paper rounds pt.2

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billys pov

griffin and i were walking to the diner to have breakfast, after having done our paper run. suddenly, as we passed an alleyway, i remembered something i had seen the other day.

i pulled griffin into the alleyway with me, and he stumbled a little, looking confused. 'where are we going billy?' he said, looking at me as i pulled him along. 'youll see griff' i answered, looking straight ahead.

we got to the end of the alleyway, and i stopped. griff stopped too, and looked around. i pointed down at the line where the wall of a building and the ground met. 'look, down there' he followed my finger, and looked, squinting to see what was there.

'i dont see anything?' he said, as he looked back at me, confusedly. 'not surprising, neither did i' i said, and i chuckled as he gave me a light punch on the shoulder.

'can we just go and get food now?' he said, with a smile on his face. i nodded and kissed his temple as we walked out of the alleyway and to the diner.

when we arrived, we went inside, and found ourselves a table. a kind-looking waitress came up to us and handed us our menus. 'ill be back in five minutes to get your orders, mkay?' she said, smiling at griffin. we both nodded and she walked away.

i dont know why, but the way she was smiling at griff made me a little uncomfortable, but i decided to brush it off and look at the menu.

i chose what i wanted, and looked up at griffin. he was making a frowning face, as he looked at the menu. 'hey griff, you all goods?' i said. he looked up from his menu.

'yea its just sort of hard to read the words.' he said. i patted the spot next to me. 'come sit over here, i'll help.' i said.

he grinned and stood up, walking round to sit next to me. he pointed to meals, and i told him what they were. we settled on what we were getting, and sat there chatting until the waitress returned.

'you guys ready to order?' she said, still only smiling at griffin. i squirmed a bit, as i said my order. she wrote it down and looked up at griffin again. 'and what will you be getting?' she said, smiling at him AGAIN.

i decided to say griffins order for him, so i gave him a slight nudge and he got the message. i noticed her smile drop partly, but not completely, as i recited his order.

hello my lovelies!! just a short one today, sorry! i write nearly all my oneshots on here every night from 10pm to 3am, so imma try get a less fucked up sleep schedule now. love you all, and ofc im doing a part 3 to this. <3

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