What Comes Next, Kate Bishop?

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Kate Bishop found herself kicking the door open to her New York City loft simply because she had run out of hands. She was being pulled through the door by a very excited Lucky while trying to balance their dinner, a large pizza, in her other hand. "Shit," she said to nobody as the door slammed off of the wall behind it, "sorry! Shit!" She called out when she heard a grumble come from next door.  She let go of Lucky's leash and he swept through the loft for the first time since the accident. Stumbling over her feet while trying to quietly shut the door, she placed the pizza on the counter and turned around when her dog started barking happily. Kate quickly shed her overcoat and hung it on the back of the door. After a day full of traveling, she just wanted to relax with her dog in her sweats, eat junk food and watch trashy reality tv. "Not too shabby," she finally looked around taking in the work that had been done in their absence. Kate had hired a few contractors to fix up her place while she was spending Christmas at the Barton farm. There was almost no signs that the place had been in utter shambles after their run in with the tracksuit mafia. Sure, she had to buy new furniture for the living room and all of the windows had to be replaced. There was also the fact that most of the flooring and walls needed fixed from the fire as well but Kate nodded looking around, "good as new." She considered moving into her mother's penthouse but didn't want to be associated with the emotions currently attached to her mother so the only solution was to fix up the loft. Luckily she had some friends at Bishop Security that were able to unlock her spending accounts in the absence of her mother.

It was January 2nd, she had stayed at the Barton's farm for New Years because they offered and she currently had nobody in the city. Well that wasn't necessarily true. There were her school friends and she supposed she still had Jack but with her mom in prison, she didn't have much going for her. Kate jumped at the chance to spend the extra time with Clint and his family. The kids loved her and Laura was more than welcoming. Clint even came around and practiced shooting with her and Lila a few afternoons. She took out her phone and shot a quick text to Laura to let her know that she and Lucky had arrived home safely.

Kate (5:28pm): Lucky and I just got home. Thank you again for welcoming your home to us for the holiday. It really meant a lot to me.

Laura (5:35pm): You are welcome here anytime. I'm sure even my husband would agree, you are a part of the family now. The kids are already asking when you and Lucky will be back.

Kate (5:37pm):  aww. We will be back soon.

Laura (5:39pm): perfect. Did they fix everything up at your loft?

Kate (5:45pm): they sure did. *She attached a few pictures of her newly renovated place complete with Lucky lounging on the sofa.

Laura (5:48pm): it looks beautiful. They did a great job. I'll let the two of you get settled. Call or text me anytime.

Kate (5:50pm): thanks, Laura.

She smiled down at her phone before throwing it on the counter and opening the pizza. "Hungry?" She took out a couple of plates and put two pieces of pepperoni pizza on both. Lucky got up and trotted over, waiting expectantly for Kate to put the plate on the ground for him. "Here you go," she gave him his pieces and filled up his water bowl before walking over and sitting at the table with her own plate. "What do you want to watch tonight?" She asked her dog then smiled when he looked up  at her. Sure he was only looking for more pizza but she liked to think that he was considering his televisions options. She thought about texting Greer and Franny to see if they wanted to come hang out but she didn't want to have to explain everything that she had been through the last couple weeks. She wasn't quite ready for that yet. Kate finished her slices and walked back over to the pizza box. Lucky whined and she relented, "fine," she laughed and took out another slice for him before moving the box into the fridge. "I need to go buy you some real dog food tomorrow. You can't survive on pizza alone. I don't want PETA showing up here and arresting me for animal abuse," she watched him happily eat his food. "Come on," she walked over to the couch knowing he would follow her. "So," she picked up the remote and turned on her television quickly selecting Netflix, "what sort of trash do you want to watch tonight?" She asked him for the second time before selecting one of those ridiculous dating competitions and relaxing against the back of the couch. Lucky jumped up next to her and laid down, resting his head in her lap. Kate started absentmindedly petting her dog, drifting off into a quiet late afternoon nap.
"It's almost as if she wants to get killed," Yelena Belova rolled her eyes as she shimmed the window open to the bedroom window of Kate's loft. "No security at all," she shook her head. "So disappointing," she made a note to get stronger locks for the brunette. She moved through the top floor of the loft in complete silence. Being a black widow had its perks. Yelena could sneak around undetected though she was certain if she were making noise, Kate would still be oblivious to her presence. Looking over the railing she saw the brunette sitting up on the couch, asleep with her dog next to her. Lucky looked up when he saw movement upstairs and Yelena waited with baited breath for him to bark. No bark came so she quietly made her way down the stairs. Lucky came bounding over, staring at her. She squatted down in front of him and started petting him, giving him silent praise. "Not much of a threat is she," Yelena whispered to the dog before kissing his head and letting him run off. She watched him ascend the stairs and plop down on the big bed. The widow straightened up and walked over to the couch, standing over the sleeping brunette. "Kate Bishop," she called in a sing-song voice while lightly kicking her foot with the toe of her boot. "Rise and shine, little hawk." Yelena watched and waited as the brunette's eyes fluttered open slowly and confusion filled her features as she reached out for her dog first before even noticing the woman standing in front of her. "Anyone could waltz in here and murder you. You should be lucky, it's only me."

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