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I had finally woke up realising that I was the first one to wake up, I actually thought I would be the last one to wake up due to me not being able to sleep last night. My thoughts were crazy, all I could think about were Jay and Jake and how much I felt bad for them.

Waking up the others was even harder, Sunghoon would take ages to wake up, no matter how hard I tried to push him off the bed or just hit him, he still wouldn't wake up. Sunoo on the other hand was even harder, I swear he was just ignoring me. I had enough with them so I slapped their faces as hard as I could which finally woke them up.

"WHY DID YOU WAKE US UP?!" yelled Sunoo as Sunghoon looked like he was about to kill me. I just laughed and told them to get ready or else I would chase them around with my shoes. I noticed that no one else was awake so I decided to enter each room and scare them.

I decided to head to the room across ours, it was the room with K, Seon and Geonu. I was gonna scare them with my scary voice when suddenly K woke up and noticed me which ruined the whole show. But K noticed that I had an idea so he helped me out. We got pans and hit them really hard so that they would make a loud sound and of course it worked. Geonu and Seon woke up startled and looked so pissed as me and K were laughing so hard.

Next up, me and K went to the room which had Heeseung, Jungwon and Taeyong. I was honestly excited for this one, we both yelled on the top of our lungs but they were still dead. We decided to get Sunoo and Sunghoon to join us but they didn't want to join us so we both slapped the others to wake them up, which woke them up in a really bad mood. The glares they gave is though, but me and K ran to the next room.

OOH! Yes this was the room which had Jaebeom, EJ, Yoonwon and Taki, I was excited that they had Taki as I wanted to see his reaction the most. As they were peacefully sleeping, K put a clown mask on and went up to their faces and slowly woke them up. It was so funny, their screams were the funniest part but oh my Taki screaming was the best, he literally slapped the life out of K.

As we were done scaring the others, they all gave us a glare but they soon forgave us with our cuteness. We decided to practise the dance again and I could really feel our teamwork coming through. I couldn't help but smile at Sunghoon's tiny mistakes, he was just so cute, I never thought I would fall for someone again.

"Dawt, I can't help but notice. You always seem to stare at Sunghoon." K said as he knew something was going on inside my brain.

"STOP BLUSHING DAWT" Sunoo said as well!

"IM NOT BLUSHING, ITS JUST HOT IN HERE" I said as i rolled my eyes.

"It's okay Dawt, everyone thinks i'm hot, even you as a child did too" Sunghoon laughed as he also teased me.

I ignored them and decided to work on my details. I went to my stylist and got my outfit ready as the stylist was doing my make up she asked me "So far, you like anyone" She was a bit old but she was the nice kind.

"There's someone.." I winked at her and she told me to get on and do well. I like her she was so nice.


As the countdown was going down, I could feel all the energy that was about to be released in the next performance. We can't mess up, we can't have anyone moving down to the ground even if I want Jake and Jay back. I could be seen holding Sunghoon's hands, i'm pretty sure people believe that we were dating at this point.

The seconds were ticking and my heart was beating like a drum, I wanted to be stable and tough and make sure I could do anything a straight person can do. I wanted to prove that I'm not just my brothers shadow that i'm my own self. That's what I was about to do.

𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒 (enhypen 8th member)Where stories live. Discover now