Gone Gustav Gone

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Lucas's POV

Hiccup, Toothless, and I were sitting in our hut trying to find something new with the Dragon Eye it was pretty boring, and Toothless thought so too. "Okay, give me a slow burn, bud. Okay, we've seen this before, but what happens if I push... Cool. Dragon classes. What do you say we check out the Night Fury, bud?" Hiccup said causing Toothless to groan in disinterest and me to yawn and lean on Hiccup's shoulder "Try to contain your excitement, would you two?" Hiccup joked earning a gentle kiss on the neck as Toothless laughed. "Now, Monstrous Nightmare gem plus Night Fury equals... nothing, Okay. Oh! Astrid class."

He laughed, pointing the Dragon Eye at Astrid who had just opened the door "Hiccup, we have a problem, a huge problem." she said getting my attention "Dagur? Yeah, I asked my tone dead seriously "Worse," she said, "What could possibly be worse than Dagur?" Hiccup and I asked when a big reptile landed right on top of Astrid, sitting on top of the dragon was a boy younger than us.

"Gustav" he called "Gustav?! Hiccup and I asked "Gustav" Astrid groaned. Hiccup hid the Dragon Eye behind his back and retreated as the curious boy looked around "Gustav, what are you doing here? I... I mean, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Hiccup asked with a subtle roll of his eyes as he sat down next to me, I placed a kiss on the back of his neck. Hiccup gently placed the Dragon Eye on the wooden chest and leaned back into me.

Snotlout and the twins showed up at Hiccup's door " Hiccup, did you hear Gustav is... standing right beside you. Perfect." Snotlout groaned "You're looking a little different there, Guster." Tuffnut said, "Yeah, I'm growing a beard." He said thrusting out his chest with pride the twins walked over to see.

"Really? Let me see. Ha! Even Ruff has more hair on her chinny-chin-chin than that." Tuffnut said ripping out the piece of hair off the boy's face "Ow" he cried then Tuff pushed Gustav back into and wooden chest "Ow, Hey, what's that thing?" He said picking up the Dragon Eye and examining it before shining the light end right in his eyes. Both Hiccup and I reached out quickly to stop the boy but neither of us were quick enough.

"Oh! Whoa! Do you see these spots? Some sort of sun sword?" Gustav asked as he stumbled around the room, "I'll take that. No, Gustav, it's not a sun sword." Hiccup said catching the Dragon Eye that the boy had just dropped before handing it to me.

"It's the Dragon Eye, and it's very old and very fragile." Fishlegs told the stumbling boy who was obviously not listening "Whoa, these spots, they're not going away. Ow!" Gustav said as he crashed into one of Toothless's tail fins which were hanging up on the wall. "It isn't something to just be touched." I told the boy sternly "Relax, Dragon boy, I know what I'm doing." Gustav said right before he bumped into another tail fin sending all the fins on the wall to the floor causing Toothless to growl at the boy. then Fanghook, Gustav's Monstrous Nightmare dropped a tail fin on mine and Toothless's heads.

Finally, Snotlout called the younger boy over "Gustav, Gustav, over here. Uh, when are you leaving?" he asked holding the active boy still. "That's funny, Snotlout, but I'm not leaving. I'm moving here." He said, causing the Snotlout and the twin to gasp in shock then Tuffnut doubled over laughing "Ha ha! Yeah, yeah, you are. Imagine... he would never..." He said between laughs then he stopped and sobered up.

"Wait, he's serious? I'll get the stake and firewood." Tuff said as he and his sister walked off. "Oh, hold on, hold on. No one is burning anyone at the stake." I sighed "Lucas is right, let's just throw him off a cliff," Ruff said,  "Guys, I'm sure there's a simple explanation, please tell me there's a simple explanation, Gustav?" Hiccup asked. "yeah very simple, by the way, do not stare right into that sun sword thing,  Anyway, you said when I was ready, I could join the Dragon Riders. Well, I'm ready and I'm here to join. Where's my hut?" he said causing everyone to gasp.

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