Chapter 17: Hard Lessons

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Paula quickly pulled Andrea into a deep passionate kiss which caused the cuts to heal again. When she pulled away she said "sorry but I had to elevate your mood... your powers are slightly fueled by mood so as long as you want to live, your body will heal. Paula smiled and said "for what it's worth, you're still my best friend even if you're not from here...and I believe in you...I love Andi but I'm not gonna condone her horrible behavior". As Andrea lay there, all she could think of was her last exchange with jay; how terrible she was and it haunted her and that was good because it gave her the motivation to live. She didn't care about what happened to her marriage after this, all she cared about was setting things right before she does die.

Paula shook her out of her trance and said "I'm going to go hunt for today, you think you can manage by yourself?" and Andrea said, "yes, just go". Paula smiled before handing her Andi's old pistol and saying "shoot anyone who ain't me that comes through that door". Andrea nodded before Paula walked out the door, leaving her alone. The empty halls of the house ate at her once more while Paula's words rung through her head and for a time, she felt like she wanted to raise that gun to her head and pull the trigger and end it, but the only thing that stopped her was the image of Victoria's face that floated through her mind...her marriage and her happiness meant nothing anymore, all that mattered was Victoria. Over the next few days, Andrea; with the help of Paula, healed up, good enough to walk and on a personal note, Andrea had made her decision on how to raise Victoria...all that was left now was for her to find a way back home. As for in the prime dimension, things still weren't going well between Andi and jay as she had read Andrea's mind and used their argument as an excuse to keep Victoria away from jay most of the days and he was nearing the end of his patience with her.

Jay sat in his office at work thinking about how the future of his marriage was going to go. He found himself thinking about it all day and still had no idea what to do so he decided to talk to Andrea when he got home and try his luck. After getting off work and driving home, he walked into the kitchen where Andi was washing dishes, and took a seat. Andi turned and said "what's wrong?" and Jay said, "us...for the last few days all we've done is ignore each other and you keep being so protective of Victoria when you know it will ruin her...I'm sorry but if we're going to keep doing this then I'll go first thing tomorrow to file for divorce and let Julie keep Victoria". Andi smiled before pulling out a gun, pointing it at Jay, and saying "I'd love to but I'm not Your wife" before shooting Jay in the side. Jay cried out in pain before saying "what did you do to her". Andi walked up to him and said "Don't worry you'll see her soon 'cause I already killed her... I'm surprised neither you nor your foolish gods recognized their mistakes...I can't believe we wasted our lives serving those idiots".

Andi went upstairs and grabbed Victoria and carried her out the side door and to her car. A couple of minutes later, Maya showed up with Maldor and said we're too late, before pressing a hand to Jay's side which caused her great pain. Maya grunted and said, "the bullets were laced with dark magic, I can't heal him without Andrea here". Maldor sighed and said, "If you and Andrea are connected the way I think, then I know she felt that pain". Meanwhile, back in the alternate universe, Andrea fell to the ground in agony as Paula stared in confusion.

After laying there for a minute, she sat up and said "Jay has just been hurt with dark magic, and I can feel it through our bond. Andrea sighed and said, "ugh my life's falling apart all over, and I'm stuck here while she does god knows what with my baby!". Andrea began to freak out which caused her eyes the turn purple while black streaks ran up her arms...she had power but it was chaotic. As a black vortex formed around her, she began to think about jay and Victoria and the next thing she knew, there was a large boom. When the portal dissipated, she found herself standing in the living room, with Alternate dimension Paula next to her and a bleeding Jay, laid out on the kitchen floor.

Without thinking, she ran over to Jay and blasted him with her normal purple energy, which healed him immediately and stopped the corruption. She looked at Maya and said "where is my daughter?" and Maya said "Andi took her" and Andrea said, "I guess today is the day I'll watch myself die by my own hands".

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