chapter four:new girl

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    Third person pov:
-time skip-

It was now three days later and Eleven woke up very early to get ready for her first day at her new school. Eleven was very confused on why she felt the way she did about that boy, why she wanted to be friends with him so bad, why she wanted to get to know him, it's almost the way she felt about Mike but, her and Mike had broken up after what happen and since she'd be moving away they both just thought it would be better besides El felt that Mike didn't actually like her anyways. After El was done getting ready she hopped down the stairs excitedly at the strange smell of french toast, she'd only had french toast once and she really liked it but not as much as she liked her eggo waffles.

Eleven pov:

I quickly ate as I was quite excited for school, I was going into something they called 'middle school' in '7th grade' since I was 14 they said, apparently I would normally be in 8th but because of my birthday and because of everything else I'm going into 7th I guess, which is cool I don't mind being a grade behind or anything. I watched as Vance walked in and put his plate in the sink and then I finished and did the same. "You ready? I'll be walking you to school since it's close by and Jim said I could." He calls him 'Jim' that's weird but whatever,
"Yeah." I replied with a slight smile due my excitement as we headed out Vance began to talk after a while. "You know middle school isn't actually that fun right? It's quite boring nothing to be excited for." My fave dropped once he said that, though I was still looking forward to school and getting to meet new people. "Well I've never been to school." I replied bluntly which seemed to cause him confusion, "You've never been to school before? What do you mean like you've been home schooled or what? You can't just not go to school?" well I clearly spoke without thinking I had idea about this and I couldn't exactly tell him the reason why I was never in school. "Yeah homeschool." I replied with worry and he just looked over to me and nodded and we continued walking.

Finney pov:

As we walked into school Gwen waved bye and headed off to her locker which was nowhere near mine, and went over to my locker. I suddenly heard these girls talking from behind me, "Yeah I heard these gonna be a new girl today," one said "Yeah I just hope she's like pretty." the other added on "It doesn't matter I just hope she's easy to bully, or if she's pretty and rich and stuff, we can be friends with her!" the girls began laughing as they headed down the hall and into class.
It was Stacy and Tressa the two most most popular and richest and meanest girls in school, I hated them they were rude to just about everyone, other than popular boys and people who they knew would beat their asses, like Robin and Vance, they didn't really bully many boys though mostly just girls, I hoped they didn't bully this 'new girl' they were speaking of, just chances were, they would.
Once in class I sat down in my seat and looked over to Donna who was staring at the board very focus as the teacher wrote some words down I wasn't paying much attention to. "So class! We have a new student today." Mrs. Hallie said as a the door opened and this girl who I recognized from the grab n go walked in. "This ladies and gentlemen is, Jane Hopper! Jane have a seat by uhhh, Finn!" she said pointing over to me. Jane. That's a pretty name, and she was quite pretty too. She sat down beside me and I felt my face slightly heat up and I soon caught myself staring. She looked over to me and gave a slight smile. I immediately looked away and back towards to teacher who was still writing something on the board. "Now everyone turn to page 7." She instructed and I did, Jane looked around confused, I slid my book close to her and pointed towards the page she turned to the page and whispered, "Thank you." very quietly to me, I gave her a soft smile, she was quite nice I really hoped that those girls didn't actually do anything to her, though it was obvious she wasn't rich,
but she was quite pretty.

Donna pov:

I looked over to the new girl who was very focused on her book, meanwhile Finney was focused on her rather than the book. I couldn't help but giggle a bit as I went back to reading.
I used to have a crush on Finney but honestly I've moved on and I started dating this person a while ago, though I won't say who it is, let's just say Finney would probably would be in to much shock to even speak if he found out, and despite mine and Finneys old crushes on each other we were still great friends. But I could already tell by the way he was looking at that Jane girl, he had another crush already. See I was like the 'Cupid' at my school I was known for predicting couples and helping people fall in love, I could tell,
they definitely were.

929 words

day dreams (eleven/jane hopper x finney blake) Where stories live. Discover now