them feel guilty and moved. The guilt is because all these reputations and the respect of scholars should be borne by the father, but for his future, the father insisted on him, and he was ashamed. What moved him was that how could he be able to repair an aunt like Zhou Jing and Shen Mo? At this moment, Zhou Yu was relieved of the many sufferings in the past. Although he would not forgive those who had hurt him, he would no longer hate him. Because, maybe all the hardships were for him to cultivate such a pair of parents. Fortunately, he survived.

"Father, ah!" Zhou Yu took a few steps, and when he looked up, he saw Zhou Jing and Shen Mo, and his eyes instantly filled with joy.

Cheng Ping saw Zhou Jing and Shen Mo's outfits at a glance that they were like businessmen, and sighed inwardly that it was a pity that such a good seedling had such a bad background, so he said goodbye to Zhou Yu in a hurry.

"What's the matter with the study room?" Shen Mo and Zhou Jing smiled and held his hand, the family of three walked on the street warmly. Like thousands of ordinary families.

"Very good. The son also wants to thank his father. This should be praised by his father, but his son has received it, and he deserves it!"

Zhou Jing suddenly said solemnly: "Xiaoyu's words are not allowed to be mentioned again from now on, you remember that the way to build the study was what you thought of, and then tried hard to persuade the father who only knew about the copper smell to build it? Even if he came to him. It cannot be changed on the Great Hall of the Sun, otherwise Dad will definitely resent you."

Zhou Yu's nose was sour, and he almost burst into tears, nodding and saying, "Dad's great kindness, my son has no teeth and dare not forget it."

Shen Mo rubbed it. Holding Zhou Yu's head, he smiled and said, "Silly boy, what are you talking about? Your father and I are your Ame and father. We should naturally deserve our share of all this."

Zhou Yu nodded with a smile, but he understood in his heart . No, never was. If he is good to him just because he is a father, then why would his biological parents sell him and Zheng Liu would abuse him, even if he cried and begged like that at the beginning, it would be useless, instead he would be punished even more. Violent beating. He understood that only because he met Zhou Jing Shen Mo, and only because of them, he was today. Zhou Yu smiled faintly, so happy!

None of the three Zhou family noticed that there was a couple in rags standing on the street. People were stunned, staring at him like they couldn't believe it.

Zheng Shi looked dissatisfied and looked at Zheng Liu, who was standing stupidly, and kicked him, "What are you doing! Pick it up, if you don't pick it up, the leaves will be picked up by others, and we will go back later, what can we eat, baby? What to eat!"

Zheng Liu returned to his senses, and glared at her fiercely because of Zheng's just kick, which made Zheng shiver.

"What do you know, I seem to have seen that little beast just now!"

Without mentioning the name, Zheng Shi knew who the little beast was talking about, only the child they adopted before, because it was not biological, neither of them hurt He likes to call him a little beast.

Hearing the words, Zheng stooped down and continued to pick up the vegetable leaves, and said indifferently: "It's not normal for him, although we sold him to someone else, but everyone lives in Liuzhen and always encounters something strange! Zheng Liu said irritably: "

You know shit, but do you know who is holding that little bastard?"

Zheng murmured in a low voice: "You said I knew shit and asked me!" Well, he changed his words immediately: "I don't know, who is it?"

Zheng Liu said: "It's Master Zhou and his husband!"

"What, it turned out to be the pair of rich masters!" Zheng Shi was shocked: "Oh my god , Didn't this little beast fall into the heap of blessings, but it was obvious that the pair of ordinary farmers who came to buy him had turned into a Zhou mansion! Where did this little beast come from?"

Zheng Liu said with a gloomy face, "I It's not that simple, maybe we've all been tricked by that little bastard, you just wait for me to inquire about it."

Zheng Shi didn't take it seriously, he just thought that Zheng Liu wanted to be lazy and grabbed some bad vegetables by himself. The leaves were made at home, and as soon as they were stewed and served on the table, Zheng Liu came back angrily.

"I just said that we were tricked. It turns out that the little beast was not bought by the farmer at all, but because he saved Zhou Fulang's life, the Zhou family adopted him as an adopted son. Who knows how old Mr Zhou is. Doting on his husband, his husband is obviously a chicken that can't lay eggs, and Mr. Zhou is unwilling to accept the child, so the big family business is actually given to the adopted son, which is really cheap for that little beast. You say that according to Mr. Zhou to him The husband's doting so much was because we proposed not to sell our son and ask him to raise money every month, and Master Zhou would agree." When

Zheng Shi heard this, he also scolded, "It must be that little beast who made a fool of himself!

" Oh, wait, I will definitely teach him a lesson!" The

two of them cursed louder and louder, scaring the infant child into crying.

Zheng Shi hurriedly picked up the child and coaxed him, but Zheng Liu said, "Son, wait, Dad will get you some money."

