【Chapter 2】

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Reki's POV: 

The day was long. The excitement of the coming night kept my mind occupied most of the day. Since it's summer, the store was pretty busy with bored teenagers looking for something to do. My young worker seemed to be pretty fond of one of the people with a buzzed head and chains all over their outfit. 

"They were so pretty," she leaned on the broom she was using to clean up a mess of pretzels she spilled on her lunch break. 

"Ah young love," I sighed, leaning my elbows on the counter. "I miss it." 

"What? Being young?" Mio gave me a condescending smirk. 

"No! Being in love, jerk," I threw an empty box at the purple-haired girl. 

"Hehe," she smile before going back to her sweeping. 


It was 7:30. 

I was freaking out. 

Why was I freaking out? It was just my old friends, and my old best-friend. Nothing to freak out over. 

I wore a black t-shirt with a white button up, and rolled up the sleeves. I put on a pair of black jeans to finish my look. 

I put my wavy, long, red hair in a pony tail and headed out the door. 


The restaurant had just closed, and Cherry was already there (duh). 

"Hey, Reki," Joe said, working on one big dish for all of us to share. 

"Hey, Kojirou." 

I sat at a table next to Cherry and straightened up. He was eyeing me suspiciously. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, feeling my uneasiness rise. 

"You're acting strange," he says behind his fan. 

"Wha- I just got here..." I say, slugging my shoulders, just before Shadow came bursting through the door. 

"I brought beer!" He cheered. 

"I swear to god if you break my door Hiromi," Joe swiftly turns around to glare at Shadow. 

"Yeah, yeah. It's like you don't even realize I have beer yet," Shadow sighs in defeat and sets the 6 back back on the table. There is one missing, which I'm guess was in case Miya wanted to drink it. 

"Oh I heard. You know I already have wine," Joe is talking yet still working on the food. 

"Yes, but this is a party, not a cute little dinner." 

Before the rest can keep arguing, Miya walks in. He looks the way he did when he was 13, big, green eyes, and fluffy black hair the laid between his eyes, and two pieces of it stuck out. Everything is the same except he is taller than me, which feels... illegal. 

"Yo," He walks through the door, plops down, and puts his feet up on the table, all chill like that. Cherry sends him a death look which sends his feet flying to the ground. About 5 seconds later, the old blue haired man walks through the door. Cheers of everybody are heard. 

"Langa! It's been to long, kid," Shadow gets up and wraps an arm around Langa's shoulder. 

"Yeah, it has," Langa pats Shadow's back and sits down next to me. Next to me. 

I give him a smile, and set one of the beers down in front of him. 

"I think this is my first drink," his face turns slightly pink as me and Shadow break into laughter. "I'm a teacher! I don't have time to drink," he says sourly. 

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