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"I want to eat chicken fajita pizza, zinger burger with loaded fries, Tikka malai boti, chicken wings, mutton curry with rogni naan, fried rice, Cheese burst sandwichs, biryani is a must you remember right

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"I want to eat chicken fajita pizza, zinger burger with loaded fries, Tikka malai boti, chicken wings, mutton curry with rogni naan, fried rice, Cheese burst sandwichs, biryani is a must you remember right........" She was going on and on and Zay was just looking as shocked as he was 4 months back. Each time he wonders can she really eat this much? But every time his Haya proves him wrong by eating all of food.

"Are you even listening Zay"? Came her angry voice. One of the side effects of the pregnancy from Zay is definitely very fearful. Her angry little wife.

"Of course Haya. I will get the food asap" He said and she shooed him away gesturing him to the door and laid comfortably closing her eyes. This was also not something new, she always does it ignoring him. He sighed looking at his Haya's angelic face before making his way out.

When he got back home, she was asleep. Should he wake her up? And the answer was yes because last time he didn't wake her up after getting the food and she literally ignored his existence for 2 whole days. Can you imagine 2 days without her attention towards him. It was hell.

"Haya! My Jaan. Wake up, i got the food you asked" He softly shooked her, she stirred a bit in her sleep mumbling 'Allah' knows what.
He again shooked her lightly earning a smack on his hand with her angry voice "Go to hell! Let me sleep for a while"

He looked at her in disbelief but said nothing. He properly covered her with the blanket and went to take shower. After that he started doing some work on his laptop as he wasn't going to office for months now because of Haya's pregnancy.

After 3 hours she woke up rubbing her knuckles on her eyes cutely. "My food"? That was the first thing she asked after waking up.

He smiled looking at her and stood up making his way towards her. Ruffling her hairs he gestured towards the table which was full from different kinds of food.

She smiled and a frown appeared on her beautiful face. "For how many hours i was asleep"? Her frown deepened. "3" He replied shrugging his shoulders and she gasped from shock.

"You lair! I can't sleep this much in afternoon. You are clearly lying on my face" She accusingly pointed at him. He just gave her 'You Done' look.

She threw the pillow at him and Zay perfectly catched it as this was His Haya's regular stunt.

"Fine I am lying. Now please can you eat. You didn't even had breakfast properly" He accepted his non-existed mistake. Passing her a smile he asked again "Want to sit on the sofa or will eat on the bed"?

"On sofa" She replied happily because he accepted his so called lie. He held both her hands and slowly made her sit on the sofa.

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