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"Do you Hayat Rahim Malik, daughter of Rahim Malik accept Zaydan Rehman Malik to be your husband with the mahr of $100,000USD"? Asked the priest, I closed my eyes tightly as tears started to roll out of my eyes

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"Do you Hayat Rahim Malik, daughter of Rahim Malik accept Zaydan Rehman Malik to be your husband with the mahr of $100,000USD"? Asked the priest, I closed my eyes tightly as tears started to roll out of my eyes.

Right now I am having a inner turmoil with my thoughts. I don't want to do this, not for myself but for him, I know he love Rameen and wanted to marry her but I can't do anything to fulfill his wish.

I did everything to stop this nikkah, I swear I did. I argued with my parents. I jeopardize my dream of further studies in Canada just for him. But, he is taking all this in a wrong way, he thinks I just wanted him to leave Rameen.

How can he think like this? Don't he know me? Hell we are childhood best of best friends.

I felt a nudge on my right arm, I slowly opened my eyes to see my mama on my right side. I gave her a helpless look and whispered "please". It was so low that I doubt even I heard it.

She just gave me a stern look and turned her face to other side.

"Jaan what happened" I heard the sweet voice of my tayi Jaan asking me. And I just realized she was on my left side. I turned my face to her, seeing my face, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Jaan what happened? Are you not happy? Do you not want this nikkah?" She asked me for the 1000 times in this last week. She is the sweetest person on the earth I tell you. Infront of my parents i cried, i begged but they weren't ready to listen anything about it. According to them i was bound to be his since birth as this was my dadu's last wish. My Baba Jani said he gave his words to taya Jaan and tayi Jaan and now not even at the end of world he will say 'No' to this nikkah.

My parents has made me swear on them not to utter a single word about it. My Baba Jani was always a strict person as he is in military and a 'General' at that. My mama jaan is less strict but have a very domineering personality.

Reciting some surahs, I Calmed myself and encouraged myself to smile a little. I gave a small assuring smile to tayi Jaan and tilted my head to look at him.

He was wearing a black Kurta with a rolex watch in his left hand looking as handsome as ever. His face held no emotion just his famous poker face expression.

My eyes dimmed at his watch, he wasn't wearing the watch which he never stopped wearing in years. I told him to stop wearing it, even said i will give him another one but his answer was always the same 'This watch was the first gift from you Haya'.

I again felt a nudge on my right arm, knowing my mama very well I didn't turned towards her.

'Ya Allah! Madad, Ap sab sambhal lena, ab sab ap key hawale' Closing my eyes i made a quick dua and opened my eyes again. I can feel every single individual's pierced eyes on me right now, except him.

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