Chapter 15

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Macau couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh at the boy's reaction and gave him a big grin, 'Come on it won't be that bad. I'm actually a pretty good driver.'

Chay glared at him, 'Are you really though?'

Macau couldn't help but look cocky, 'well the only way is for you to find out.' He said, placing the helmet over Chay's head and securing it with surprisingly little resistance. He then made his way over to the motorbike, looking back at Chay with a challenge in his eyes.

Chay slowly made his way over to the bike looking uncertain before bringing his gaze to Macau who gave him an encouraging smile. Chay glared, putting his hand on the other boy's shoulder, and raising his leg over the back of the bike before jumping on.

Macau felt the bike shift beneath him and automatically reached back and grabbed Chay's waist and hand that was still on his shoulder to stop the boy from falling off. Macau looked back at him with a smile, 'You good?'

Chay glared again and pulled his hand out of Macau's grasp before hitting him, 'I'm fine'.

Macau smiled at Chay's cute rage and turned back around while bringing his hand up from the boy's waist and down his arm, grabbing his wrist to bring it around his own waist. 'Hang on tight if you don't want to fall off again.' He said before starting the engine and moving the bike backwards, out of the room.

As soon as they started moving, Chay's other hand automatically reached around Macau's waist to join the other one, making him feel a bit more secure. Macau smiled at Chay's nervousness but that dropped when Chay noticed and squeezed the air out of his stomach. 'Stop enjoying this so much.' Chay said with a glare.

Macau looked forward trying to keep a straight face, 'enjoying what?' he asked before he revved the bike and took off, making Chay hide his face in the older boy's back.

Throughout the journey, Macau tried to prompt Chay to open his eyes and look around them but only got the feeling of the boy shaking his head on his back which caused him to smile. 'You're going to have to look up at some point because I don't know where I'm going!' he called to Chay over the roaring wind.

Chay moved his head to just above Macau's shoulder, 'I don't have to open my eyes to direct you.' he said stubbornly. 'Do you know where th-.............. it's the big building two blocks down on the right.' he said before continuing to bury his face into the nape of Macau's neck.

Macau swerved between the slow cars and tried to recall the directions Chay had just said, he tried to focus on the boys' words rather than his warm breath that had tickled his neck; he tried to think about where he was going rather than Chay's lips brushing against his skin as he tried to hide his face away. More importantly, he tried not to think about how Chay affected him so much with just small little things.

He slowed down and pulled into a parking lot near what he thought was Chay's apartment building however, even with the vehicle stationary the boy didn't look up to confirm. Macau looked behind him, 'Chay, I think we're here.' when he didn't move, Macau began brushing his fingers over the boys' hands that were still clasped firmly around his waist. 'Chay, it's alright, we've stopped.'

At Macau's touch Chay slowly raised his head and looked around, noticing the familiar area before looking back to the other boy and glaring, 'Well, why didn't you say so' he said with a smile before getting off the bike quickly as he could and making his way towards the building.

Macau sighed at the lack of warmth on his back and waist as his body registered the absence of the other boy and begrudgingly hopped off the bike, following the boy into the building.

Macau looked around as he entered the building to follow Chay, it was nice, but it was nothing fancy, certainly not what he expected the new head of the Minor clan to provide for his dear little brother. He looked back to Chay who was now waiting at the elevator, then again, he would probably feel uncomfortable if the place was too fancy.

Macau joined Chay just as the elevator doors opened, hesitating a moment before following the boy into the enclosed room. Macau had always hated cramped spaces so elevators and him didn't really mix normally making him take the stairs, but since he didn't know where they were, he dealt with it and simply waited for the doors to open again, focusing on his breathing. Macau watched as the numbers went up, 2... 3... 4...... What floor was Chay on again?

He looked towards the boy only to find Chay's eyes already on him. Macau froze, he wondered if Chay had noticed his discomfort, but Chay only gave him a smile before turning back to the already-opening doors.

He blinked in surprise as he looked at the number 8 of the floor they were on, how did we get to the eighth floor so quickly? A click of a lock brought Macau out of his thoughts as he looked over to Chay already opening the door to one of the apartments and went to leave the elevator only for the doors to start closing on him making him quickly jump out of the lift, his cheeks heating slightly in embarrassment at the scene no one else witnessed Chay, having already entered his apartment leaving the door open for him.

Chay's apartment was nice and simple, a big open space consisting of the dining room and kitchen along with the living room. There were two doors on the other side of the space leading to what he presumed to be a bedroom and bathroom and a third open on the other side of the kitchen to where he could see Chay getting some clothes out of his closet. Macau placed his bike keys on the kitchen counter and went over to the couch, collapsing on it, his eyes widening at the comfort before allowing himself to be swallowed by the cushions.

Macau heard footsteps leaving the far room before stopping, then heading over to the couch he was lying on a quiet chuckle confirming Chay's arrival. Macau opened his eyes and looked up at the other boy who was smiling at him in return, 'I'm just going to take a quick shower and then we can figure out what we're doing.'

Macau closed his eyes and sunk further into the furniture, 'Take your time, I'll just be here chilling on your amazingly soft couch.' With a short laugh, Macau heard Chay make his way back into his room shortly before turning on the water from the shower. After a while, Macau left the wonderful comfort of the couch and started looking around in boredom, wandering over to the big window at the end of the room and taking in the spectacular view. From the apartment, you overlook the whole city giving a picturesque image with the still-rising sun casting a glistening light over the buildings.

'I gotta say, the view is great at this place, even better at night when the city is lit up' Macau jumped at Chay's words, having been too lost in the view to notice the boy walking up behind him. Chay smiled at Macau's reaction and went over to the couch, plonking on it, 'So, what do you want to do today ?' he said with a grin.

Macau went over and sat next to him, 'That's up to you, I'm just here for the pleasure of your company' he said with a wink.

Chay smirked at the statement he had made the night before, 'Can I be honest with you?' Chay asked causing Macau to cock an eyebrow, 'It kinda feels weird to not be training, like I've kinda gotten into the habit of it and not doing it feels wrong.'

Macau smiled at the boy remembering when he also got that feeling, 'I know exactly what to do for that then, but you're going to have to put on something you can move better in.' Macau said eyeing the jeans Chay had put on after his shower.

'Can you at least tell me my options so I know what to dress for?' Chay said with a curious look.

Macaus's smile formed into a grin, 'You decide, Paintball or Lazertag?'

So! What will it be? 

I want something fun to write about, so you guys are going to decide which one you think will be more fun, an outdoor paintball game in the woods? or a dark laser tag game in a maze?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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