Chapter 29

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Nico’s POV:

They were all over me. Touching, scratching, biting. They were merciless, not sparing a single inch of me. I tried to scream but nothing would come out. Not that any one would hear me if I did. Even if they could, no one would come. No one ever did.

Then suddenly it all stopped. The hands all over me pulled away and the teeth withdrew. I looked around trying to find out what made them stop. Then I saw him.

“Will!” I cried out, my hands reaching for him. He would help. He always did. But then everything began to change. Will’s features began to twist into something much more sinister. So similar, yet not at the same time. Will didn’t look at me like that. These blue eyes didn’t hold the same kindness that Will’s did.

Unfortunately, these eyes were very familiar.

“Why so glum, kitten? Didn’t you miss me?”

Will’s POV:

I looked down at the boy in my arms, holding him tighter in a bid to settle him as he began to stir. He hadn’t let go of me since I found him. Not like I would let him. He was never leaving my sight again.

He hadn’t said anything since I found him, and when he’d finally settled a bit, he’d fallen asleep in my arms despite his crying, I was simply waiting for him to wake, then I’d find out who was responsible for this. There was no way Nico could have found his way to the dungeon on his own, even if he did decide to leave the room without me.

The fingers clutching my clothes tightened and my attention moved back to my mate as he began to shift in my arms letting out low whimpers that were slowly increasing in volume.

Another nightmare.

I adjusted his position, moving him to rest against my chest, hugging him closer to me. It only helped for a bit, and I discarded all thought of not waking him up when he began to struggle in my grasp, fighting against my hold.

“Wake up, angel. You’re okay. I’m right here”, I wasn’t doing more than touching him gently, my hand moving up and down his back, while the other was on his hair. Yet when he woke, he reacted like he’d been hit, recoiling from my touch.

“Will?” He looked at me first, glanced around the room, then back at me, like he was confused as to how he got here.

“What did you dream about?” I asked. I’ve never asked before, because it was fairly obvious what the subject of the majority of his nightmares was.

“It was- I- I dreamt that- that I was locked in a room, and it was really- really dark, And- and vampires…” He trailed off from there.

“Do you remember what happened?”

“In the dream?”

“No, not in the dream. I mean after I left.” He frowned, then shook his head.

“At all? Not even a little bit?” I asked, moving him till he was sitting in my lap, facing me.

“Um, after you left, I was in the bathroom, and- and I was waiting for you to come back. And then…”

“And then what happened? You don’t remember?”

“Its… blurry. Someone came in. Said you told them to get me.” So he actually was lured there. But why would anyone do that? He wasn’t anyone important enough for someone to intentionally try to hurt him.

“I don’t remember his name. Octopus something.” It took a lot to hold back from laughing, but I managed.

“Octavian?” I offered.

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