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"I want to meet the head of our HR department" He said, his eyes still on the laptop and I frowned

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"I want to meet the head of our HR department" He said, his eyes still on the laptop and I frowned.

"Is there any problem? Yesterday Taya Jaan also had the meeting with him and today you also"

"Oh! So Dad already had done the meeting? What was the outcome"? He asked still looking at the laptop and typing something very seriously.

"I don't know because Taya Jaan asked me to be with you" I replied and he nodded. It was lunch time so I asked him.

"What would you like to have in lunch"? He abruptly stopped his typing and looked in my eyes with so much warmness in them that I felt hot from his gaze on me.

"Whatever my Begum likes" His voice was seductively calm and collected. I immediately turned to leave because I didn't want him to see me smile.

As I was out of his office, my lips curled up in a wide smile. I ordered his favourite Biryani with salad and raita for both of us.

After that i engrossed myself in work, after like 35 mins my office telephone rang. I picked it up to hear Ahmed's voice. "Hayat your order is here. Would you like in your office or Mr. Malik's office"?

I thought for some seconds and replied "In his office" Because I know he will not let me have my lunch in my office. I don't want to argue with him and ruin my mood.

"Okay" Ahmed replied and cutted the call. Closing the file, I stood up and made my way to his office. I saw Ahmed getting out of his office, he didn't closed the door seeing me. He passed me a smile and said "Enjoy your lunch Hayat"

"You too have your lunch break Ahmed" I said with a small smile and he nodded his head and went off to his seat.

I entered his office just to see him looking at me. Was he looking at the door all this while? His eyes were not soft and warm as they always are while looking at me.

I was confused but didn't said anything. "Lunch has arrived, come" I said and started unpacking the lunch boxes.

I was looking at him from my peripheral vision. He silently stood up from his seat and sat beside me. I looked up towards him just to see him glaring at the food. I sighed.

"Now what happened"? I replied passing him the box full of biryani.

He took the box from my hand silently and replied "Nothing" but his glare was only directed towards the lunch.

"Is something wrong with the lunch"? I asked because I was damn confused on his stupid glare on food.

"No" He again replied shortly and started eating his food.

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