core memory

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robins pov

i think we were four when i first asked finney to be my 'bestest friend in the whole wide world' or something like that. i dont remember it exactly, but it went something like this.

'finn, come into the grass with me!' i said, pulling finney along with me. he skipped along and we both jumped into the grass, scattering dirt all over our clothes.

he started doing little cartwheels and roly-polys as i sat down and started trying to loop the grass stems through eachother.

'finney, come here!' i said, and finn rushed over to me, nearly tripping as he did so. i held out my newly-made flower necklace. 'finn, will you be my bestest best friend in the whole wide world!' i said. he smiled laughing.

'yes yes yes yes yes!' he said, and he put the flower necklace over his head, being careful not to break it in the effort.

god, we were silly as kids. we would always be chasing eachother around, and i guess we stayed true to our word, because we were inseparable.

im pretty sure it was in fifth grade when we made our lock promises to each other. i have a vivid idea of how it went.

finn was at my house for a sleepover, and we were bored, so i came up with an idea. 'hey finn, can we make lock promises?' i asked, and he looked at me confusedly.

'basically, we both have to promise to stay best friends forever, and we write it down, so we'll always know that its true.' he nodded eagerly at this idea, and we spent the afternoon coming up with promises, and writing them down, before locking them in a box on my top shelf of my closet.

i think that was the afternoon we also made our handshake. i still have those promises with me, and i dont plan on getting rid of them.

i can clearly remember in the 9th grade, when i asked finney to be my boyfriend, after having a crush on him for years. i dont think ill ever forget that day.

finney and i were watching a movie together in my room, when i suddenly paused the movie and turned to him. he turned to me as well, and i gulped. 'hey finn, um...can i- uh, ask you something?' i stuttered, my stomach filled with anxiousness and butterflies.

finn nodded. 'yea sure rob, whats up?' i swallowed harshly. 'um, well, uh- i sort, i kind of- i like you finn. and im pretty sure you dont like me back, but if you do, do you think youd want to be my...well, my boyfriend?' i said, stumbling over my words.

i waited to be rejected, for finn to storm out of my room and call me a fag, but he didnt. he just sat there, looking both stunned and grateful at the same time. i started talking again. 'finn, im so sor-' i was interrupted by finn bringing me in for a long, passionate kiss on the lips.

we broke apart, and he hugged me. 'i like you too robin' he said, and i couldnt help but smile into his shirt.

we both said 'i love you' not long after that, and i know for a fact that i will never forget that moment, even though that was when we were 14, so it was 5 years ago. another moment im hoping i wont forget, is right now, as im surrounded by finneys baseball team after his final game, on one knee, with finney gaping in front of me.

'finney blake, ive known you for what im pretty sure is my entire life. you make me the happiest out of anyone, and i love you more than anything else in the whole wide world. so if you could, would you do the honours of marrying me?' i said, and there was a moment of silence, as everyone waited for finneys answer.

he stepped towards me and nodded, and instantly everyone around us cheered, as i stood up and pulled him into a long, passionate kiss. 'hey, griffin, grab me that thing i told you about!' i yelled, and griffin darted off.

finney looked at me confused, but his face morphed as griffin came running back to us with a flower necklace in his hand. 'you didnt.' finney said, tears still covering his face from minutes before, as griff handed me the necklace. 'i did.' i replied, as i carefully placed the necklace over finneys head onto his shoulders.

'i love you, mi amor.' i said, still holding him. 'i love you too, robin.' he replied, as we connected for another long kiss.

i realised that i havent done enough fluff for my liking yet, so here yall go. expect some angst soon :) love yall, pls consider voting/commenting requests<3

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