Chapter 22: My Precious World to Me

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Waiting for the night to cover the Village Hidden in the Leaves with its veil of darkness, I started reading to occupy myself. I could leave now, but I prefer to delay a little longer to make sure I don't encounter any potential curious eyes on the way ... at least, the best I can. Since we've been alone in this room, Naruto has been content to find some semblance of sleep. He keeps one eye open; if I try to free my hand from his, he only squeezes it tighter, forcing a sigh out of me. I can't wait to get home to rest; with my student, I doubt that's possible. Not to mention that hunger must occupy his exhausted mind...

Cautious knocks on the door take my nose out of my book; same with Naruto, though his heart races silently unlike me. The door opens slowly to leave only a brief gap. I recognize Sakura, visibly nervous, her gaze avoiding us.

She hesitates to speak.

"Kakashi-sensei, may I come in?"

I nod. She must know about this whole situation; her presence does not surprise me. Since Naruto is in no condition to lose his temper again, I take the risk of letting her approach. Perhaps seeing him like this will calm the anxieties that must be tormenting the young girl.

Sakura nods back and slowly walks into the room after closing behind her. She tries not to rush her unstable comrade, aware of his condition. She takes a few steps forward, but keeps an acceptable distance. Nevertheless, this intrusion causes Naruto to squeeze my hand to the point of causing bearable pain; at that, thin shivers betray his anxiety. I suppress a grimace.

"It's going to be alright, Naruto. She's a friend," I reassure him in a soft voice. "She's not there to hurt you."

The sapphire-eyed boy stops torturing my palm, but he remains vigilant; suspicious, he does not take his eyes off her. His black tail curls around our legs, surrounding them as if trying to impose an invisible barrier between us and Sakura.

"Master Tsunade told me about it," she confirms after observing the blond's strange behaviour. "She wants me to lend a hand once Naruto is less ... feral."

Her voice betrays an ache in his heart.

"Indeed. You're in the best position to help him regain his memory. Much more than me if it wasn't for the affection he has for me."

I look at Naruto.

"I hope he'll be calmer around other people. Once this step done, we will move on to the next ... with great caution, that said. Rushing him could have serious consequences on his psyche."

"Do you think he will remember us one day?" she asks me, saddened.

"It's too early to know, Sakura. However, a part of him is still there although it's in an unconscious and abstract way. All Naruto need for now is patience and time."

Sakura tightens her chest for a breath. She shakes her head and shoos the cockroaches away on her own to show a happier countenance. Obviously, she pushes back negative emotions and if she had entered with that beaming face, I would have believed it. She takes a few steps forward and bends down to Naruto's level who arches a bit in response.

"Naruto, when you're ready, I'll be there for you," she tells him with a sincere smile. "We just want to help you."

He listens to her in silence, but his feeling of mistrust persists. As my student has always done, she puts the needs of others before her own; in this context, it is an obligation. Sakura can only submit to the feral boy's rhythm so as not to be blacklisted.

"If he gets comfortable with Shikamaru, we can start introducing him to someone new. One at a time will save him anxiety since he has become very prone to stress."

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