One more ride...

760 21 2

The buildings in Night city flared all kinds of colors. The neon lights buzzed as their photons continually shed light, illuminating the darkest corners of the city, the moon shined its dim light as the high-up buildings loomed over the smaller shops, vendors and houses, and the empty streets glowed in the dark as the sound of racing engines and explosions resounded. It poured. The rain started pouring into the pavement, as the heat of stray bullets let out an orange hue in the night sky. Petrichor, musky and fresh smell of rain, decorated the asphalt of the city. Beacons of light shone their brightest toward the stars, competing to who was the most dazzling among them. Gunshots and explosions went off. Screaming and moaning echoed. Blood littered the gleaming asphalt. These kinds of experiences happen on a daily basis to the point that it has become the norm in this city. Every murder, rape, abuse, drug usage, and illegal possession of guns was so vastly known in this city that the people within lost any sense of what is right...and what is wrong. And somehow, and some way, they were able to maintain law and order. How? Power. Absolute power. Only this is what keeps this whole city from tearing apart. 

At least...that's what Xen thinks of this city. "...Fuck."

The mystery man observed from atop the building a single car swerve away on the road from an army of military-fixed vehicles armed with guns. The Militech. Soldiers within said vehicles slowly peek their bodies out from their windows to shoot at the singular vehicle somehow managing to keep itself together. The mystery man turned his attention to the single car. His gears turned and clicked as he registered their respective identities into his data chip. Rebecca..Falco...David... One particular person piqued his interest.

"David..." he said in a low-tone dark voice, which made it sound more robotic than human.

He stood up from his crouching position, revealing his true height. He was a 6'11 gentleman wearing a black slim-fit suit. He wielded two blades, one longer than the other. A katana and an Odachi were strapped on his waist. He gripped the hilt of his katana, unveiling his rather gray metallic hand. His palm emitted a faint red hue that drew lines across his said palm. He had the head of a cyborg no doubt about that, due to the fact that he lacked a mouth, a nose, or ears. Only two high-resolution cameras were used for his eyes.

The rain drizzled on his head as he watched the car bolt its way to Arasaka Tower

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The rain drizzled on his head as he watched the car bolt its way to Arasaka Tower. David repeatedly used his arsenal to pierce a perfect circle of a hole on the asphalt while zooming past the streets. Due to this, a cluster of explosions was set behind them,  because of the fact that they, the milletech army, 'tripped' on the hole, causing them to lose their balance. He could hear them laugh in glee as they continued to dart toward their intended destination. As Xen stood up to his full height, streaks of lightning coursed throughout his body and onto the roof's pavement he was initially standing on, and suddenly, in a flash, he was gone...

And by just a matter of seconds, he was already at the top of the Arasaka Tower. By that time, David had already taken his last dose from his doc to maintain his sanity. From the building within, he heard gunshots go off and the sound of the Sandevistan's gears go off...two of them...two of them have it. It seemed like a battle between skills and power has commenced between David, and the merc, Adam Smasher. Then suddenly, right below, an explosion went off. Xen looked at whoever just blasted off the floor of the building. 

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