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E P I S O D E  2 1 [√]p a g e  t w e n t y - o n e  :  T W I T

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E P I S O D E  2 1 [√]
p a g e  t w e n t y - o n e  :  T W I T

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" they're close?" draken asked, more to himself than baji who turned to look at where he was looking; tenjiku's basketball team captain stood coolly in front of the blond they hated so much, talking as though they were catching up with each other.

baji couldn't help but scoff, " nagf-feeling close lang kamo yung isa diyan." (rather the other one's just feeling close with him.)

" weren't they friends when they were in grade school?" the long haired blond shoved his hands into the pocket of his hoodie, his hair in a low ponytail to hide the tattoo on the side of his head, " diba kaibigan mo yang mga yan?" ( weren't you friends with them before? )

baji looked over his shoulder, gaze trained on the two, " yeah. but then izana told us how annoying and embarrassing it is to be with takemichi whenever they play outside cause he always proclaim himself as a hero."

just as the two boys shared a look, both of them bursted out laughing, catching a few guys and their teammates' attention, " what the heck that would be embarrassing !"

" thank God i didn't go through that phase." baji cackled.

being one of the tallest in their friend group, ryohei caught on with their conversation. he didn't mean to eavesdrop but it doesn't even seem like the two were trying to keep their conversation a secret.

" nag-sorry ka na ba?" ( did you say sorry? ) draken and baji slowly stopped laughing, wiping the tears from their eyes as they turned their heads to ryohei, " nung tinamaan mo siya ng bola?" ( when you hit him with the ball? ) ryohei added.

" what? that was an accident." draken cocked his head to the side, a puzzled look on his face. he then put his hands up like he was surrendering, " i swear! i didn't mean to hit him! i really thought mikey was the one next to me."

ryohei finds that hard to believe. mikey obviously told everyone — he yelled that he'd be subbing with the bush-eyelashes kid. and even if he didn't, it wouldn't be that difficult to see him in the sidelines.

" why do you seem so bitter about it, peh-yan?" baji asked lowly with an undertone of suspicion, " don't tell me you've got a crush on that piss-head?" baji smirked, uttering piss-head as though he was spitting on the ground.

" whatever you say." was what ryohei said before he turned back around with a discrete eye-roll, gaze halting on the blond that stood at the very front of the volleyball team.

don't tell me you've got a crush on that piss-head?

ryohei scratched his head. it's really difficult not to.

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