Chapter 1

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"How was your day babe?" I asked my boyfriend for 13 months. He was going to school in Amarillo while I was here in Texas studying to become a Nurse. I haven't seen him in a while and I miss him to pieces.
He was a black boy that constantly dys his hair blonde, small lips but a big personality. He wasn't light skinned nor dark skinned. He was right in the middle. He was at least 5'10 towering over me by 4 inches.
"I'm-I'm doing good- look I have to go ,talk to you later? No-no I'll call you tomorrow. Sleep tight!!" He rushed hanging up after I had said goodbye. We never have time to just sit and talk. At first it was easy. Everyday we would talk for hours whenever we had gotten the chance but since the second semester of College we have no time. He tells me that he's busy studying but seriously who study's every freaking minute of your life.

I turn off my phone, walking out of the small cafe I dine at every night since I have no one to cook for at my apartment. It wasn't a long ride since I have my bike. Pedaling through the night sky I started to think about the test I have in two days that will determine if I should continue studying to become a Nurse. Stopping at a red light I could see my Apartment silhouette.

Hopping off my bike I push it up the stairs to the building. In the lobby sat a man. With a full grown beard and knotted hair.

He was shivering from what I can see. Arms tucked in his loose jacket. Face skinnier than ever, boney ankle and he was paler than a ghost.

I quietly walk past him pushing the 'up' button for the elevator. I looked back at the man to still see him shivering. I take notice of his clothes that hung loosely on him and was really dirty. My parents have warned me to stay away from strangers and creepy mans but I had to help him. The elevator door had finally opened and I walked inside the warm thing. I haven't even notice how cold it was in the lobby until I saw that poor man sitting door with a cap that covered his face. Walking into my two bedroom apartment, I turned on the kitchen lights. Pulling out the essentials to make a pb&j sandwich. I usually don't do this but something was pushing me to help the guy. Grabbing two pieces of bread, I silently picked off the edges. Too me they are gross and dry and I would feel better giving it to him with out those unwanted sides.

Placing the sandwich on a tray, I grabbed a foam Cup to pour warm brewed tea in it to help with the cold.

Picking up the tray I grabbed an old blanket from the closet. When I made it back downstairs the man was still in his same spot. He looked as if he was dead but luckily I could see his chest move up and down.

How should I approach this man? Do I just sit the tray down and leave or do I sit there and talk to him?

"I brought you a blanket and food, sir" I say walking towards him ,then kneeling down to place the tray in front of him. "You can keep the blanket" I say. The man didn't move at all but kept his eyes glued on the floor like he was ashamed or embarrassed. I got the gist after two minutes of waiting for him to speak or at least move but he didn't. I stood up placing the warm Blanket around him carefully.

Walking back into my Apartnent, I think of all the possibilities of things that could've happened to him for him to be like this. This is the first I have ever seen him and I'm sure it won't be the last.


I lay in my bed, looking at the clock beside me to see that it's 2:30 in the afternoon on a Sunday. I haven't moved at all, all day. Landon hasn't called me like be promised he was and I was feeling sick. Standing up from my comfortable bed, I walk to the bathroom to start my daily routines.

-Brush Teeth



-wait for Landons Calls

The Homeless Boy (interracial)Where stories live. Discover now