【Chapter 3】

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Reki's POV: 

"Because of him" 

The words stuck for a second. 

"Because of who?" I sit next to Langa and set a hand on his back. I don't know what happened but he suddenly starts crying. "Oh, Langa! Please don't cry I'm sorry!" 

"I-It's not you..." He puts his hands over his eyes. He sobs quietly. 

"Can you tell me what happened?" I bring my face closer to his and talk in a soft whisper. 

He takes a deep breath and wipes the tears off his face. "When I was in Canada, I started dating... a guy. I was really happy, but he made me stop snowboarding and skating. He was really controlling and flirted with girls in front of me. We always got into fights, and when I finally ended things, that's when I decided to come visit." 

Wow, that's a lot to take in. I take a deep breath. 

"I'm sorry that happened, Langa. But hey, now you're back here and you don't have to worry about that asshole anymore, okay?" I put my hand under his chin and bring his face up to mine and give him a soft smile. Without thinking clearly, I wipe the tears off his face and try to put his short hair behind his ears, which quickly fails. 

He sniffles and looks me in my eyes, the tears giving his sapphire eyes and extra shine to them. He really is so gorgeous. 

"Thanks, Reki." He leans forward and hugs me closely, but he quickly turns away to puke in a bush. 

"Oh yeah, one of the bad parts of getting drunk," I pat his back as he spits. "Wanna come over to my place so you don't have to visit your mom wasted?"

He wipes his mouth and slowly nods. I run inside, find Hiromi and tell him we're leaving. 

"Alright, get home safe guys!" He waves us good-bye. 


I opened the door to my crowded apartment. The walls were covered with random skate posters and other useless crap I bought because I thought it was cool. 

"Woahhh," Langa looked around the living room. 

"Pretty cool, right?" I point to the couch for Langa to sit. He lays down, out a pillow under his head. I go to grab a water for him to maybe sober up, but by the time I got the couch Langa was already long gone. 

"I know you're passed out, but I really care about you, and I'm sorry about what happened in Canada, but you're safe with me." I smile and put a blanket over him, turned off the lights, and went to bed myself.  


I wake up to the soft sound of walking in my kitchen, and cabinets opening and closing. Was Langa already awake? Why isn't he laying down, all hungover and stuff. 

I make my way downstairs, and sure enough Langa is cooking an omelet. 

"What are  you doing up so early?" I rub my eyes and stand next to him. 

"Dunno, just used to waking up so early I guess," he finishes the omelet  and sets it on my table. 

"Jeez, dude. You didn't have to do all this," I smile up at him. 

"What you said last night really helped me, so I thought I would return the favor." His line lips curl into a smile, the smile the twists my stomach and makes my face feel all warm and fuzzy. "I better head out, I'll stop by the shop later." 

With a small wave, he leaves. 


I lean on the counter, still a little hungover. 

"Fun night?" Mio smirks, setting up a new wheel display. 

"Sorta, there was crying involved," I sigh and straighten up. 

"Whoa dude, too personal," she gives me a look. 

"Oh my god weirdo, I didn't mean like that. I meant like emotional, y'know." 

I kinda miss when me and Oka would talk like this. I need to get in touch with him. 

Langa walks in the door, wearing a new pair of clothes and look as clean as one can. 

"Yo," I smile. 

"Hey. Hello Dope Sketch worker," Langa waves towards Mio. 

"It's Mio, old guy!" She sneers back at him. 

He walks over to the front corner of the counter, and looks through the stickers we have. His sapphire eyes graze over the designs, totally involved in them. 

"Pretty cool, right. All amazing work done by me," I smirk, feel the confidence boost. 

"Wow, your talent really hasn't gone down since before. You're still so amazing!" He gets that little spark in his eyes. 

My face heats up from the random burst of compliments. 

"O-Oh, jeez, thanks," I scratch my burning cheek. 

"Oh crap, sorry gotta go. My mom wants to get lunch with me. 

"Oh, alright, later." I wave him off as he walks out the door. 

"Don't think he's straight," Mio says, watching Langa leave.


Sorry for such a short chapter :( 

This also took so long because I barely worked on it, nd lost a lot of motivation, but if u like  it tysm! 

Stay sweet, 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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