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Jungkook waited for any hyung's yell or something. But nothing came. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up to Jin. But soon he regretted his decision. Jin's face is calm and serious than ever. The face that his dongsaengs hates the most. Cause they all know it is the face before the storm. Jungkook's heart was beating crazily, he bit his lower lip to control his fear.

Jungkook: I-I'm sorry hyung.' He whispered and finally Jin sighed deeply hearing him. He sat on the nearest couch, just in front of the makhne. Jungkook keep standing in his place, head hanging low.

Jin massaged his temple and looked at his back where his other brothers are standing, 'Yoongi. You and others may go to you rooms and take rest. And Jimin please bring me my keys from my office.'

Yoongi nodded and motioned others to follow him. He knows Jin won't be happy if they don't obey him right now and it will be bad for the poor boy, who was trying to control his tears while standing in front of the eldest there.

After all of them left leaving only eldest and youngest in room, Jin looked back to the makhne and sighed.

Jin: Ok so tell me how to start, hmm? From where should I start with you?'

Jungkook didn't even looked up, just let his scared ears rolled down through his cheeks.

Jin: Jungkook, how many times I gave you the warnings?

Jungkook: T-three times hyung.

Jin: Do I usually gives that much chances to anyone? Have seen ever your other hyungs getting three chances without any punishments?

Jungkook shook his head as 'no.'

Jin sighed, 'Kook, you better use your words while you talk with me.'

Jungkook sniffed, 'S-sorry hyung.'

Jin nodded, 'I know you are sorry. But that isn't gonna work today.'

Jungkook looked up with his puppy teary eyes, 'Please hyung-

-Jin hyung?' they both looked at the door and saw Jimin standing there. He is holding the keys in his hand and looking at Jungkook with sympathetic and scared look. He hates when his brothers get punishments.

Jin: yes Jimin?

Jimin took a few steps near him and hand him the keys silently. Jin took it and smiled at Jimin softly, 'Thank you. Did you finish your task?'

Jimin nodded, 'I did hyung.'

Jin: Good. And yeah! Tell Taehyung to meet me in my office after I done here, ok?

Jimin: Nae. H-hyung?

Jin: Hmm?' he was checking the keys, finding a specific one.

Jimin looked back on Jungkook who was almost in verge of breaking down and then back to the eldest, 'Can't you spare him this time?'

Jin sighed and slowly looked up to Jimin, 'Jimin, you have to trust me. I will not hurt him, ok?'

Jimin hurriedly spoke out, 'I know hyung. It's not about that, I trust you...It's just...he is so scared.'

Jin: He should be. And ask him, he himself knows that he deserves it.

Jimin bit his lower lip, 'Can you be a bit gentle? I mean isn't 3rd level a bit hard?

Jin now sighed deeply and turned to his strict mode, 'Jimin. I'm in charge here deciding what punishments he will get. You should leave now.' He said in cold voice and Jimin shivered. He lowered his head and nodded before leaving the room silently, giving the boy a soft assuring look.

The bond that stick us together: A BTS Brotherly AUWhere stories live. Discover now