school photos

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idk if ive said it before, but in every single one of my oneshots, whether hes mentioned or not, griffin is always only 4 months younger than billy :)

griffins pov

i woke up in a shitty mood, not knowing why. i just decided to brush it off and get up. i got out of bed and stretched before checking the time. it was 7:15am. that was a better time than usual for me when it came to waking up before school, so maybe i was just a little tired?

i rubbed my eyes as i walked out of my room into the kitchen, nearly tripping over literal nothing. i sighed as i regained balance, and walked over to one of the cupboards, and got some cereal out of it. i made myself a bowl of cap'n crunch, and sat down at the table with my breakfast.

as i was eating, i spotted a note at the other end of the table, and i picked it up, assuming it was from my mom. it was, and i opened it.

'hey sweetheart, i had to go into work early, but ill get us pizza on the way home. have a good day at school, and dont forget its picture day!!' the note read, and i sighed. now i knew why i woke up in a shitty mood. picture day was one of the worst days of the year. no explanation needed.

i finished my breakfast, and with a groan, headed back to my room to get ready. i wasnt one of those people who dressed up super preppy or cool for school photos, but i always made sure to put at least a little bit of effort into my outfit.

i looked through my closet, and eventually found an outfit that i deemed appropriate. i chose to wear a black Metallica shirt, with black ripped jeans, and a chain going from my pocket to my belt. i also chose some black and white checkered vans, and i finished the outfit with a gray/black plaid jacket, and a black beanie.

i didnt give a shit on what style my hair was, so i just brushed it and put some hairspray in. i checked in the mirror how i looked, after brushing my teeth and washing my face. personally, i thought i looked nice enough, so i grabbed my bag, and left the house, locking the door behind me.

i decided to just walk to school today instead of biking, so i just started making the 15 minute journey to the school. i saw finney and robin walking together across the road ahead of me, so i yelled out to them, and they turned and waved at me happily, before continuing to walk, holding hands. those fucking homos are literally so gay, like ong.

i arrived at school, and walked into the bustling halls. we didnt have classes for the first two hours, so we could really do anything we wanted while we waited for our class photos. i decided to look for billy, since he would probably be at school by now, unless ofc he had slept in again.

i looked for about 5 minutes, before spotting bruce and vance leaning against their lockers, talking to eachother, looking like they both wanted to eat the others face off. i sighed and walked over to them. 'bruce, vance, whats up guys?' i said, and vance jumped when he saw me. 'holy fuck griffin, you scared the shit out of me, you fucking dwarf' he said, and bruce laughed.

'not funny, im not that short!' i said, putting my arms in the air in defence. bruce put his hand on my shoulder. 'but the thing is griffin, you really are.' he said, and vance was keeling over laughing. i huffed. 'ill kill you, you know' i said, as threateningly as i could. 'ah, you wont touch a single finger to my boyfriends body. anyways, what would you do, slit his ankles?' vance said, and i gave up on defending myself, as bruce was nearly crying of laughter.

'whatever, anyways, have either of you seen billy?' i said, and they both shook their heads. 'he probably just slept in again. perfect day for it anyways' bruce said. 'what do you mean perfect day for it?!' vance said confusedly. 'bc yk, its picture day. anyways, griffin, just call him, itll wake him up if hes asleep' bruce said, and i nodded and started to walk away, as i heard vance say 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS PICTURE DAY?!' i chuckled to myself, and kept walking.

i took my phone out of my pocket, and went into iMessage, before clicking onto billys name. i decided i would message him first, just in case he was with someone, or he was already here, since i knew he kept his ringtone at full blast. i wrote out 'hey are you at school yet? where r u?' and pressed send. almost instantly, he had read the message, and the three dots  showing he was typing, appeared on my screen.

'im already here, go to the first hallway of the english block' his message read, and i sent back an ok, before clicking off my phone and making my way to the english block. the hallways were still bustling, as people were talking and finding their friends. i got to the english block, and started walking down the hallway, when someone grabbed my arm.

billy pulled me into the janitors closet, and locked the door from the inside. 'billy, why the fuck are we in the janitors closet' i said, partially whispering out of pure instinct. i couldnt see very well, because of the darkness, but i saw him smirk. 'so i can do this without anyone watching, baby boy' he said, and immediately smashed his lips against mine.

i kissed back, and we began making out roughly. i was clutching his hoodie in my hands, holding onto it tightly, as we kept kissing. it was a harsh kiss, but it got more passionate quickly.  'come on billy, we have school photos' i tried to say, but i felt him bite on my lip, and i moaned lightly, and he took the chance to push his tongue into my mouth, french-kissing me. i felt him smirk as he did so, but i didnt care, i just kept kissing him.

after a couple of minutes of making out sloppily, billy pulled away from my face and moved his lips down along my jawline to my neck. he started kissing it and each time he did, i let out a whimper or a moan, and nearly every time, i could tell he was grinning, proud of what he was doing.

i moved my hands from his hoodie to his hair, pulling it carefully as he continued to kiss along my neck. then the dirty fucker decided to start sucking it. i felt him bite along it carefully, looking for my soft spot. he knew he had found it when i let out a louder moan than before, and he grinned, before continuing to kiss and bite my neck.

this went on for a few minutes, before he slowly moved back up to my lips, and we kissed again, not as roughly or as passionately as before, but i liked it either way. after another minute or two, he pulled away, grinning. 'why are you smiling like that' i said, my hands around his neck. 'oh, no reason' he said, still smirking, and i rolled my eyes at him. 'you wanna go out to the football field while we wait for our class to be called?' he said, and i nodded.

he unlocked the door, and opened it, and before going out he said 'youre gonna look amazing in your photo babe', and realizing what he meant, i quickly put my hand to my neck. 'oh, you motherfucker' i said, before he darted away laughing, and i started sprinting after him.


im completely with griffin on this one, school photos suck dick. anyways, this oneshot is a bit longer than usual, based off of the fact that im still celebrating the fact that we hit 10k reads, and bc i have an announcement!

i have a new book!! its a rinney enemies to lovers ff, and its called 'your black converses'! id love for yall to check it out and give it some love!

anywaysss, pls stay as healthy as you can, and try interact with my books! love you all sm <333

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