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3rd Pov



We can see that all movement had stopped at an intersection as the camera focuses on a guy get slammed into the front of one of those squatted trucks.

???: Always fuckin hated Atlanta. I mean like c'mon! I told my friends before I left the bar that one day someone would get hit and die that way!

As the camera zooms out we can see that the image of the guy gettting ran over is being shown through a floating screen that is then closed by a black giant furred hand. As the hand is lowered we can now see the owner of that hand looks to be a biblicly acurate angel mixxed with a anthropomorphic dog who was sitting in a throne of some sort.

 As the hand is lowered we can now see the owner of that hand looks to be a biblicly acurate angel mixxed with a anthropomorphic dog who was sitting in a throne of some sort

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Artist is hornedpup on Twitter

Angel: Are you done rambling about your death? Because if you are I would like to lay out your options.

???: Options? Options for what?

Angel: Options for your reincarnation human. Because as it turns out, one of the angels that were on vacation down there was the driver of that thing you people call a vehicle and asked for me to reincarnate your whiny ass.

???: Why?


As the camera pans from the angel to the now named Y/n L/n, we can see our protaginist is a white haired male standing at about 5'10 wearing mostly black with a grey shirt underneath his jacket with black gloves and a pair of glasses.

As the camera pans from the angel to the now named Y/n L/n, we can see our protaginist is a white haired male standing at about 5'10 wearing mostly black with a grey shirt underneath his jacket with black gloves and a pair of glasses

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Artist is unknown

Y/n L/n

Y/n:....Yes please.

Angel: Good. Now, where do you-

Y/n: Cyberpunk 2077.

Our protagonist gives his answer before the Angel is even able to finish his question. 


Y/n: Nomad.

Angel: Hmmmm, Ok!

With a light clap the room our protagonist was in change to where it now looks like the start up screen for the game. As our protagonist looks around he then relises that he not only doesn't have his glasses anymore but is in the outfit V wore in the nomad path opening.

Angel: Now, a couple of things that have to be adressed before I send you off. First, you are taking V's place in the game. Second, Once you have completed the intro you will be given a free weapon and vehicle of your choice as long as it fits the world. Now when your ready.

As the angel finishes talking, a portal opens beside our protagonist revealing the Badlands of Cyberpunk 2077. Our protagonist a little amazed looks at the angel who nods their head, with that our protagonist starts to walk to the portal.

Angel: Oh! One more thing I forgot to mention!

Our protagonist stops before he enters the portal looking at the angel to listen to this last bit of info.

Angel: I mixed Edgerunners up with 2077.

Y/n: Wait wh-

Before our protaginist can finish talking the portal suddenly sucks him up, taking him to the world of Cyberpunk.


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my Cyberpunk story. I do hope you enjoy the story as I write it.

This is Rotsun, signing off.

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