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Jungkook is not scared of dark. He is trained in dark, he stayed his most of the time in this 17 years of life in darkness. After all he is mafia, darkness is their friend! But the thing he is afraid is locked places. It's not that much serious anymore, but when he was a kid, he used be so much scared about locked places. He totally couldn't take it at all. But in mafia things, he needs to endure it too.

So, after trainings he is a bit good at handling it. He can take like 2-3 hours, but not more than it. He is still working on his phobia, but it's since his birth. And phobia's are actually dangerous, no matter what, they never goes away totally. All you can try is to control it for a few times, depends on yourself.

Only his hyungs knows about it. They never let others know about it as in mafia world it will be good news for their rival. Every mafia has some weakness. They are also human, none can't be perfect in all spheres and no one can't live without human emotions right?

So, it's Jungkook's weakness, if their rivals know that Kim Jungkook has weakness, they won't waste the chance at all. So, without these seven, no one- I repeat no one knows about it. They even hide it from dad. And these six hyungs of Jungkook trained him, so it was only between them.

Earlier Jungkook used to freak out in daylight also if he was locked in somewhere. But, now his hyungs trained and cared him well, that he is pretty normal about it. He doesn't feel anything weird in daylight or in elevator or large locked places. But this little dark locked room which has only a small ventilator and nothing else, is quite scary for him.

Still, he can endure it for 2 hours here. After that his breathing will be heavy and scary thoughts will start to come in his mind. He will slowly loose his controls on himself...his hyungs know this so they usually don't use it on him. But as a 3rd level punishment, Jin choose it. Every brother has different fears and Jin knows each one's weakness too well. That's why everyone fears him.

Jungkook knows Jin hyung will take him out before he started feeling bad or dizzy. If he feels like he is gonna have a panic attack before the time, then he just needs to show a safe sign on CCTV camera and Jin will rescue him in blink of his eyes. That usually don't happen, Jin never goes too far. He knows when to stop and when the punishments to enough.



After around two and a half hours later;

Jin was in his office cabin, discussing with Taehyung about the task that Jungkook was assigned to do. Jin is not heartless. They needed to finish the task in around two days as Jin took extra time form his dad. But, giving the whole thing to Jungkook alone to finish will be too much. So, he and Taehyung will do as much they can and Jungkook will finish the leftovers.

Jin is working both on his files and taekook's files. Taehyung is gathering some notes from his laptop, sitting on the couch in one side of Jin's desk. Jin was so into in the files that he almost forgot to check the computer screen beside him that was showing the CCTV footage of where Jungkook was locked currently. The room was silent...until-

-Jin hyung, can you see this?' Taehyung came near Jin's desk holding his laptop, he was showing something related of his work, 'Look, here it says-WAIT! WHAT THE HECK!!'

Taehyung suddenly screamed out making Jin almost fall from his chair in shock!

Jin: The hell! What happened to you suddenly, you crack-head?' he said being irritated.

But Taehyung's eyes are wide, like they will come out anytime soon, his face is pale. He is scared seeing at something in behind Jin. Jin looked at confusingly at the direction where Tae was looking at. He slowly looked back and the moment his gaze dropped on the computer screen, his whole body shook and he froze on place, staring at the screen with disbelieving eyes...

The bond that stick us together: A BTS Brotherly AUWhere stories live. Discover now