Chapter 1 More Painful Than a Paper Cut

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When I was little, I always wanted to be strong.
I never was, but I still wished for it.
When I say strong, I mean I wanted to be tougher than anyone else physically and mentally.
But it didn't end up that way.
I'm still as weak and as quiet as ever.
The only thing I was ever good at was my speed.
I could outrun anybody I knew.
Sometimes I'd go for walks and just race the people jogging.
That's it though.

People always called me Shade.
I dunno why, but I think,...
I think it's cuz of the fact that whenever is run past someone, you'd only feel the wind hitting you.

My actual full name is Hannah Frozen.
Funny last name, right?
Well I got teased for it but only by my cousins.

Ah yes I still remember the day.

The day when my WHOLE FAMILY died.

They were slaughtered by assassins.
I knew this because I studied weapons and how to use them.
Though I've never touched a sword in my life, I wanted to.
That's why I studied it.

I've never really experienced anything action packed before.
Maybe a couple scraps between family members but nothing bloody.
Unless paper cuts or the random nosebleed counts.
Without fists I mean.

I was actually out getting groceries.
When I got back to the big house we all lived in, I saw a lot of dead bodies.
Just a Bloody mess.
After I discovered my family was killed, I started to travel away from there and change my name.

Shade Greyer is my name now.

I'll describe me for you,
Long deep red hair and a dark navy blue color in my eyes.
I'm really quiet but really fast and athletic.
Not once have I gotten into a fight.
The only hobbies I have is literally drawing and singing.
Well, other than the occasional dance I do in my room with an invisible partner, that's it.
If that makes any sense.
My favorite color is green and my favorite animal is a cat.
*Just in case anybody cares*.

I'm not sure where I was going but it had to be far away from my dead family.
Because if the assassins came back and saw me there, they'd probably do worse to me.

As much as it hurt me to leave them all there, I had to.
I know if they were still alive they'd tell me to do the same thing.
But I'm pretty sure most of them would still have their heads if they were gonna tell me to do something.

It's more painful than a paper cut.
To leave your whole family out in the open.
With nothing to burry them in or put over top of them.
Without saying goodbye to their faces, and just turning and leaving, is the most unbearable pain you'd ever feel.
Unless you're a heartless bastard who could care less.

Where was I going?
Not sure.
When would I stop?
Not sure.
Would I stop?
Not sure.

But I kept walking for about two days.
No stopping to sleep, just kept on going.

I felt I was close to somewhere safe and started going faster.
Then I saw what I was going to.
It was a school.
An Academy.

I was so excited.
They can help me!

Just then, somebody shot up from the ground and blocked my path.
It was a girl.
She had short pink hair with most of it tied back into a small ponytail thing at the back of her head.
Also these lime green eyes that looked so strongly at you.
She was...
So cute...

"Stop right there, missy." She said in a slightly high pitched voice.
"You are not passing me. My name is Abby Martins. My job is to protect the Academy from strangers just passing by."

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