Chapter Twenty-Two

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Shawn's POV:

"Lexie don't you remember me?" "No. I'm sorry. Should I?" "Kind of." "Sorry." "It's ok you've been through a lot, stay here I'm going to go get the doctor." I left the room, and I was pretty upset she didn't remember me. I saw the doctor talking to a nurse. I went up to them, "Excuse me?" "Yes, Shawn is there something I can help you with?" "Actually there is. She woke up." "Fantastic! I'll be right there." I went back into the room, when the doctor came in I stepped out in the hall to call Matt. "Shawn? Is there something wrong?" "Lexie woke up." "I'm on my way." He hung up before I got the chance to tell him what was wrong. The doctor came out of the room. "Why doesn't she remember me?" "Shawn she has suffered serious brain injuries that has gave her amnesia, she will remember when her brain is ready to and wants too." "So what I'm hearing is if it's not ready she might never remember?" "Let's hope that this isn't that kind of case and think positive."

*five minutes later*

Matt came in. I was waiting outside of the room because I didn't feel like having to explain her whole life's story when I couldn't even tell her how much she meant to me. "Shawn! Is she in there?" "Um ya." "Great!" "Wait Matt!" He didn't hear me and went in the room, I went with him. "Lexie! You're awake! I'm so happy you're ok! You've missed so much!" "Ya, I'm glad you're ok too.... Who are you?" "What?" I could see Matts confused face.

Matthew's POV:

Wait... What did she say? "You... You don't remember me?" "No, I'm sorry." "Ummm.... I'm Matthew. We do everything together." "Oh, are you my boyfriend?" Wow she had to ask me that I wish I could've said yes. " no more like your best-friend." "Oh." She was really tired you could tell, she barely kept her eyes open. "I'll let you get some rest. I'll see you when you wake up." "Ok." She went to sleep as soon as she said that. I left the room and went straight to the bathroom. I was beyond pissed off at the people that did this to her! Shawn followed me into the bathroom. "What the fuck?! She doesn't even fucking remember me!!" "Matt calm down. Her memory will come back." "What if it doesn't?! I'm going to track that piece of lowlife shit down and make them pay for this!" I was so mad I punched the wall. Of course that was a stupid thing to do because it was a concrete wall, but oh well I couldn't even feel the pain coming from my hand. I could only think of finding whoever did this to her and beating their ass. "I could've took the fact that they made me break my arm! I could've took it if they had done it to me, but not Lexie! Their going to pay!

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