Imperfect Harmony

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Hiccup's Pov
The whole gang was standing in front of the image from the Dragon Eye. We couldn't wait until morning so we went around and gathered the gang that night. The gang were all wide-eyed in amazement and much less angry about being woken up now.

Fishlegs, can you make any of it out?" I asked excitedly "there are parts of maps and symbols, nothing I've seen before and there's writing but it's in a language I've never read before" he said examining it. "What's that thing?" Snotlout asked, pointing to a big symbol in the centre.

"It must be some sort of tribal crest" I answered, "oh I like it way better than our tribal crest," Tuff said "um, Tuff we don't have a tribal crest," Lucas told him. "Well, we should" Ruffnut joined in "and it should be that" Tuffnut finished.

"Hiccup, this map, you realise it..." Fishlegs started to say "goes beyond the boundaries of the archipelago, oh I know," I said really happy only just noticing Lucas smile lightly at me. Everyone was shocked into silence except for Lucas "so what's our next move," he asked.

Lucas's Pov
The next morning Hiccup and I were showing the council the Dragon Eye. I was standing to the side like a guard as Hiccup did the talking. "Look at this, there are maps we've never seen, writing we can't read, dragons we don't recognise. It's incredible, this Dragon Eye, this is proof that there is a whole other world out there. A world that must be explored" Hiccup said, giving one of his excellent speeches if it wasn't for the audience that we had I would have been smiling at him.

"This sure beats normal council business" Gobber spoke up. Stoick was standing in front of the council "it's alright lads you can speak your mind, we're a council after all." He said "we've been at peace for three years, the best years on Berk I can remember. I think you know I well as I do that when you go looking for trouble you usually find it" Spitelout, Snotlout's father spoke up.

"I agree with Spitelout, if that Dragon Eye leads to unknown places and new wild dragons then no good can come from that" Silence Seven agreed. "I completely disagree with you, Seven you around you, how can you say that no good with come from discovering new species of dragons, if they're out there we need to find them" Hiccup argued.

"If there's anything you and the other riders should be doing. It's hunting down Dagur and putting him back in jail where he belongs" Spitelout retaliated "another reason to go Dagur was heading beyond our borders. He thinks we won't go past them, but that's where we will find him" I added after spending most of the meeting in silence.

Spitelout turned to Stoick "Stoick, any time you would like to chime in we can put this to rest" he said. "Yes Spitelout, let's put this to rest," the chief said "dad?!" Hiccup asked "let me speak son, this is as important for you two to hear as it is for them," he told Hiccup before turning back to the council. Hiccup looked dejected. I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder, but he just hang his head glumly.

"Spitelout you're absolutely right these have been some of our best years, nothing is more important than peace, peace among us, peace with our neighbours and peace with the dragons..." the chief said as Hiccup leaned into me sadly believing that his father had sided against us.

"Having said that, let me ask you this Spitelout when you and I first had Alvin in our sights and everyone kept trying to tell us to leave well enough alone. What did we do?" Stoick asked Spitelout but Gobber interrupted "crushed them that's what you did" "thank you, Gobber," Stoick said tightly trying to tell Gobber to be quiet. "When Valka was taken and I went in search of her, could anyone have stopped me? He asked.

I felt Hiccup freeze up in my arms at his mother's name before coming out of his daze and stepping out of my arms. "Well you're the chief, so no" Gobber added "yes, Gobber fair point. But you get where I am going, think of the most important thing in the world to each of you. Ask yourselves how far are you willing to go to get it, what would you risk?" He said walking over to us I smiled, Hiccup couldn't see his father until Stoick placed his hand on Hiccup's shoulder.

Rtte Hiccup x male hybrid OCWhere stories live. Discover now