Chapter 9: Nothing but a Shadow of Himself (Updated)

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Sakura and I took the path leading to this forbidden access zone in the underground. The stone and cracked walls are narrow and plunged into obscurity; dim lights softly illuminate the hallways engulfed in darkness. Their time-worn state implies that these tunnels have existed for generations; their elaborate and thoughtful construction has allowed these walls to hold up for years, though constant renovations are erasing their age and wrinkles.

Connected directly to The Konoha hospital, it's here that the patients who have committed crimes and who belong in a cell are treated, although there are not only bandits who are locked up there. Sometimes, this place is used to accommodate unstable cases who need protection from the outside world or from themselves. These little-known places are used as a last resort, and Naruto fully meets the admission criteria.

Despite the narrowness of the corridors, the echo resounds with each of our steps and the silence worsens the already far too palpable tension. Since my whim, we have exchanged no words, no looks. Of course, I am not to blame for her pain. Sakura is Lady Tsunade's disciple, a trusted kunoichi. Yet, she's left out. Since she lets her emotions take over a little too often, I can understand why we don't want her involved right now.

My heart leaps in my chest each time we pass in front of a reinforced metal door, convinced that Naruto is behind the next one. I cannot wait to see him again, recognize him and not unrecognizable and literally on fire... However, because of his amnesia, I resolve to the fact that he will coldly stare at me when he sees me, as if I were a stranger in his eyes; I cannot say why, but it saddens me.

We turn the corner. At the end of the corridor, there is another door. We take a few steps forward and the latter opens with an odious creak, indicating that the hinges must be oiled. With his nonchalant and tired posture like a soul that has lived too long, I recognize Nara Shikamaru that is scratching the back of his head. In his hands, he holds a folder, at first glance copious given its thickness.

When he closes the door behind him, surprise overtakes him for a breath.

"Oh! Sakura! Kakashi-sensei!"

Mechanically, we come to meet the other.

"I didn't expect to see you on your feet yet," he says, quickly scanning me from head to toe. "That's good. She was impatiently waiting for you to wake up."

"I'm not in the best of shape, but I'll survive," I admit with a sigh. "Are you part of the team, Shikamaru?"

He nods, sighing too. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of Sakura staring at the floor, visibly hurt.

"Ever since the incident, I've been cloistered in this village and I'm doing boring missions because of it. With Naruto back, she put me on the case, hoping my brain would find the key to all this mess. It's a hassle, but I prefer that than twiddling my thumbs all day and ending up like Kiba... The poor guy, he freaked out and Godaime had to send him on a mission..."

"I see. Do you have any leads?"

"Nothing," he sighs wearily. "They'll give you all the details once there..."

I realize that the information about Naruto is classified and that we avoid hallway noises about him. Behind this door is Naruto. He's very close, so close that I can brush him with my fingertips...

Shikamaru turns his attention to Sakura. "And you? What are you doing here? You know she—"

"Yes, I'm well aware, thank you!" she answers in a passive aggressive tone. "I accompanied Kakashi-sensei! Can I still do that or is that also forbidden?!"

"Whoa, calm down! I'm sorry. I ain't the one giving orders, you know..."

A silence settles and the atmosphere is excruciatingly tense all of a sudden.

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