Zhou Yu saw Zheng Liu as soon as he left the private school after school, and Zheng Liu rubbed his hands furtively. Waiting for him, seeing him come out, his eyes are full of sinister calculations. Zhou Yu's eyes quickly flashed a hint of coldness, he had no plans to care about it, after all, now he has such a good pair of parents. But this is what he bumped into himself, don't blame him for being ruthless at a young age!

"Oh, who is this, young master of the Zhou family?" Zheng Liu sneered when he opened his mouth.

Zhou Yu looked at him blankly: "What's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter? You said I can do anything, your father, I'm in a hurry now, should you be a big fish and meat for your son? Point."

Zhou Yu's eyes became more and more condensed, Zheng Liu sneered: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, I'll just say it right here, and ask your classmates to hear what kind of unfaithful and unfilial dog you are. , I wear gold and gold to eat fragrant and spicy, and my father will pick up rotten vegetables and eat them! You scholars value your reputation the most, and I will smear your reputation."

Zheng Liuyue said the louder, and several classmates have been beaten by him. Attraction stopped, not understanding how the young master of the Zhou family could have anything to do with such a scoundrel.

However, even if you are a scoundrel, if you let these scholars know, there will still be the 'Bodhisattva's heart' to say that no matter what, you were once your parents after all, no matter what they did to you, you should not ignore it, this is You are unfilial.

This kind of remark is purely standing and talking without back pain, and you don't have to be responsible for what you say. If this happens to them one by one, I'm afraid they will be more jealous than anyone else.

Zheng Liu continued with a gloomy smile: "You said that if I casually say two bad things to you and tell Master Zhou, will he believe it, and then beware of you, do you think he will hand over the Zhou family's property to you? Well! The Zhou Mansion will still let you study!"

Zhou Yu squinted his eyes and stated: "You are threatening me."

"Yes, what about threatening you. If you don't obey, I don't mind making you stinky if you don't!" He said louder.

Because Zhou Jing now invites guests to dinner in a private school for ten days and a half, and builds a study for his son, they are even more preferentially treated when they go there. Seeing that he was entangled by rogues, someone stepped forward.

"Zhou Yu, do you need any help?"

Zhou Yu said with a smile: "It's okay, a rural relative at home, ask me to say a few words, you can go first, and you have to cook when you go back."

Although he doesn't believe in Zhou Yu's words, but after Zhou Yu made it clear that he didn't need help, the classmate had to leave.

Zhou Yu turned his head coldly and asked, "How much do you want?"

"It's over if you don't talk about it. Fifty taels, I'll give it to Laozi Huahua first. Laozi hasn't bet for a long time. After spending it, Laozi will come to you again!"

"I don't have so much money on me now, you go back, and tomorrow I will take the money and go to your house to find you early in the morning."

"Okay, I'm not afraid of you running away, I'll wait for you at home!" Zheng Liu hummed a little song and walked contentedly. . From tomorrow he will be a master too.

Zhou Yu looked at Zheng Liu's back and sneered.

"What are you going to do? Just give him the money tomorrow? Or..." Zhou Yu didn't dare to say it as Zheng Liu thought when he returned home, but he hid it and told Zhou Jing Shenmo directly.

Zhou Jing and Shen Mo all looked at Zhou Yu, but no one commented.

Zhou Yu said for a long while: "No, I can't give it. Zheng Liu's greed will never end."

Shen Mo nodded and said, "That's right, some people's greed is not enough."

Zhou Jing asked: "Then what are you going to do? Let it go or whatever?" From beginning to end, Zhou Jing was asking Zhou Yu Opinion, this time he didn't rush to stand up for him because of Zhou Yu's complaint.

Because Zhou Yu has grown up slowly, one day he will face the wind and rain alone, he can't hold an umbrella for him for a lifetime, so he must teach him how to hold an umbrella early. And all he can do is buy that umbrella for his son.

If his auntie hadn't done so much for him before, he wouldn't have dared to show his true temperament, for fear that they would think that he was ruthless, ruthless, unfaithful and unfilial, and thus would give up on him. But now in his heart, Zhou Jing and Shen Mo are his biological father. In front of his biological father, there is no need to hide any temperament, because they will only guide him correctly, and will not hate him.

"I want to..." Zhou Yu told his thoughts, but Zhou Jing laughed with satisfaction.

"Very good, this is my son. We can't take revenge for kindness, but we can't be cowardly and deceive! The saints have said to repay hatred with virtue, why repay virtue? We are not saints, but ordinary people pretend to save all beings. The Bodhisattva! My son will do as you said tomorrow!"

Shen Mo persuaded: "Yes, but after all, my son is still young and doesn't have as much experience as you. In the first battle, you should bring your son to fight and set an example for your son!"

Zhou Yuman The face is black, his father is really... different! Can you demonstrate this kind of thing in person?

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