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phoenix lupin-black went missing on October 31 when Voldemort attacked the potters house as she was staying with here aunt and uncle while her fathers were having date night.after the attack she was forgotten at the cottage so when the house was explored by the police the next morning they found a baby girl with red hair sat in a cot with two dead boys she was taken to the hospital were they found a cut on her collarbone.she was later given to her only 'relative' in the muggle world count Olaf

remus spent years looking for her but Albus told him she was dead he gave up until he got a job at Hogwarts for the defence agent the dark art when his husband had escaped from Azkaban and seeing his godson made him miss his daughter when he started his search again with the help of his husband

2 years later he found evidence she was alive so they used dark magic to view her life with the order of the phionix

2 years later he found evidence she was alive so they used dark magic to view her life with the order of the phionix

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"invenies quod perierat ostendit quod perierat" remus and siuris chant until a screen appease on the wall

"we did it" remus says seeing the screen light up

"I can see my pup" sirius says jumping up and down


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