To be honest, I'm not updating this as much as I could but I'm in year 13 so I'm stressed. I can't believe how many people have read this and all the votes! I'm going to do this monthly, which I probably won't do but oh well! Thanks! - also ideas are needed!!!!
Max's pov
Even if we did prank them first it doesn't mean they have to do it back but I understand, however, our prank was harmless and could be removed in seconds, this hair colour is stuck till next week! My main concern is that they already think we aren't going to race properly now I have fucking orange hair meaning they will think I'm not being serious. I know I may be overreacting but I do care what people think of me.
I stood over the sink trying to scrub the colour out, but it didn't work. "Babe stop, you're going to hurt yourself," mick said as he grabbed my wrist, I look up and see mick and checo looking at me with worried eyes. "Are you alright?"
Stupid question idiot. " yeah I'm fine, now excuse me!" I pushed past them, I know I mentioned that I'm not really annoyed but it's more worry now. My father would have a massive go at me if he saw this, surprised if I could have raced the next day.
Mick's pov
There's something more to max that I can't figure out. "He acted weird for a bit of hair dye" I questioned checo.
"It's not like he's allergic? Grab me the box again?" I pass him the box and read it over his shoulder, nope nothing allergy-wise.
"Wait! How long does this last?"
"Uhhh around a week? Shit!" Checo runs about the room. I follow him to seb where I find him already reading the box.
"Oh my god, how did we miss that! I thought I said 7 hours! That's why they're so annoyed." Seb looks defeated, understandable every problem ever gets put on him.
" Love just relaxes, the rest of the boys will sort it, have a break." I lay him down on the bed and turn the light off and make my way down the stairs to the kitchen where I see Anna and Alex cooking omelettes, they hear me enter and slightly nod towards the pan, I whisper yes please and place my hands on Alex's waist.
"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to upset you and I had no clue it was 7 days I thought it was hours" I push my face in between his neck.
"Anna and I forgive you, although I can't say the same about Max. He seemed to like it was going to affect this hard persona he has at races." I pull away and sit at the counter as Anna gives me the omelette, I smile up and start eating.
"Checo and Daniel and talking to him, hopefully, they can solve it," I say and carry on eating.
Daniels pov
Checo and I enter the bedroom where max is, he looks unhappy and just panicky. "Max, love are you alright?" He nods and turns his head away from us and silently asks us to leave. We obliged and walked out of the room.
An hour later
Max hasn't come down from the bedroom yet and we need to get to the track for media day in around an hour, so I start eating the food placed in front of me and having a talk with Pierre.
Almost out of nowhere Charles runs down and pulls me upstairs, towards max's room. "Hey hey slow down what's wrong?" I question but get pushed into the room and see max sitting in the bath with raw fingernails and a red scalp. I thank Charles and tell him to go downstairs.
" max? Love? What happened?" I query moving to the sink for the first aid kit.
"I..l" he squeaks.
"Hey it's ok, let's get you clean up and we can talk" I stood up and left the room to turn the light down so it didn't hurt his eyes. I heard whimpering as I walked back into the room.
"Don't leave me again" he sobbed.
"I'm not going to leave you, I'm right here. Can I have a look at your head?" he nodded and tilted his head towards me, it was red and looked sore. He had managed to break a small bit of skin off in different places but nothing serious.
"Okay, it's not that bad just red and I assume sore. We'll get the doctor to check that over when we get to the track. Let me look at your hands now?" he pulled his hand away from my stomach and gave them to me, they looked similar to his head a few breaks of the skin which I patched up with a plaster.
"There all done, now do you talk to me or checo about this?" he pulled away and looked me in the eyes, then quickly latched onto me tightly.
"Woah, you're alright. Maxy are you ok to go to media today because we can always cancel?" he immediately nodded his head, this was unusual for max to be so quiet.
"Okay well we leave in 5 minutes, I'll let you get dressed and put a cap on yeah?" I started to pull away from him but he held a firm grip on me not letting me leave.
"No!" max whispered suddenly, I sighed and started picking him up and walking towards the wardrobe, quickly finding a red bull hat I gently placed that on his head earning a slight grasp from him.
"I know babe, I'm sorry it hurts. Let's head down?" I questioned.
"Please don't make a huge thing out of it, if they ask just say we will talk about it later. Please, Daniel?" I sigh knowing that I can't tell them.
"Fine but as soon as we get to the track, checo you and I are all heading to the doctor! No arguments." he nodded and once again relaxed into my arms. I went downstairs to the kitchen and asked checo to come out. He was a little surprised when he saw the human I had but gently smiled and kissed his cheek.
"What happened maxy?" checo asks looking over his plaster-covered fingers and cap-covered head.
"I'm sorry, daniel please?" I look towards checo and let him know that max want to tell everyone later but he agreed to go to the doctor with us, checo nodded and started heading for the car taking max from me as he signed towards the kitchen.
Checo's pov
Why does everything wrong happen to max wh isn't it someone else? I looked up as I saw everyone else entering the car giving sympathetic looks towards max who latched onto daniel as soon as he saw him, daniel gently lifted him on his lap and let his fingers glide over his back.
Once we got to the track, we had around an hour before media started so dan max and I made our way to the doctor, he told us to sit max on the bed and remove his hat which we did as it was causing irritation.
"Oh max, it's not that bad just red and very scratched up, keep it out of the sun for 2 weeks and it should heal. I've prescribed you tablets for that time as well to reduce the pain, but you're all clear to race."
That's a relief we are not letting max 'skip' another race because of illness.
"Okay, let's head to media then, Max? Are you sure you'll be alright?" he said he would and walked out the room with dan and i close behind.

The secretive
FanfictionWhat happens when Anna Cela joins the grid ahead of the new season, and is trying to hide a secret from the rest of the grid but are they also hiding something? All F1 drivers in a relationship with the same women, sounds crazy right? Not to these...