Chapter 5.

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"Creamed corn, interesting choice," Niall comments, putting a small salad on his own tray, "Did you know the main ingredient in that soup is cellulite?"

Louis gives him a tight smile, taking a piece of bread from the warm bar, "Do any of the models eat anything?"

"Not since size two became four and zero became two."

Taking a bite of the bread, Louis snorts, "I'm a size six."

Niall gives him a horrified look, "You mean, size fourteen."

They join the line to pay, Louis sees that most have grabbed small salads for lunch, with nothing more to go with it than a bottle of water.

He is happy with his tray full of things that probably prevent him from having a model's body. He's fine with that, he's not looking to be one anyway.

"Oh, shit," Louis curses when the cream spills onto his chest as he takes a spoonful. The yellowish stain on his jumper won't go away no matter how much he scrubs with the napkin, "Fucking shit."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you have more clothes like that."

Louis catches the mocking tone in Niall's comment.

"Sure, you think my clothes are hideous," Louis gives up on the stain and moves forward in line, "But I won't be in fashion forever. So why change just to have this job?"

Niall rolls his eyes, "To look fabulous, obviously," he glances at his full body with narrowed eyes, "You'd look so hot in tight trousers."

It's Louis' turn to roll his eyes, "In your dreams."

"Those flared trousers make you look like an old man."

"I'm fine with that."

"Sometimes a Chanel bag and a Gucci coat make you feel better about yourself, even people treat you better."

"I don't need that to feel good about myself," Louis takes another bite of his bread, grumpily, "Or for people to treat me better."

"Who doesn't like people to like them?"

Niall looks like he wants to take a piece of rye bread, but doesn't. Louis sees him giving it quick little glances.

"I'm not interested in people liking me for the price of my clothes, Niall," Louis takes a piece and puts it on the blond's tray, "That's not important, I like people liking me for who I am and not for how I dress or how I look."

Niall grimaces, but doesn't take the bread away.

"Yeah, that's why this industry is multi-million dollar," Niall shakes his head disapprovingly, moving on to another place, "The internal beauty." He says, making air quotes with his free hand.

Just as Louis is about to make an incredibly fantastic comment, Niall's mobile phone rings.

"Hello... what–" he says to the person on the other end of the line, eyebrows furrowed, "Okay, okay... I said okay! I understand... yeah, I'll see you in a sec."

"Who was that?" Louis asks as he watches Niall empty his tray into a bin.

"Harry," he replies, checking the watch on his wrist, "Rehearsal's half an hour early."


Louis blinks as Niall snatches the tray out of his hands and in one swift motion tosses it into the rubbish bin as well.

"Yeah, the designers bring their choices for the shoot and Harry picks," Niall shakes his hands and rearranges his clothes a little, "He picks each and every outfit, rehearsals are very important, why don't you know that?"

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