Toto - what the hell were you all thinking?! This is no place for messing about.
Seb - you have no right to speak, not after the way you spoke to Lewis.
Max - I don't care how much money you have, you can't speak to someone like that!
Christian - can someone tell us what happened so we can solve this?
Lewis - sorry guys it's my fault, if I hadn't been such a baby during FP2 we wouldn't be having this meeting.
Anna - no I'm sorry I can't listen to you talk down about yourself, Toto you shouldn't be the team boss of Mercedes. You're rude, arrogant, and fucking selfish. You don't tell a 7-time world champion to control their emotions because they are a man. Fuck you and everything you stand for.
Christian - I understand your frustrations but there is something else going on that we need to know, spill it.
Charles - i...we are in a relationship?
Zak - so you and Mrs Cela are together?
Lando - no Zak, we are all in a relationship. All of us are in a 13-way relationship.
Toto - fucking hell, how does that even happen?!
Christian - okay this is the plan, no media duties today go straight to wherever you're staying then we have that week off, we will discuss then what to do about this but for now, I'm happy for you all.
Meeting end
Daniel's pov
We got away with that better than I thought, at least we might not have to hide around our team garages anymore. Today was meant to be the day we ask Anna out but with all the drama I'm not so sure she'll say yes.
"Are we still asking her?" I said as we held a little meeting without Anna when we got home.
"I think we should, would it cheer everyone up a bit?" Mick said he had a point.
"What if she says no because she saw how shit it can be? '' Max expressed quickly after, he was always one to think of the negatives.
"Those in favour of asking her tonight say 'i'" I requested, 9 'i''s were heard meaning we would ask her tonight. The others wanted to ask her later in the month when everything calm again but I think it's important to keep her safe and it adds another person to talk to.
We already had a small plan together so we got to work, right now it was 7 pm local time meaning we had to do it quickly but as we had already planned it previously it didn't take too long.
8 pm
Anna's pov
I haven't heard from the boys for a couple of hours, not surprising seeing the day we had but they're usually so clingy, before I could think anymore I received a text.
Seb - look outside your room, there should be a box, wear what's inside, please?
Anna - can you tell me why I'm putting a very lovely black dress on that fits me perfectly?
Seb - just put it on than text me when you're done.
Anna - okay I will.
Messages end
Guess I spoke too soon, what on earth does he have planned? I don't feel like going out if he's doing that, but anyway guess I got to put this on. It was a cute black mini dress that goes to my knees, how they got my size I'll never know. I finished by putting on a pair of matching heels and doing my hair. Once I was content with how I looked I messaged Seb back saying I was done, he told me he would be up soon.

The secretive
أدب الهواةWhat happens when Anna Cela joins the grid ahead of the new season, and is trying to hide a secret from the rest of the grid but are they also hiding something? All F1 drivers in a relationship with the same women, sounds crazy right? Not to these...