The Racketeer Undertakes

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It didn't look like we were are on the way to the police, but now...

"Why are we standing in front of an Undertaker shop?" I whispered over to Sebastian, a little confused as to why we were here. Madam Red and Mister Lau stands next to Master Ciel in front of the door.

"Young Master's acquaintance is an undertaker." Sebastian opens the door for Ciel, Madame Red, and Lau. I stand next to him as I wait for our master and his companions to walk in first. "An undertaker?" I questioned.

He nods and walks in. I look around the shop in awe. It's interesting that this undertaker would make it more creepy than it should be.

"Are you in, Undertaker?" Master Ciel calls out into the shop. I walk along side with him, with my hand on the hilt of my blade. Something doesn't smell right among this stench of death. I twitch my nose in pain. How come it smells familiar though?

My senses hear a little creak of wood. I look over at a coffin that was giving off that sound. Sebastian stands on the other side of Master Ciel.

"Hee...Hee..I have been expecting you." The coffin moves a little to show half a man's face with silver hair and wearing a black wrapped top hat. "I bid ye wel~come~!"

His voice booms around the room and give an eery feeling around. It didn't bother Sebastian and I one bit.

"Has your lordship finally decided to try out his custom made coffin?" His long black fingernails scratch the coffin as he pushes it out of the way. He looks over to me as I glare at him. "Oh, another one to guard you?" Undertaker's bangs block what eye color he has.

I stand my ground. "So what if I'm a lady, I can protect Master Ciel."

Undertaker walks pass the group of three that shivered in fear towards me. He lifts my chin to stare at him, I slide my weapon out just a tad.

"Stop pestering my bodyguard. I'm not here to try the coffin out I'm here-"

"I know what Milord wishes to say." Undertaker interrupts him and scratches my chin, but no blood creeped out of my skin. Good, I wouldn't want to explain why it healed the next few seconds.

A shiver runs up my spine when Undertaker touches his lips with the same finger that slightly scratched me. What is wrong with this person? I move away from Undertaker and stand behind Master Ciel.

I didn't bother listening to the bothersome information that happened to the ladies that died from murder. It wasn't interesting unless something fun was involved or some sort of supernatural. A little trinket catches my eye. It was a pair of scissors, but it had a hint of death smell on it. He must uses this to snip off the extra stitches.

Sebastian snaps his fingers in front of my face. I blink and look around to see that Lau, Madame Red, her worthless servant, and Master Ciel not in sight. "Eh? Did we get the information?"

Sebastian pushes me out of the shop and closes the door in front of my face. I sweat drop at his response to my question. "Are you serious?"

"Some bodyguard you have, she can't seem to pay attention for your life!" I can sense Lau smirking behind his sleeve.

I open my mouth to say something, but Master Ciel backed me up. "My knight knows her surroundings better than you Lau, she will show what she can do in time."

He looks up at me to confirm his statement. I smirk and nod my head. Master is one smart child that's for sure. Silence fills the air as we stare at the door of the shop. A slight rumble makes the shop move. Loud laughter fills the shop and even echoes outside that the humans jumped in shock a little. But Madame Red's butler barely flinched a second late. I don't bother with his name. Instead his scent smells familiar. Then again the chemicals in this shop might have thrown me off a bit.

I curse at my rustiness and hope to Satan that Sebastian doesn't recognize my slip up. Does he have ability like cat demons? I shake my head at the thought as I listen here and there to this supposedly important talk. Something about missing organs...prostitutes...wombs? It sickens me that how repetitive humans are when it comes to these types of killings.

The conversation slowly finishes up and Sebastian puts on Master Ciel's coat. "I won't be scared, no matter what tricks the queen's lackeys want to use." He turns to look at everyone in the room. What a great exit scene. I smile as I walk briskly by master's side.

Everyone, but Undertaker follows behind us towards the carriage. A few minutes later, Sebastian decided it was a great idea to jump out of a moving carriage to check off that suspect list. Really I wanted to join, but I know I must protect my master.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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