Formal letter1

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Dear Mr. Ashfords,

I am writing in regards from the e-mail you sent me in the past week, offering me a place in your staff as your secretary. I have thought about your offer deeply, and in case you have sent another request to a different person, here are my reasons for you to contract me.

Firstly, I am a very organized person by nature, and abolutely dispise the idea of untidyness. This has led to to have many job offers as a butler or housekeeper. I also have great memory, a result of years of working in as a librarian at the 'National Library of History and the World'. 

Another thing you might have know about me is that I have an unussualy short temper, as well as low patience. This might not make me the ideal candidate for a job that exerts a lot of pressure apon the individual, but I have a knack for dealing with high-pressure situations.

As well as being organized, I do have the strange capacity to work faster than ususal. This is not necesarrily a good thing, as it has led me to being fired for being thought I was slacking off. Though I assure you, it is not the real case. Though if another candidate for the job has better qualifications than me, I will renounce and accept it.

I very much hope you will consider my e-mail, as it will be a joy to work with you and your staff.

Yours sincerely,

(Name) (Last name)

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