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Zaydan knocked on his parents room door as his mother Zainab Rehman has called him. After getting the permission he went in.

"Assalam-O-Alaikum Mama you called me" His stern voice was very much softer Infront of his mother. She mumbled a "Wa-Alaikum-Aslam" and nodded with a serious expression as she gestured him to sit on the bed.

His father who was sitting beside his mother was just reading the newspaper not caring to say anything. It was Sunday today as his father and mother both were home. It was 1:35pm in the afternoon to be exact.

"I don't like to beat around the bush so let's just get straight to the point" Her voice was like a thunder in the room as the Haveli was very quiet, pin drop silence could be heard.

She continued "I want to do rukhsati" She dropped the bomb on Zaydan. He was quiet not like he talks very much but he was way too quiet.

Time passed by, no one uttered anything Zainab was giving him time to think and then reply. After 2 exact minutes Zaydan uttered in his very deep and cold voice "I need time"

Zainab just sarcastically nodded before asking "Time? Were the five years not enough for you Or I say you didn't forget Rameen till now"? Zaydan clenched his hands in a fist tightly, closing his eyes he uttered with his clenched jaw "It's not like this"

"Really? Don't you dare Zaydan to blame everything on us. We clearly give you an choice" Came her stern and authoritive voice. Now we can can see from where Zaydan got his cold character traits.

When he didn't uttered anything Zainab continued "We both clearly told you if Rameen says yes to your proposal or confess her love to you, we will make her your wife but if she didn't, only our Jaan has the right to be. She was said to be yours since her birth"

"We never wanted anyone else other than Jaan to be your bride but we respected your choice. Didn't we"? Came Rehman's calm voice.

Zaydan didn't said anything because he couldn't make himself to say anything against them because they were right. They did gave him the choice. They did it for him. But he couldn't get the thought of his rejection out of his mind which he thinks Rameen rejected because of Hayat, His Haya.

"You need time? Just tell us how much Zaid"? Rehman asked a bit softer. Between parents if one is angry then the other one should be calm.

He was quiet. It was like he was thinking something. Zainab sighed and continued but this time softly.

"You know I saw you in Jaan's room last night when i was going to check up on her" Zaydan's head snapped towards her mother.

"You kissed her forehead, pushed the hairs strands away from her face lovingly. Who are you lying with Zaid? In last 15 days of her injury on the foot I didn't saw you even once talking to her, asking about her health. I was going to talk to you about all this but when I saw you last night, I understood one thing clearly 'You love her' "

"I don't love her" Came his straight forward answer with his stern and unwavering voice. Both his parents just smiled at him.

"Leave it for now Zaid. We know you care for her but she don't know anything. She must be waiting for you for past 15 days just for your mere words of asking her about her health. She is definitely hurt Zaid. Why can't you understand"? Zainab's voice came out helpless.

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