The Big Man on Berk

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AN: sorry for the late publish the next one will be quicker. Enjoy

Lucas POV

The gang was flying over the selected part of the ocean searching for a Scauldron Fishlegs started trying to warn the group. "All right, gang, we'll buzz past the Scauldron and draw its attention so Astrid, Ruff, and Tuff can net it from behind and drag it out to sea, got it?" Hiccup called.

"I still think we should blast it!" Tuffnut called "Stoick just wants us to move the Scauldron out of Berk's fishing lanes, so don't get any crazy ideas." Astrid said getting annoyed. "Uh, sorry. Crazy is what we do, Astrid. Duh!" Ruffnut said hanging upside down "You guys do realize that a Scauldron's hot water blast can rip the scales right off a Screaming Death?" Fishlegs added worriedly. when the Scauldron roared from the water below. 

"There it is. Let's focus, guys." I called as everyone got to work I quickly looked back at Fishlegs, feeling bad for ignoring him but we need to move the Scauldron quickly. Hiccup started counting down. "One... Two... Three" as he reached three Fishlegs sneezed sending him and Meatlug flying backward into Snotlout and upsetting the Scauldron. Snotlout fell into the net and as Hiccup and I turned back to abort the mission.

Fishlegs fell into us. "Uhh! I knew I hated this mission." Snotlout cried as the Scauldron came right at him, I dove down incredibly fast distracting the Scauldron then Hiccup called "Plasma blast, bud." causing Toothless to quickly blast it in the face, the Scauldron Roared back and vanished beneath the waves. "Oh, I see how it is. You're allowed to blast it." Tuff said upset causing me to sigh and say "Let's just get back to Berk, shall we?" I said as we took off.

We had just landed outside the forge when Snotlout started yelling at Fishlegs "You and your Snot-rockets almost got me killed!" while Fishlegs was looking incredibly sick, I was flipping through a healing book to try and find any healing techniques for allergies.

"It's so weird. I mean, I never... oh... ever... Ah-choo! ...get sick. Ohh." He groaned scratching the whole time "Oh, gods." Hiccup groaned in disgust at the sight. "Dig deeper, see if you can draw blood." the twins egged on "Well, something's clearly not right with you, Lucas any ideas?" Hiccup asked turning to me.

I was about to speak up when "I don't see the big deal, okay? Everybody sneezes and scratches sometimes." Fishlegs cut me off  "Not like a honey-covered yak on an anthill." Tuff causing everyone to look at him "What? You've never seen a honey-covered yak on an anthill? Well, those things scratch. It's terrifying. The horrors haunt my dreams." he said and everyone tried to ignore what he had said.

"I really don't feel sick, okay? I promise I'm fine." Fishlegs said "look, Fishlegs I think it's allergies," I said closing my book. "Uh, that's impossible. Allergies don't run in the Ingerman family. I'm clean, serene, and..." he tried to argue "not all allergies are genetic, Fishlegs it could be something new" I argued back.

That's when the twins cut in "Might I interject? We, at the Thorston house, have a very simple allergen detection system. It has never failed." Tuff said, "That's a system?" Ruff asked her brother "It is now." he said back. So we all headed to the arena. "Why do I have a feeling this is going to end badly" I muttered to Hiccup on the way over.

Hiccup's POV

We were in the arena watching Tuff give Fishlegs an unhealthy-looking egg "Thousand-year-old egg. Slam this down your gullet." Tuff said "I don't think that's safe" Lucas tried to cut in "nonsense," Tuffnut said and handed the egg to Fishlegs who looked nervous before taking a bite.

"Hmm. Oh, it could use a little sea salt." was all Fishlegs said to everyone's surprise. Then Ruffnut walked up and rubbed hair all over his face "Yak hair. Takes itchy to a whole new level" "Not really. Feels kind of like my old Aunt Gerta. You know she used to..." Fishlegs started to say when he was Immediately interrupted "No, we'd like to be able to sleep tonight." Lucas and I said "not like you two sleep much anyways" Snotlout muttered inappropriately earning a glare from Lucas and I.

Rtte Hiccup x male hybrid OCWhere stories live. Discover now