Chapter 8

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Chay sat in the car in comfortable silence as he watched the buildings go by, wondering where Macau could possibly be taking him to train, he looked over to his trainer once again glaring at him. Macau turned away from the window and grinned at Chay's obviously agitated expression, 'don't worry, we'll be there soon,' he said with a short laugh.

Chay just gave him an annoyed pfft before turning to look out at the buildings once again, frowning as a familiar bright yellow street food stall caught his eye. Wondering where he was, Chay started to pay more attention to the buildings and streets around him, noticing more and more landmarks that stood out to him. When they passed a 7eleven, he realised they were close to the Main family's skyscraper figuring that's where they would do their training. Chay frowned wondering why they would go all the way there to train when they could do everything at the Minor house.

As Chay expected, a few minutes later the car was pulling up to the Main family's driveway and Macau got out, signaling for Chay to do the same. As they made their way into the building, Chay looked around at the people guarding the different entrances, trying, and failing to find any familiar faces. 'Chay!' he heard his name called out by Macau who was now waiting for the elevator, gesturing for him to hurry up as he had gotten lost in his search for familiar faces.

Chay rushed over to Macau giving him an innocent smile as he reached him, to which he received an eye roll in return. He looked at the elevator buttons, the light for going down having already been pressed, and ask the question that had been nagging him, 'What are we doing here?'

Macau smiled, 'We need to use their facilities,' he said as the elevator doors dinged open and they walked in, 'unfortunately, the Main family restricts what is available at the Minor house, so we need to come here to continue your training.' Macau pushed the button labeled GR and seconds later Chay felt the elevator start its descent.

Chay put his hand against the wall, never being that good with elevators, and, after passing floor after floor after floor, started wondering if they were close to the centre of the earth, 'how far down are we going?' he asked Macau.

At that moment, the elevator stopped, and the doors once again opened with a ding; Macau smirked, 'this far'. Chay scoffed and glared at him as he left the elevator and made his way down the long hallway only starting to follow him when the doors threatened to close again. Chay heard Macau let out a quiet laugh as he caught up to him and continued following him down the hall. There were doors occasionally appearing on either side, but Macau kept walking past them.

Eventually, Macau opened a door and led Chay into a dark room, feeling around the wall, flicking a switch to illuminate a large gun range. Various guns covered one wall, while the other was lined with multiple dented targets. Macau brought Chay over to the wall of guns and turned to him, 'so if you didn't guess already, we are here to start your shooting practice which we will be doing about once a week.'

Chay rolled his eyes, 'really? I thought we were here for tea,' he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Macau smirked and grabbed a small gun off the wall, 'this is a Sig Sauer P226 9mm,' he said handing the gun to Chay. 'The clip size is 10, so always remember how many shots you fire because running out of bullets can get you killed,' he said seriously before a smile formed on his lips, 'it will also make you look stupid.'

Chay let out a small laugh before looking at the rest of the guns on the wall, 'What about those?'

Macau smirked once again and started gesturing to different guns, 'these are Ak 47's, shotguns, bolters, Mac 10's, 64 pistols, Qsz92, CZ 75, Colt 1911, and various M16 assault rifles.' At Chay's dumbfounded face, Macau laughed, 'thankfully you don't have to know all that, just focus on this little guy right here,' he said tapping the gun in Chay's hand before grabbing another one from off the wall and making his way to the middle of the room.

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