✮.*・。 THE PAST ✮.*・。

760 23 23

2 years ago

olive closed the door to her house behind her and walked down her driveway to the pavement where tom was waiting for her.
" finally, i thought you'd never show up." tommy sarcastically said and liv rolled her eyes.
" shut up, i couldn't find my tie, and mrs morgan will give me another detention if i don't wear my tie one more time."

tommy laughed fondly at her before taking her bag from her.
" tom! i told you i can carry my own bag." she chuckled.
" whatever, i want to carry it anyway." he replied, and liv didn't bother to fight with her stubborn best friend. they began their 20 minute walk to school.

" so, who are you going to the end of year prom with?" tommy asked.
" probably nobody." she laughed, in all truth she had a crush on tommy and wished he would ask her, " what about you?"

" haven't decided who to ask yet." tommy lied, he wanted to take liv but he was far too scared to be rejected. she hummed in response.


olive entered the canteen and scanned the room for her friends. freddie waved her over and she grinned, walking to their table quickly. on her walk across the canteen, she was met with her ex best friend amelia.

amelia stepped in front of her, blocking her way.
" uh, can you move?" olive asked.
" no, i don't think i will." amelia laughed fakely, before grabbing the girl's lunch box and running off. olive sighed before walking over to her friends.

" for fucks sake, you need to stand up for yourself." eryn said once she sat down.
" i don't want to make a scene." liv responded, quite embarrassed of herself. tommy who was sitting next to her moved over his food tray for them to share. she smiled and thanked him before eating some of his chips.


olive sat in maths, not paying attention and drawing in her book when she was passed a note.

btw tommy asked me to prom and told me
to tell you he doesn't want to be mates with you
anymore .

- amelia xx

liv looked up and scanned the room for amelia's face. she spotted the girl smirking at her triumphantly. olive furrowed her eyebrows, and shrugged it off as a stupid prank.

when the bell rang for the end of the school day, she headed to the spot by the school gate where her and tommy always met to walk home together.

she stood and waited for around 20 minutes before she realised he wasn't coming and that he had blocked her. extremely confused, she decided to go to his house and see what was wrong.


when his door opened, tommy's mum opened the door and grinned at the girl.
" hello liv! how are you?" she pulled her into a hug.

" hi sarah, i'm okay! just came to see tommy." she smiled.
" ah right- come in come in!" the older woman moved out of the way to let her inside.

olive took off her shoes and headed up the stairs to tommy's room. she often came to tommy's house after school so it was nothing knew to her. when she entered his bedroom, she saw tommy sat on his bed on his phone.

" hey tom-" she smiled
" get out olive." tommy said , putting down the phone and glaring at her. she was shocked by is actions.
" what?"
" i know what you did to amelia, so piss off."
olive furrowed her eyebrows.

" don't act so innocent, i know you sent her death threats."
" what?" liv said, " i never did that tommy, she lied."

" i don't want to hear lies, just get out and never talk to me again." he stood up and walked towards the girl.

" tommy you can't be serious." she scoffed,
" you're believing a girl you don't even know over your best friend of 15 years?"
tommy sighed at her whilst tears pricked at her eyes.

" tommy you have to believe me, i didn't do that. you know i didn't! why are you believing her-" tears fell down her cheeks as she looked up at the boy.

" for gods sake, i wish you would just die olive!" tommy shouted. he wasn't sure what possessed him to say that, but he had been manipulated by amelia.

the girl went silent, wiping the tears from her cheeks with her blazer sleeve. tommy tried to apologise once he realised what he had said, but she had already ran out of his room. slamming the door behind her she ran out of his house, ignoring him calling after her.


tommy rubbed his forehead as he sat on facetime with freddie and eryn.
" i really fucked up ." he wished he could go back in time and stop himself from ever believing amelia.
" yea you did man." eryn said.
" why did you even believe amelia?" freddie asked.

" i honestly dont know." tommy sighed.
" i think you should just give her time then try to apologise to her." eryn advised and freddie agreed.

" okay, thanks guys." tommy said then hung up, staring at his ceiling.

he'll just give her time.


emily's corner

i have a lot of motivation today yaya


bye ily!!

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