Chapter 15: Switching Roles

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Andi lead Andrea to an old ranch that was a few miles away and said "you hunt while I gather more water". Andrea said okay and went to go kill some of the buffalos, while Andi put her plan into place. Andi put some heavy tranquilizer in a water bottle before walking back over to Andrea and saying "here you look thirsty, drink up" as she drank from her own bottle that wasn't drugged. Andrea smiled and said thanks before chugging the bottle and passing out a minute later as Andi smiled evilly. She put her hand on Andrea and absorbed her power and used a bit of it to change her form to look exactly like her and then pulled out her survival knife, stabbed Andrea a few times before dragging her body and throwing it over a cliff and watching it sink in the water below. Andi said, "I'm sorry but I can't give Victoria up again... at least your death was painless".

After heading back home, Andi shook jay awake and said "change of plans, we gotta go now... Agathor's coming and he already killed Andi while she tried to hold her off.. let's go". Jay teleported them to the house where Paula immediately ran up and said "where's Andi?" and Jay said, "she died near the buffalo ranch holding agathor off, we have to go now". Paula sighed and said, "thanks but no thanks, I have no meaning anymore without her, and ill be damned if I live a life of luxury knowing my Andrea suffered here". Jay sighed and said" okay, but before he could open a portal, one opened up as a hand pulled them through; it was Ariel's hand. Andi smiled and said "thanks you guys, but I'm tired from all that fighting and I would like to head home...Ariel said "of course" before she snapped her fingers and sent them home. Maldor's eyes opened wide after they left and he said "that's not the right Andrea" and Maya said "why didn't you say something" and he said, "her heart is corrupted way beyond repair...if we expose her now, she could become a new Agathor".

Maya sighed and said "what do we do?" and he said, "we try to find the right Andrea first and wait for Andi to become vulnerable and then determine if she can be contained then". Maya said  "okay but the moment she becomes too much for jay to handle, I'm icing her". Andi and Jay appeared in their living room which for a minute they thought was somewhere else. Andi called for Victoria who came running down the stairs saying mommy and daddy you're back...I missed you" before pulling them into a tight hug. Andi smiled and said mommy missed you too".

Meanwhile, Andrea had awoken to find herself washed up on the shoreline unable to move. She was extremely weak and nauseous from the sight of her own blood... somehow she forgot all of that as she gazed up into the night sky and took in the beautiful sounds of the water. Eventually, she mustered up enough strength and rolled onto her stomach, and crawled along the shoreline until she found stairs. She rested a bit more before using her arms to pull herself over to and eventually up the stairs to the ranch, before passing out again.

Meanwhile alternate dimension Paula had set out after Andi and jay left, so she could find her lover's body and was nearly there after finding a working car. When she arrived at the ranch 30 minutes later, it didn't take long for her to find Andrea's body, with a pool of blood around it. She broke down into tears at the sight of her best friend's corpse. After she had cried until she couldn't anymore, she went to pick up the body but got scared when Andrea gasped before darting back awake.

Paula smiled and said "Andi you're alive, but Andrea said "I'm not Andi...she drugged me, then stabbed me and left me to die in the ocean". Paula froze before saying "quit joking Andi and she said, "I'm Andrea". Paula lifted up her shirt and looked for the matching tattoo with her name, but didn't find it... instead, she saw 6 deep cuts. Paula picked her up and said "my Andrea or not, I'm not going to leave you to die". Paula pulled out her bag and carefully bandaged Andrea's wounds, before laying her flat across the back seats and heading off to the house.

Paula was highly angry that her wife could do something that evil and lie to her face and abandon her like that, but she did her best to put those feelings aside and save this Andrea's life. Meanwhile back at Agathor's castle, he got word of their escape, however since their power signatures were long gone, he assumed they had died attempting to escape and called it a win-win and went back to celebrating while now laid on the couch barely hanging onto life.

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