Chapter 4.

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After a complete overturn of his wardrobe, several fittings and a dramatic moment of frustration, Louis decides to go for a pair of simple corduroy trousers. They are black and a little worn. They drag a few inches on the floor, but he's pretty sure they were all the rage in the '90s.

He picks up the first T-shirt he finds when he sees the time on his alarm clock on the bedside table. It's a red T-shirt with square patterns that looks more like a Christmas jumper than a T-shirt suitable for work. He plays it down, he can't delay any longer in his attire if he wants to be on time.

Never before has he worried about how he looks or what people might think of him. He has always liked his style; simple and effortless. He tells himself that appearance is not everything, but subconsciously he is trying to look good today. He hates himself a little as he can't help the strange feeling of wanting approval. He puts on his glasses, shakes his fringe off his forehead and sighs at his reflection in the mirror.

Anyway, he's ready for his first day of work at Brightness.

He has only managed a couple of hours of sleep, tossing and turning in bed all night with a strange feeling in his chest. He got up more than three times with the excuse of having heard something in the living room and more than once to the bathroom without really feeling like going. He knew it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

Despite the terrible night, he woke up in a good mood. The nerves are not completely gone, but today looks set to be a good one.

He leaves his home, but not before kissing Collin —who is still comfortably asleep in bed— goodbye, and sets off on the path he will be taking from now on.

The building looks less intimidating than yesterday once it comes to his sight. Louis takes this as a good sign.

The lobby is visible from the outside thanks to the wide glass doors, revealing a crowd of people going about their daily routines. It's an elegant place, a far cry from what he's used to. Still, it is pleasant.

It's when he pushes open the doors that everything looks exactly like yesterday.

The perfectly dressed people are too immersed in their own affairs to pay attention to his arrival. The high-heeled shoes ticking all over the place, the bustle, the ringing of phones and the constant ringing of the lift break the illusion of serenity that seemed to be there from outside.

For a moment, he just stands there. Standing in the middle of the sea of people before making his way to the lift.

A chubby, older lady enters next to him. She looks neat and tidy, her hair fixed in an impeccable coiffure. Louis steps aside to give her space, catching the smile she gives him after subtly sweeping her gaze over him. Ironically, that has been the kindest look he's been given so far.

"I've never seen you here before, dear," she sounds genuinely excited. Her tone of voice, loud and gravelly, doesn't match the sweet aura she conveys, "Are you new or something?"

Louis' eyes flicker to what she holds in her arms. A folder with the magazine's logo on it makes him realise he's probably talking to one of his new co-workers. He hurries to introduce himself.

"My name is Louis, and today is my first day on the job."

"Welcome, Louis," her smile grows bigger, the tender wrinkles on her face accentuating even more, "My name is Olivia, and I'm the eyes of this horrifying place."

"Uh..." Louis hesitates, not knowing what to make of that information, "I'm Mr. Styles' new assistant."

"Oh my God, love," Olivia gasps, covering her mouth with her free hand. Her happy expression changes completely to a worried one, "My condolences."

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