Dragon Eye of the Beholder pt 1

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Updated 17/8/24

Hiccup's P.O.V

I settled onto Toothless's soft leather saddle, with my handsome boyfriend, Lucas, beside me in his hybrid form. His fit physique was complemented by his pale skin, and from the center of his back sprouted a pair of stunning black Night Fury wings. He also had a Night Fury tail curving from above his cute ass and black-scaled ears adorning his head.

We were racing to determine who was the fastest, currently at a stalemate. Lucas's shape-shifting ability gave him a significant edge. His raven hair, braided to the middle of his back, fluttered in the wind as he grinned widely. His emerald green eyes sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight, so captivating that I found myself lost in them. I couldn't help but marvel at how incredibly lucky I was.

""Slowpoke!" Lucas shouted as he sped past me, and Toothless chortled in response. "Get your ass back here," I laughed, snapping out of my daze to chase him. Toothless climbed higher, and we attempted a new move to impress Lucas, but I slipped and felt the wind rush past my ears. After a moment, Toothless caught up, and I sighed as I glanced at him.

"Hey," I said. "So, should I just plummet, or do you have any ideas?" Toothless snickered before diving down to catch me. "I need to get myself a pair of wings," I muttered. Toothless roared in disagreement as Lucas, sitting cross-legged on a sea stack not far ahead, chuckled. "Nah, you'd just fall, and Toothless or I would have to save you," he laughed, his voice filled with amusement.

""Oh, quiet you, don't even start," I said, blushing with embarrassment. Lucas laughed, and together we flew toward home. This is Berk, this is Berk too. As we flew around, we spotted the new dragon stables. Lucas, smiling, drifted ahead, and I admired his beauty from behind.

And so is this. And this also. We observed the new feeding stations and water supplies.

Yeah, it's been three whole years since the war with the Berserker tribe and Berk has changed a lot. Then again so have we. Snotlout now works at the armoury. Gobber gave him the title of official weapons tester.

We watched as Snotlout fell and nearly got killed by one of the twins' pranks, only to be saved at the last moment by Hookfang. Lucas let out a cute giggle, making me swoon and nearly fall off Toothless, who was laughing at the whole scene.

The twins, to absolutely no one's surprise, dedicated their lives to Loki, the god of pranks, Lucky Us.
I sighed, shaking my head.

And there's Fishlegs who has really found his calling. teaching the children of Berk the history of dragons.

We flew down and greeted them, and the children looked up in awe at Lucas. They cheered as he flapped his wings gently, sending a light breeze across their smiling faces. I smiled proudly, admiring how well he interacted with the kids. I couldn't help but hope that one day, we might have children of our own.

We swerved around the sea stacks, landing on one as Astrid caught up, breathless. "Hiccup, wait! I've been chasing you since you left the armory. Can we talk?" she asked, panting.

"Sure, if you can catch me!" I replied with a playful smirk, dashing off. Before I went, I leaned in and gave Lucas a quick peck on the lips, whispering, "Love you, babe, see you soon." His pale face turned an adorable shade of bright scarlet, his ears flattened as he let out a cute dragon-like coo.

Lucas's P.O.V

Astrid sighed and glanced at me, a nostalgic smile lingering on my face from Hiccup's kiss, until she snapped her fingers sharply in front of me. "Fine, fine, let's go get him," she said. I snapped out of my trance, finding Hiccup's actions endearing, and we set off to catch my playful boyfriend.

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