Chapter 10

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Chay's blood was still pounding in his ears when they reached the Minor house. He'd been ignoring Macau's attempt at conversation the entire ride back getting out of the car as soon as it stopped and headed to the taxi, he'd organised to bring him home during the trip. As Chay reached for the door, a hand grabbed him and spun him around, forcing him to look into the confused eyes of Macau.

'Chay, are you alright?' he asked concerned.

Chay forced a small smile, 'I'm fine, just tired.'

Macau looked into his eyes as if trying to find something before letting out a resigned sigh and nodding, letting go of Chay's arm. 'Okay, get home safe then.' Macau said with a forced smile.

Chay gave him a small nod and got into the car letting the driver take him back to his apartment. Before they turned off the driveway Chay turned to look back, seeing Macau still standing there watching the car leave.

Chay turned back around and took a deep breath, then another the first one that seemed easy to do since he was at the gun range. He didn't know what came over him. Feeling the gun in his hand, hearing the sound of fired shots seemed to bring back memories to the surface he would rather forget.

He looked out the window of the taxi as they were pulled up to his apartment, he got out, thanked the driver, and made his way into the building. As Chay waited for the elevator, flashes of the past started forcing their way into his mind, gunfire echoing all around him, so loud it is almost deafening. People calling out, some voices he recognised, some he didn't. Porsche telling someone to take him out, telling Kim.

Chay snapped out of his haze as the elevator dinged and opened its doors. He made his way in trying to focus on anything but those old memories he had tried so hard to forget. Distracting himself, he wondered what series he was going to watch, mentally going through the big list of series he was in the middle of and his even bigger to-watch list. He exited the elevator and made his way into his apartment, dumping his keys on the kitchen counter before going into his room for a much-needed cold shower.

Chay pulled on a jumper as he made his way out of his room and to the kitchen. He could feel the cold water running down his neck from his still-damp hair and into his clothes. He smiled to himself in triumph as he was able to pull his mind away from the thing he wanted very much to avoid. Determined to continue doing just that, he looked up at the time and decided he wanted to order dinner and watch a series.

After ordering some Larb Gai from his favourite take-out place, Chay went and flopped onto his couch turning on the tv and browsing through the guide. Many of his favourite shows were on like Bad Buddy, Not Me, 2gether, Manner of Death, and Vice Versa, and he also noticed Between Us was on but decided not to watch it since it wasn't fully out yet. Chay was toying between Not Me and 2gether when the doorbell rang making him get up to pick up his food. Thanking the delivery guy, he made his way back to the tv setting out his salad on the small table in front of the couch before frowning at two of his many comfort shows. Eventually, Chay opted for 2gether since it would be better at taking his mind off of... things.

After a few hours, Chay's mind started pulling him away again before he was able to regain his focus. He looked out the window and saw pitch black, then turned to the clock telling him it was 10. Figuring it would be easier to just go to sleep than play a game of tug-war with his mind, Chay made his way back into his bedroom and, after finishing his night-time routine, got into his bed, letting himself be pulled into oblivion.

Voices echoed around Chay, yelling, and screaming. So many. It was like they were bouncing off the walls. Most of them were like hearing through water, but some he could hear crystal clear. His brother calling out to him. Someone shouting, 'This wasn't the fucking plan!' Chay tried to cover his ears, but he couldn't, he couldn't move. It was like his body was numb and his hands were tied. Pain started creeping into his chest and stomach as if someone had kicked him. Chay tried to call out, but his voice failed him as well.

Bang! Bang! Bang!! he heard gunshots all around him and then something fell, or someone. What was going on!? He should have been panicking but his mind was still hazy like there was a blanket over all his senses. And that blanket was pulling him down, back into unconsciousness. Chay tried one more time to open his eyes succeeding just enough to see his brother, tied up and at gunpoint. Chay tried to call out to him but was again pulled into the darkness.

Gunshots were bouncing off the walls, ringing in his ears, that was all he could hear before he was able to make out a voice. A gentle voice calling out, for him. Chay? Chay! He could feel two strong hands gripping his upper arm and lifting him from the ground before an arm was around his back, making him feel safe. More gunshots assaulted his ears, people yelling, his brother. 'Get Porchay outta here!' Chay could barely protest as he was led out of the building, directing all his focus on putting one foot in front of the other, fighting the effects of whatever drug had made him so disorientated.

A surge of dizziness hit Chay causing him to collapse against the side of a building. He leaned his head against the wall and looked around his vision still hazy. He could just make out the outline of the person with him, who, he couldn't help but feel safe with. Suddenly a huge explosion came from the building they had left, and the other person covered Chay's body with their own. The ringing in Chay's ears grew louder and his vision darkened again, the last thing he could see was the other person grab onto him before he hit the ground.

Chay sat up in his bed, a cold sweat covering his body, and forced himself to take a few deep breaths, slowing his heart rate and calming himself down. Feeling hot, he took off his jumper and made his way to the kitchen getting himself a bottle of water out of the fridge.

At that point in time, Chay didn't know it had been Kim who was with him, that it was Kim that had saved him and made him feel so at ease. He didn't know that the idol he admired so much was just using him for his sick mafia games. Chay felt so protected by him that he didn't think to protect himself from him. He took a breath, then another. Why did his stupid dreams have to bring Kim back into his mind. Why did he have to go through the torture of hating him and missing him all at the same time. Chay knew in his mind that he couldn't let Kim in again, but he still had moments of weakness when his heart ached for him.

Too nervous to go back to sleep and riskdreaming again, Chay made his way over to the Tv and turned on his gaming console,determined to distract himself until training in the morning. Before startinghis game he looked over to the clock that read 2:00 and sighed at how tired hewas going to be later before turning back to the tv and playing.

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