a/n - not an update!!!

505 3 0

tw! mentions of gr00ming, s@, dsmp

ok so, id just like to address a topic that is affecting me considerably at the moment, but i would like to warn any antis out there, this does involve the dsmp.

ok so, as many of you may know, dream, who is someone that i have watched for 3+ years, and has helped me through some really difficult times, has had some allegations circling twitter about him. these allegations are from a 17yo girl, who is claiming that dream was sending her inappropriate messages and photos, while knowing that she was a minor.

of course, i do not currently believe these allegations, and i think that the 'proof' is fake and edited, but at this point, im not sure how to feel about this subject. i would also like to say that there are many people leaving the dsmp fandom due to these allegations, and not knowing what to believe.

i, however, will be staying in the fandom unless it is proven that the allegations are true, which i am hoping to god that they arent. regardless of this, i may be taking a bit of a break from posting on here, as i need some time to think about my mental health.

i do hope that anyone else who this situation is affecting takes a little bit of time to think about what their options are for their own mental health. and i also hope that no dsmp antis take this as an opportunity to say 'i told you so' or 'i knew all along' or anything like that. accusations like this have happened before, but with less evidence. dont assume anything youre not sure of.

anyways, i hope everyone is doing ok, whether its surrounding this or not. i hope youre all staying as healthy as you can, and that you are having a good day. pls keep interacting with my works, and leave a comment if you feel comfortable!

i love you all so much more than you know <333

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